A year...

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Shinsou POV:
It's been a year Denks, it's finally time to bring you back, Eri is super excited, she wants to save you soo bad. So do I.
"Shinsou... It's time." Dad was waiting for me at my door, even he was excited.
"Yes sir!"

Eri was waiting in a chair near the entrepreneurial of the lab, in front of her was a table. It had a white cloth on top of a body, Denki's body...
"You ready, Eri?"
"Ready as I'll ever be!"
We walked up to table where a bunch of heroes stood, papa was next all might, who was next to, ugh, Endeav-hoer.
"Hello young Shinsou!"
"Hi... All might."
"Why am I here again!?" That bitch asked annoyingly.
"You can leave, trust me no one wants you here... Endeav-bitch!" I muttered , no one likes him after what he did to Shoto, "and I especially don't want my boyfriend to see your ugly ass face when he wakes up.."
"What did I just hear!?" Endeav-whore stared me down,
"You heard me complain about your ugly ass scar and your ugly ass attitude." The whole room was in shock as I stared right back at him.
"Can we just get this over with?" Eri tugged on me, "Please?"
I nodded at her and smiled, but I side eyed that bitch ass Endeav-hoer.
"Let's do this," 'you're going to come home to me, Denks!' I almost say.
"Everyone step back!"
"Yes Sir!"
Eri walks up to the white sheet that covered Denki's body, she then slowly pulls it off of his face. I saw a small shiver from Eri. She looked back at me, as if wanting approval. I nod at her and give a small smile. She looked hesitant, maybe she needed some encouragement. I walked over to her and placed my hands on her shoulders.
"You can do it Eri, and you can always back out. I know Denks wouldn't want you to feel uncomfortable." I talked to her softly, trying to soothe her.
"I want to do it! I want him to come back.." She said with a tear in her eye.
I smiled, "I do too, do your thing candy apple." I used my nickname for Eri.
Eri POV:
I wanted to bring him back, but I was so nervous. I didn't want to let everyone down. Let Denki down..
I felt calmness wash over me as Shinsou placed his hands on my shoulders. His words of reassurance and him calling me 'candy apple' raised my confidence just a bit, but then again, only a bit. I walked up to the peaceful looking Denki, he looked like he hadn't slept in years and was now finally resting, but he had rested enough.
"I will bring you back, Mr. Pikachu!"
The lights around started to flicker, my horn started to glow, the heroes watched in shock. Denki's eyes started to open slightly, I saw a small tear fall down Hito's cheek. I faced Denki, I was finally going to see him again, but I went to far, he was back to when he was being controlled by his father.
"What the-," I heard Hitoshi yell from behind me.
"Someone stop her!" I heard Endeav-hoer scream
Papa and Dad ran up to me, but I was scared to rewind one of them so I had pushed them away, but Dadzawa had came running back once he got up, Papa had trying to stop him, but when Dad wants something, he fights for it.
"Eri, get your ass over here, if you die, I swear to god-!"
He put a hand on my arm and horn pulling me away from the now awake Denks.
"Where the hell am I?" I heard Denki yell before I hit the ground while Dad was still holding on to my horn.
"Denks, I know you are being controlled but don't you recognize us, recognize me!?" Hitoshi yelled,
"Mr. Pikachu?"
Complete silence, no one said anything, Denki froze, he had stopped fighting, everyone had stopped fighting.
Denki POV:
As if frozen in time, I stared at the girl I remember calling 'Little Miss.' It was Eri..
"Denks..?" It was Shinsou, tears rolling down his cheeks.
"Kaminari!?" Eri and Shinsou's dad yelled.
I knew them all, I knew I loved Shinsou. I could feel it all, but something was making everyone look like the enemy.
"I'm sorry.." Eri cried, "I failed.."
"No Eri. You did it, we just have to bring him back like you did three years ago." I could see Shinsou fight back tears as he smiled at Eri.
"No one is bringing anyone back!" My mouth moves but my mind doesn't, why did I say that!?
Shinsou looked at me, love, rage, and sadness could be seen in his eyes.
"We got him back.." Shinsou turned to his father, "But at what cost..?"
I saw black and white, everyone looked like they were going to hurt me. But something..someone, was in colour.. Eri!

Hiii my autistic children, I hope you are well, and please stop crying (I know ur crying!)😢 😭.
859 words, YAY!

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