💔𝐼𝓉'𝓈 𝑜𝓋𝑒𝓇💔

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The vision was blurry. he couldn't see what was in front of him. his face sting a lot. he couldn't even see what was happening.

Johnny slowly got up. he held his right eye, that was bleeding endlessly. his vision was blurry. He couldn't even see where he was anymore. all Johnny was feeling was traumatized. he looked up. seeing his roommate James, staring up angrily. like he was on a rampage again.

James, he punched Johnny in the face after mentioning his father's name. all Johnny saw was James destroying his house and then punching him right in the face. Johnny made a mistake. he was angry because James was drinking again. he promised he'll stop, and he lied.

"Ugh, go wash yourself up. I don't want anyone seeing you like this" James rubbed his face and walked away into the room. he heard him shut the door and locking it. Johnny just stood there. not knowing what to even do. all he felt was his left eye. that was killing him.

he was now feeling nauseous he couldn't. he didn't, He didn't even know what just happened. wait! he's standing near the door. he could sneak out, without James knowing. he's probably drinking and probably gonna pass out.

Johnny carefully walked to the door. still his head spin. he open the door, walking out and closing it behind him. he started to make his way down the path, to the small town. Johnny's left eye was still bleeding, still dripping down his head.

Johnny suddenly tripped and fall down. the world was spinning beneath his head. Everything was causing motion sickness. the air smelled like how it should be. Johnny looked to see a rose just chilling. it was red, almost like... wait! his brother, Michael!

Johnny immediately knew he could go to his brother's house. he groan as he lift himself up from the ground. feeling pain in his eye. but he tried to be strong as a man he is. he continues to walk down the path. until he got to the town.

Finally for a few minutes, he got there. seeing cars driving by and parking beside. Johnny had tears rolling down his face, he was still traumatized after what just happened. James, why would he hit him. I mean, I would be mad if someone mentioned about my family's deaths. but I wouldn't hit that person so hard for their eye to bleed endlessly and almost dying.

Johnny knew he was close to Michael's house. he could feel the sense. he made a quick stop and slide down the wall. Johnny immediately started groaning in pain, the blood on his hand was everywhere. the blood wouldn't stop flowing down.

Johnny: why does it hurt so bad? did James really hit me that hard? the pain feels unbearable, it feels like a throbbing sensation from behind my eye.

This pain felt worse than a bite from an animal. Johnny just wanted to get to Micheal's house. he's the only person who would be awake at this time. Joe, Tyler or Elias wouldn't be awake. they go to bed around 10:00. Johnny finally saw Michael's house.

Johnny: breath in.. and out, once I see my brother. I know I'll be ok"

Johnny looked up at Michael's house. he fall down but picked himself up. he collapsed on the door. banging endlessly on it. "Michael... please answer!" Johnny cried out.

the door opens to reveal Micheal. Johnny collapsed in his arms. Micheal was surprised but immediately gasp when he saw his brother bleeding. "Johnny!" Micheal bought him into his arms.

now in Micheal's arms. Johnny broke down his tears and sobbing. holding Micheal tightly. he was shaking in his arms. he was scared and upset. he continued to cry in Micheal's arms.

"Shhhh.... It's ok, It's ok It's ok" Micheal comfort his little brother. he eventually calm down. "Hold on" Micheal closed the door behind Johnny. "What the HELL happened?" Micheal walked to the couch. Johnny was still shaking. he walked to the couch and stand in front of Micheal.

"Sit down.." Micheal sat Johnny down and sat beside him. "Who the hell did this to you?" He asked angrily. Johnny couldn't speak, he was too traumatized of what happened a while ago back at his house.

Micheal touched Johnny's eye softly. but groan when it was touched. "I-I don't know I don't know I-It hurts I- uh- what- do- I do? I can't-" Micheal immediately shut Johnny up. "Johnny, you have to calm down!" He said.

Johnny saw his brother's expression. like he never seen before. he saw Micheal's eyes was filled with anger. like he saw fire behind his back. "M-m-m-Micheal I don't- I don't know if- I- I-" Micheal made Johnny look at him. "JOHNNY!" He was startled by the way Micheal shouted.

"Johnny, I need you to calm down" Micheal rubbed his head against Johnny's right cheek. he didn't wanna hurt the other so he decided to. "Micheal..." Johnny held Micheal's arm. "Shhh.. hey it's ok, don't force yourself to talk" Micheal was good at comforting his brother.

"Ima go get bandages to stop the bleeding" Micheal got up and walked into the bathroom to get some bandages to stop the bleeding. seriously, how hard did James hit Johnny. really hard for his head to bleed.

Micheal came back. he wrapped the bandages around Johnny's head. covering his eye. "Alright, better?" He asked looking down. "Yeah..." Johnny nodded. "Now, tell me who did this to you" Micheal asked. "I... I- I" Johnny was a little scared to reveal that James did this.

"Johnny, tell me. if they threaten you, I'll make sure they won't hurt you" Micheal was also good at protecting his little brother. he had weapons. but he doesn't show them because he can get arrested for that.

"Find... James did this" Johnny revealed it. at that moment, Micheal squeezed his hands. "I fucking knew it..." Micheal mumbled. "Huh?" Johnny didn't hear that. "Nothing, just... thanks for telling me" Johnny knew Micheal was pissed. he saw his brother's eyes rage and he can see his veins show.

"Johnny" Micheal brings Johnny into his arms. "Y-yeah?" Johnny asked nervously. "I don't want you going back there, you hear?" Asked Micheal. "Micheal, that's my house. I don't wanna lose it and my daughter is there too" Johnny said.

"I'll go with you back to your house, I don't want you going back alone" Michael said. Johnny nodded. "I'll call cops and he'll be sent back to the asylum where he belongs" Michael kissed Johnny's forehead. (A brother thing, not a ship!)

"O-ok..." Johnny wasn't sure if he wanted to leave James. but after he did this, he felt abused. used and r#ped. "I'm tired..." Johnny yawn and laid in Michael's chest. "You can stay here for a few days or as many you want, I'll make sure your daughter is okay" Michael promised his brother.

He fell asleep on him, Michael carried Johnny to his room and laid him there. "Sleep well little brother..." Michael kissed Johnny's forehead again. he walked out of the room. he immediately took out his phone and called 911. he was sick and tired of seeing his brother get beating. he wanted to put an end to James's abuse.

🚪~𝐵𝑜𝓈𝓈 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝐸𝓂𝓅𝓁𝑜𝓎𝑒𝓇~🚪 ❤️𝒪𝓃𝑒𝓈𝒽𝑜𝓉𝓈❤️ (James X Johnny)Where stories live. Discover now