❤️𝒴𝑜𝓊𝓇 𝑀𝒾𝓃𝑒💔

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(This will contain sexual content and sexual harassment. this was after James killed his sister and her husband Elias)

Johnny was still awake while James was fast asleep. Johnny had tears in his eyes. he was crying softly. he felt like a monster, he helped James kill his sister, and traumatized William (seek) he didn't know what to do anymore, he was in James's strings. the strings were strong and were powerful. Johnny couldn't break them at all.

When he closed his eyes to sleep. he felt a hand land on his shoulder. Johnny didn't dare look. he didn't even love James anymore as he used to. James sat up, while he put his hand on Johnny's rib. "My sweet Johnny" James goes close into Johnny's neck. "Your body feels soft and hot..." James rubs Johnny's rib. "J-James..." Johnny tried pushing him off. But James pin his hands to the bed. Johnny looked up at James. he looked like a real pervert.

"Let me love your body..." James goes down to Johnny's chest. Johnny closed his eyes tight. he looked away from James. he kissed Johnny's chest as a moan escaped from Johnny's mouth. "Ahhh... your moans are just a dream I can always listen too" James grabs Johnny's cheeks and kissed him deeply. his tongue exploring around Johnny's mouth. "Mh!~" Johnny moans as he tried pushing him off him. But James was way too strong. He continued to kiss Johnny as moans come out of the two.

Finally after 5 minutes, Johnny got a break from the kiss. "Please St-" James cuts him off. "We're not done yet baby~" James yet puts his crotch into Johnny's. he heard a moan from Johnny and he squeezed his hands together. Johnny had tears in his eyes. he felt like he was being sexualized. "J-James~" Johnny puts his hands on James's shoulders. trying to keep him away from his face. "No one is gonna get hurt darling, if you let me f#ck you" James goes down and kisses Johnny again. he moans as he pushed Johnny into the bed.

Up and down they went from James going deeper in Johnny's mouth. he broke the kiss and went down into Johnny's left neck. "J-James~" Johnny moans his name as he held James's back shoulders. "Shhh~" James didn't give Johnny a warning. he quickly bites his neck and sucks on it. Johnny moans loud as he felt his neck getting sucked on. "J-Jam-ahh~" Johnny breaths softly as he lay his head into the pillow of the bed.

"You smell very good" James licked Johnny's neck last time. James lays into Johnny's chest. purring loud and softly. Johnny felt uncomfortable now. he was comfortable when he used to love James. but now after everything James did. Johnny's love for James disappeared.

"I love you more than anything~" James said in Johnny's ear. Johnny turn his head away. James chuckled, he wasn't done yet. he went to Johnny's legs. he slowly pulled his pants down. Johnny gasp immediately and tried kicking James's away. but James tightly held them down to the bed. "James, stop please!" Johnny cried out while crying. "Shhh~ don't cry my beautiful boy" James smiled psychopathy. he then rubbed the legs softly. they felt soft and warm.

Johnny felt trapped. he couldn't do anything at all. James then did it, he started biting them and licking them. Johnny moans hard. he tried pushing James's head away. he breaths and moans at the same time. James went up to Johnny's face. he kissed him again as Johnny's face turned red. why tho, he didn't love James anymore? Johnny tried breaking the kiss. But James pulled him back and kissed him again.

Finally after 20 minutes. James got bored. he lay Johnny into his chest. "If you don't your daughter on my next kill List, you stay with me, got it?" James threaten to kill Johnny's daughter Mimi. he immediately nodded. Johnny started crying but didn't make any sobbing noises. "You're mine... forever~" James rubs Johnny's back and back head. Johnny closed his eyes, he wanted this nightmare to end, but how can it if it's real?

🚪~𝐵𝑜𝓈𝓈 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝐸𝓂𝓅𝓁𝑜𝓎𝑒𝓇~🚪 ❤️𝒪𝓃𝑒𝓈𝒽𝑜𝓉𝓈❤️ (James X Johnny)Where stories live. Discover now