🏳️‍🌈𝐼'𝓁𝓁 𝓌𝒶𝒾𝓉 𝒻𝑜𝓇 𝓎𝑜𝓊𝓇 𝑒𝓎𝑒𝓈🏳️‍🌈 (Blind JohnnyAU)

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(Here's a story, blind Johnny Au is where Johnny's eyes were burned after an incident happened after a fire exploded and burned his eyes making him blind. James now has to take care of Johnny till his eyes get recovered)

It felt like a dark place where he couldn't find a way out. Johnny sat on the couch silent and just didn't anything. all he saw was darkness. like a dream but just blackness. Johnny sometimes touches his eyes, but they end up getting a sharp pain when he did. they will start bleeding and he'll have to get new ones put on.

While he sat on the couch. he heard footsteps coming over. he felt someone sat near him. he knew it will be James. "Hey Johnny, I bought you some water you wanted. and PLEASE stop touching your face, you're make them bleed worser" James holds Johnny's hands. "I'm sorry James... I just feel like.. I'm in a dark place" Johnny frown.

"Here, have a sip" James passed over Johnny the glass of water. Johnny took a sip of it. he gave it back to James and sat it on the coffee table. "I know it's stressful and you're going through a hard time. but hey, don't worry. I'll be your eyes till the hospital knows your eyes will be back again" James kisses Johnny on the forehead. "Ok..." Johnny lay into James's chest. he felt comfortable in his chest. James turned on the tv and turned on a movie.

Johnny couldn't see the movie, but James will explained to him what happens what the people look like in the movie. Johnny felt happy to have James. he half had trouble in the mind. but James still controlled himself and loves Johnny back. "Holy sh-t" James surprised by a part. "What happened?" Asked Johnny kindly. James smiled and kissed his cheek.

"The guy kissed Lizzy, that's my favourite part of you and I" James said. Johnny gave a chuckle and tried kissing his cheek. James did help him and felt a kiss. his favourite part was Johnny's lips. he loved they felt. 30 minutes passed. Johnny kinda wanted to go somewhere and wanted to invite Joe, Michael and Tyler along.

"James" Johnny called his name. James looked down at him. "Hm?" Johnny stood up while James held his hands. "Can we go out and hang? I wanna invite Joe, Michael and Tyler along" Johnny asked kindly and politely. James thought for a minute, then accept that. "Sure, just for you because I love you" James kissed Johnny's forehead again. "Let's go, I'll guide you" James grabs Johnny's stick to help him walk. The both walk together to the door.

James grabbed his keys and locked the door behind him. outside was beautiful and peaceful. "Let's go then, I'll call them and were meet up around the park" James said grabbing his phone. Johnny nodded and hugged James while walking with him.

After they got to the park, they saw Joe, Michael and Tyler waiting for them. "Hey! guys" James waved. the free looked and waved back. "Heyyy what's up my man?" Tyler and James high five and hugged each other. "Hello James" Joe hugged James. "Sup" Michael smoked his cigarette. "Hey Johnny, you doing alright?" Asked Joe. Johnny only gave a nod and a smile. he wish he could see him and the others. "You wanted to hang? hell yeah!" Tyler snapped his fingers.

"Yeah... maybe we could go somewhere to eat or go get drinks and hang around the park or city?" Asked Johnny. the four thought that be amazing. "Aww yeah!!" Tyler smacked Michael behind the head. Michael gave a glare at him because he made him drop his cigarette. he now had to put it out.

"Alright then, let's take Tyler's car" James said. "Yeah, we can do stuff together Joe, roar~" Tyler is always being a horny bi*ch towards the others but not Elias since he isn't really into him and gets bored of him. Joe slaps him and just walked off to go to Tyler's house. "Alright Tyler, while Johnny is blind. I need you to be less horny and responsible to him" James said. Michael agreed with him. "Ughhh, find whatever. he's my third favourite so ok" Tyler rolled his eyes. he walked away with Joe. the free followed them from behind.

After they drove around. they decided to stop by Starbucks to get some drinks. "And that's all" James was paying for their drinks but more for Johnny. "Alright sir your drinks will be ready soon" the lady said. "Thank you" James walked away and sat with his gang. "So, how long is Johnny gonna be blind? no offence" Tyler asked. James sighed but calm down.

"The Doctor said there's a big % chance that Johnny would be blind for the rest of his life, or a little % chance that his eyes would be recovered when they heal. They said it will probably take 5 or 7 months to get them healed because the explosion burned his eyes badly" James explained. "Jeez, wish we didn't bought him into that sh*t" Joe felt guilty. "Hey guys don't worry, I'm alright. I'm sure I'll see again... well, for now I gotta just stick to this" Johnny scratched his back hair. James hugged him and kissed his cheek.

Johnny chuckled and lay into his chest. "Here's your drinks boys" the waiter puts five's drinks in the middle. "Aww yeah!" Tyler started taking a sip of it. "Thank you, have a nice day" James said. "You too" the waiter smiled and walked away back to the back.

"Let's drink outside" Michael suggested. they nod and were outside enjoying their drinks. "And then and then! I found out they given fake f*cking money! I mean you know why I wanted to use your gun James" Tyler explain about something that happened to him. "Yeah but you like to waste my bullets so that's a no" James said. Joe and Michael chuckled while sipping.

Tyler then started to talk about something funny while the free laughed and talked as well. meanwhile, Johnny was just silent. thinking about other stuff, or... thinking about the incident that he was involved in. he remembers what's happened.

they were after someone who tried stealing James's money the person started shooting while the others defended themselves. Johnny didn't wanna get involved so he tried running away. but backfired when the person shot a red bull in front of Johnny. everyone went flying and everything went dark.

All Johnny heard was police. but when he now felt a huge sharp pain in his eyes. he started screaming and crying in pain. he felt arms grab him and he felt being put on a bed. he heard ambulance sirens. he didn't know what was going on. he thought he was getting help. but how would he know if he's traumatized. "Mr. Johnny can you hear me? are you feeling pain?" that was a voice Johnny heard when he was in a dark place. he didn't saying back.

he didn't know what just happened. it's like a nightmare came true. Johnny dropped his drink and started breathing hard. "Johnny, you ok?" James puts his hand on his shoulder. Johnny didn't respond. he was about to cry. he felt like he was in a place called backrooms. he started hearing voices in his head.

please let them stop...! please...!

Johnny covered his ears. why won't they go away? but while panicking. Johnny felt someone hug him. he didn't know who it was. but he hugged them back. that would be his big twin older brother Michael. "Johnny... Breath for me, ok?" Michael was good at comforting Johnny. James hugged him as well. Joe and Tyler just sat there feeling sorry for Johnny.

"You're not alone, just breath for us Johnny..." James and Michael comforted Johnny until he calmed down. "I think it's best we all go home" Joe mentioned. "Yeah, I'll see you all tomorrow at work" James picked up Johnny and started walking off back to his and Johnny's house. "See you Johnny..." Michael crossed his arms.

James unlocked the door. he walked inside with Johnny. he lay him on the couch. "J-James..." Johnny held James still. he didn't wanna let him go. "Shh.. it's ok" James whispered. "I love you more than anything in the world.." James said. Johnny smiled and kissed James on the lips. James picks up Johnny again and walked upstairs to their room. he pushes him into the bed. Getting into the kiss. "Hmm~" James pins Johnny in the bed.

Johnny and James moan as he pulled up Johnny's shirt. he broke the kiss. he sucked Johnny's neck as a moan escaped from his mouth.

(That's all, the rest of the night they done that)

🚪~𝐵𝑜𝓈𝓈 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝐸𝓂𝓅𝓁𝑜𝓎𝑒𝓇~🚪 ❤️𝒪𝓃𝑒𝓈𝒽𝑜𝓉𝓈❤️ (James X Johnny)Where stories live. Discover now