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Shinsou POV:
I'd fixed up a nice dinner for Denks. He always loved getting flowers and having dinner-dates. It was like no matter how many times I did the same dinner, he'd still be so happy.
"I'm home!!!!" I heard his voice echo from the hallway.
"Denki!" I ran over to him and kissed his cheek.
"Hi! What was your surprise?!" He asked excitedly.
I gave a small laugh and took his hand. He grinned as I led him to the dining room.
"Oh, Shin!" His smile grew wider as he saw the dinner.
He leaned over and placed a small peck on my lips. I blushed a bit and pulled out a chair for him to sit down.
Denki POV:
Shinsou knew I loved this kind of stuff. We ate, laughed, and talked. I loved it, but I couldn't help but wonder if it'd all be different after we got married. Would we be less casual? I tried to relax and enjoy myself, I did succeed in having fun.
"Do you want to watch a movie?" I asked Shinsou. I wasn't really ready to sleep, I was still thinking.
"Sure, what movie?"
I picked one at random out of my head. "Um...Twilight?"
During the middle of the movie, I felt my eyelids droop. I still didn't want to sleep. A hand tucked hair behind my ear, and my head rested on Shinsou's shoulder.
My eyes fluttered open to see Shinsou fast asleep. I blushed and continued to lean on his shoulder.
"No good morning?"
My head snapped up, "I-I thought you were asleep,"
"I'm just kidding, princess." Shinsou kissed my forehead.
"What time is it?" I rubbed my eyes.
Shinsou picked his phone up, "10:35. Did you have any missions today?"
"No." I answered. I was hoping to maybe spend the day with him, I was still so worried about the whole "getting married-you guys are together forever now" 
It wasn't that I didn't want to be with him forever, I did. But I was scared.
"Did you want to do something?" I asked hopefully,
"Uh..I don't know, I just wanted to hang out with you." He smiled. I relaxed a bit.

Shinsou POV:
I wanted to spend a few days with Denki, I'd seen him pacing around and looking nervous. I was nervous too, but I didn't want him to be.
"What do you wanna do?" I asked him.
"Oh..I don't know, maybe just talk? Or something..."
I smiled at him, I wanted the same thing, just to talk...
Me and Denki had been talking, laughing, and playing board games for like—I don't know, 7 hours? When Denks and I simultaneously got a text.
"Oh it's Mina." He started typing a reply.
"That's funny, my text was from Kirishima." I took a glance at the text.
"Oh, Mina's asking to go shopping."
"So is Kirishima." I answered with a laugh.
Denks gave a soft laugh and phoned Mina.

Kirishima: Mina's gonna buy some girly shit with Denki I think. She told me to get you to go shopping too.
Shinsou: Ok, Denks is gonna be with Mina.
Kirishima: K, did you guys start planning?
Shinsou: yeah a bit, me and Mina.
Kirishima: okay, she said that we should plan a bit more while she's with Denki.

I turned to Denki, "You gonna go meet up with Mina?"
"Yeah. I'll see you later." He kissed my cheek.
Kirishima showed up at my place, with like—the whole squad—I was surprised when I opened the door.
"Really?" I exhaled a sigh.
"Oh come on man!" Monoma said,
"It's fine, but I really didn't expect all of you."
"Well too bad." Bakugo smirked.
We talked and related most of the details for the wedding. Like who my best man was, (Bakugo) and what the whole ceremony would look like. I was surprised that Bakugo agreed to be my best man, since he was a bit overprotective of Denki, even if he didn't show it too often; almost everyone knew he cared about him. Well, except maybe Denki himself.
"Kirishima." I turned to him.
"Please try to control Mina and her tears at the wedding. Please."
"Uhm.. I don't know if I can—"
"What do you mean 'I don't know.'? She's your wife dude."  He's been married to her for like a year, how the hell does he not know how to control her?
"I'll try." He sighed.

Hi lovelies! Short chapter because not a lot of people are interested anymore. Where did you all go?  ☹️🥲

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