They meet again...

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WARNING: lgbtq2s+, gore/blood, cursing.

Denki POV:
      It's been two whole weeks since I last saw him, my boyfriend, well if I could still call him that. I never really wanted to be a villain, I was forced to. My 'father' was a villain and once he found out about my quirk he knew that I would be one too...

      He trained me day and night, I never got breaks, it was all train, train, and trauma. I got used to it eventually, but it still hurt, my own father never loved me. I remember that terrible day, when my quirk manifested...
I'm finally four years old! I'm gonna get my quirk now!
Denki's father calls him down,
Let's go see your quirk, brat.
Ok dad..
They drive to the doctor,
Hello, sir how can I help you?
The receptionist was super nice, I liked her,
We have an appointment to see Dr.Rin,
Oh, you must be Mr.Kaminari,
Yep thats me!
I hated when my dad faked his smile, but isn't that what I was doing?
All right, you can have seat right there, the doctor will be right with you,
We walked over to the seat and my dads smile changed,
Listen here brat, if you say anything stupid I will kill you,
I thought he didn't mean it but... he did,
Hi, who do we have here?
I wanted to answer with my name, but something told me not to.
This is my son Denki.
He really thought he could hide that hint of disgust in his tone?
Well buddy, why don't you just give me your hand, and I can see your quirk,
I didn't want to, I was scared, but I knew if I didn't, I would get in big trouble,
Once he saw my quirk, he related it to my father. His eyes lit up, I didn't like that...

Shinsou POV
    We are going to find Denks, no matter what. I don't care what is in my way, I will find my Denks.
"Hey, Shin, you coming?"
    I envisioned Denki standing in the doorway, waiting for me. I looked up and saw, to my disappointment, Mina.
"Yeah, I'm coming," I answered, a little sad. Well, really sad, but my tone showed just the slightest sadness. Mina turned around, running to help the rest of the class. I followed. I imagined myself seeing Denki, he was there in front of me, and all I could do was watch him leave...
     The first villain I saw was the young blonde, the one who had a huge crush on floaty girl. She had already pinned her down, and I could see the flirting girl make a move. Ochako was stunned, but she kept attacking, I didn't intervene, this was the start of a long love.
     I ran to find the rest of the group, but was stopped in my tracks to see a man, one I have never seen in my life. But, he seemed familiar, he looked like Denki, but more evil looking. The man laughed, an evil, and sinister laugh.
     He looked me in the eye and yelled "So your the so called 'boyfriend' my son is talking about,"
I tensed up, son? This was Denki's dad? I wanted to ask Denki a million different questions. But I couldn't..So I would ask the one who came in his place.
"Where's Denki?!" I demanded.
"He is right here," he answered.
        A small boy came from behind him, he had the same face and hair, but he was different... this wasn't the Denki I know...this wasn't my Denks..
His hair has switched, the bolt on his hair was now yellow, and his hair was black. He had a evil smile that made me want to cry, his small, kind, and gentle smile was gone...
"Now my child, show him the necklace," the ugly man chuckled.
"Y-yes father," Denki seemed to be turned off, he didn't have his spark.
"What necklace, and what does that have to do with anything?" I yelled, I was angry but curious.
"You don't remember? The necklace you gave my son,"
     The necklace, how could I forget, I gave it to him on our first date. I got him a yellow necklace with a shiny little pikachu charm. He got me a beautiful cat charm, which I wear all the time. I loved it so much, the smile on his face when he saw the necklace was breathtaking.
     Denki brought out a small box that held something inside, he slowly and carefully opened it, and there is where I saw the necklace I gave him.
"This, this means nothing to him!" Denki's father growled. As Denki held it in his hands, he hesitated, Denki gave me a glance, I wanted to cry.
"Denks, don't do it, you loved that necklace. Don't let this monster make you something you're not!" I felt a tear fall, I didn't want to see this.
"I-I don't ha-have a choice..." he looked at me, his eyes had a small tear. I couldn't stand this, to see my Denks like this..
"Denki...?" Mina had just walked in, the shock on her face couldn't compare to what I felt.
Denki's face turned back to emotionless, he took the necklace and threw it on the floor, stepping on it. My heart shattered into a million pieces, just like the necklace. Mina stared at her friend in disbelief, I could see the shock in her eyes.
"See, you mean nothing to my son," yelled the old hag.
I could see denki flinch at his father's statement, I could tell Denki didn't approve of all the things his father said.
His father pointed at me and grinned, "Attack him."
I couldn't speak, I wanted to jump and give him the biggest hug I could give. I wanted my Denks back..
Denki began to follow his father's orders, walking toward me.
"Denks, please, this isn't you! I know it isn't.." A tear flowed down my cheek.
Denki hesitated for a minute, earning a sharp glance from his father.
Mina chimed in, yelling; "Denks! Please wake up, don't leave us..we haven't even gone on a double date yet!" She said, shedding a tear.
Suddenly a little girl with blue hair passed me, until i realized who it was..
"Eri come back here!" Dad yelled after her, I tried to stop her but I was too slow.
"Don't make us hurt you, little girl!" Denki's dad stared Eri down.
Denki stopped in his tracks as soon as he saw her, his face frozen.
"M-Mr. Pikachu..?" Eri timidly looked at him, I could see tears welling up in her eyes.
"L-Little M-miss..?"

Oh, I'm going to cry-, oh wait, I can't cry we're supposed to be writing not crying.
✨🥐1124 words, yay✨🥐
Told you we'd make a long chapter

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