Coming out

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WARNING: lgbtq2s+, gore/blood, cursing.

Third person POV:
It's been 5 months since Denki and Shinsou have been dating, they go out on small dates, big dates, they love each other with all their hearts but...

Shinsou POV:
I have enjoyed every last day with denki, but it was finally time to come out to my parents. I mean they already know I'm gay, but they don't know that I'm dating someone, let alone dating denki, A LOUD BLONDE. Me denki have been planning on telling my parents for a while now...
"Ok so we tell them on Saturday, a.k.a in two days," he asked a little confused, I laugh.
"What, is there something on my face!?" He ask's all panicked.
"No, just your confusion," I answer, I can't bare him thinking he did something bad.
"What confusion," he asks all dumb founded.
"Nothing, back to what I was saying, wear whatever you're comfortable with. Got it?" I ask, confirming the plan.
"Kk, can't wait- oh can I wear my pikachu sweater," he asks with little puppy dog eyes.
"Yeah, you can were your pikachu sweater," I answer while I admire my small boyfriend.
"Yes!" he says in cheerful way.
Two days later
Today's the day, I thought to myself as I got ready, I hope they don't freak out, especially papa he might break our ears, plus scare the living shit out of denks.
"Shinbae~," yells a voice from out side my door.
"Mina, is that you, what do want," I yell back not ready for her 'tea' bullshit.
"Are you ready, denks is~," she says in her annoying little, 'I got something up my sleeve', voice.
"I am ready, be out in a sec," oh god, what did she do. I grab my phone and wallet and run out the door, only to see denki, my boyfriend wearing a skirt.
"Mina, why the hell do i have to wear this?!" Denki asked Mina, annoyed.
"Because it's cuuutttteeee," she answered as she admired her creation.
"I-I uhm..." Words wouldn't come out my mouth.
"Are you flustered~," teased mina.
"What does that mean?" Asked my stupid partner.
"N-nothing, d-don't worry about it," I answered as quickly as I could.
"Nothing~, I don't think so," butted in Mina.
"You know what, we have to go, bye Mina," I said grabbing denkis arm and dragging him out the dorms.
"Wait, I'm still wearing this damn skirt," complained denki.
"Doesn't matter, you look good either way," I say not really thinking.
Ten minutes later:
We sat at a small table as we wait for my dads'
Denks was half asleep, he leaned on my shoulder as I held his small hand. I heard the door open and saw my parents, I quickly woke up Denki, and stood up as if nothing had happened. Dad looked at me with a tired expression.
"Mr.Pikachu, you're here too," smiled Eri.
"Hey, Little miss," played Denki.
"Why the heck is Kaminari here?" My dad said, a little annoyed,
"Well..theres something the two of us have been meaning to tell you." I began, nervous for his reaction.
"Wait..i think i know whats going on here!" Papa winked at me.
I was stunned, papa probably knew exactly what I was gonna say,  he was just like Mina, except..he's a top.  Meanwhile, Denks looked confused.
"Wait, you do?" He asked, tilting his head like a little cat, I loved when he did that, he looked so cute.
"Can I get a choco' milk with unicorn cream, papa?" Eri asked, with small puppy dog eyes.
"Oh hel-heck ya, can we," said Denks, as he played along with Eri. I smiled at my little sister and boyfriend getting along.
"Of course hunny," answers my papa with a smile "I will get you one to little listener," he adds, as he turns to Denks.
"Can't believe we're paying for my students drink," mumbles my dad, trying to act rational.
After getting the drinks
We sat down as Eri licked her "unicorn cream" as she liked to call it. Denki sipped his drink, I smiled at him, he smiled back, then I took a deep breath.
"Dad, Papa, I have something to say now.."
Papa smirked, Denks blushed, and dad looked exasperated. Like he was bored of waiting.
"Okay so..Me and Denks..are," I paused, then said: "Dating." I said in one breath.
"What?" Asked my dad in a bittersweet tone.
"Oh come dad, If you have a loud blonde, I can have one too," Denks seemed to blush at my statement.
"OMG, which one of you is a top?" Asked papa in a playful tone, just like Mina.
"Me, of course," I answer, as confident as Bakugou.
"What no, I am obviously the top," argued Denki.
"Sure," I laughed in a playful tone.
"Does that mean mr. Pikachu is now 'mr. Dating my brother'?" asked Eri with a confused, yet happy face.
"I guess that's true, Little Miss," said Denki with a wide smile.
"Yay~," cheered Eri, as she took a sip of her 'choco milk'. My parents were super supportive, papa teased a bit, and my dad's relationship with Denki got a little more friendly. Eri was probably the second happiest one of us, 'cause no one was happier  than Denks, he was practically jumping.
Time skip, they hot back to the dorms
That was fun night, we ended up going to the park, Eri made a new friend named Rin. Denks played with the two, god how was he so good with kids. I hate kids, well except for Eri. Denki and I decided you have a little sleepover, but it had to be interrupted by the loud villain alarms...

✨🥐how interesting, I wonder what will happen next✨🥐

✨🥐947 words yay✨🥐

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