Kaminari to Shinsou

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5 Years Later

Third Person POV:
Shinsou paced around his room nervously. The whole Bakusquad except for Denki had been trying to comfort him.
"Stop pacing, eye bags." Bakugo placed a hand on Shinsou's shoulder. "Be a man for once!"
"That's not true! Shinsou's always been a man!" Kirishima said.
"Ah, I've married a dumbass." Mina muttered in a mix of disappointment and amusement.
Shinsou didn't say a peep to any of their comments.
"Yo-" Sero walked over to Shinsou, "You still alive bro?"
Shinsou still stood there, thinking. Eventually everyone walked over to him. Today was the day Denki would no longer be a Kaminari... he would now be a Shinsou.
"Let's uhm..lighten the mood!" Mina exclaimed, "What kind of ring did you get?"
Shinsou's mouth twitched slightly almost smiling. He pulled out a small black box. Inside it contained a pretty golden ring with a jewel on it. The jewel was a diamond. Looking closely, everyone noticed a small glittering lightning bolt inside of it.
"Of course he had it custom made." Bakugo muttered.
"You're just jealous you didn't do that to Midorya!" Mina laughed,
For the first time that day, Hitoshi smiled fully.
"Hah! I made him smile!"
"No!" Bakugo argued. "It was me!"
Shinsou chuckled slightly, "It was Mina."
"Take that Baku-hoe!"
Everyone laughed, even Shinsou. When all the giggles ceased, Shinsou looked down.
"I haven't told my dad yet." He whispered, "I don't think I know how.."
"I'm sure he would support you, and if he doesn't we all know that Mic will get him to give his blessing!" Exclaimed Kirishima in his usual 'manly' voice.
"Yeah, if sensei is not going to accept it Mic is gonna beat his ass." Added Mina, she did everything in her power to make her friends happy.
"Guys! Food's ready!" Denki's voice called,
Shinsou jumped at the sound of his future husband (XD)
"Coming!" Yelled the Baku-squad in unison.
As they all sat down at the table to eat, Denki noticed that Shinsou was absent minded.
"Toshi you okay?" He asked with a worried face.
Shinsou didn't answer,
"Shin!" Kirishima tried to get his attention,
"Eye bags?" Bakugo waved a hand in front of Shinsou's face.
"Shinsou wake up! Denki DIED!!"
"Excuse me?" Denki questioned,
"Huh!? Geez Mina! That isn't funny.." Shinsou said, annoyed.
Denki walked over to him and gave him a small hug and a kiss on his cheek. "What's wrong Toshi?"
"GET A FUCKING ROOM!" Bakugo barked,
"Oh shut up!" Kirishima barked back.
"Both of you shut up!" Added in Mina in an angry tone.
"Oh come on babe we're just playing," Said Kirishima, his voice was just naturally flirty, so Mina blushed.
Meanwhile Kaminari was repeatedly asking Shinsou what was wrong, and he kept repeatedly getting 'nothing is wrong' from Shinsou.
"Clearly something's up."
"It's nothing, I promise Denks."
"Okay.." Denki gave in, "If you promise then I guess it's fine.."
"Oh he's promising something alright—" Bakugo joked.
Shinsou gave him a look that shut him up.
"Wait what-?"
"Nothing!" They all shouted in sync.
Shinsou POV:
I paced back and forth. I'd been pacing all day, I was so nervous. Papa had been so enthusiastic about the proposal, but I wasn't sure what dad would say. For it to be brought up less awkwardly, I told papa to bring Eri. Dad was softer around Eri, and plus, she'd want to know about the proposal anyways.
"Mind-y!" (Mind E) Papa, Eri and dad walked over.
"Hey papa," I answered, "Hi candy apple." I rubbed Eri's head.
"What was it you wanted to say?" Dad asked, and before I could answer he added: "And where's Kaminari?"
I breathed in and collected my thoughts.
"About that, he won't exactly be Kaminari anymore.." I tried to bring it up subtly. "I mean, if he says yes—"
"You're going to propose to Kaminari!!?"
Oops..I didn't expect that reaction. Geez dad, what the fuck?
"Y-yeah..I think. I mean, if I don't chicken out—"
"If you're gonna propose you better not chicken out, you motherfucker."
"Wait so Hitoshi's a chicken now?" Eri asked innocently.
"Oh Eri." Papa laughed,
"Wait! Wait!" Eri tugged on me, "So you're getting married to Mr.Pikachu?"
I jumped at her question. "If he says yes."
"He'll obviously say yes, you moron!" Dad butted in.
"What if he's not ready?" I panicked, "What if he's—"
"Stop worrying you dumbass!"
"I guess you're right.."
Denki POV:

Shinsou's been acting weird, zoning out, looking worried. I don't know what's going on, the bakusquad seems to be in on something. I wanted to know so bad, but he wouldn't tell me. It made me worried about Shinsou. What if he wanted to break up with me!? I paced back and forth, (Now Denki's pacing 💀)  I was so nervous and scared. I don't know what I'd do if he broke up with me..
"Denki you home?" I heard Shinsou yell from the from the front door.
"I'm coming, Toshi!"
I ran up to him and wrapped my hands around his neck and he gave me a little kiss on my forehead. My cheeks turned a bright pink.
"How are you?" His voice sounded hesitant.
"Tell me what's wrong!" I needed to know,
"Oh nothing's wrong, I was just nervous to ask you on a little dinner date.." He sounded happy now, his emotions changed so fast...
"Oh..that's sweet of you." I smiled and breathed a sigh of relief. If this was all he was worried about, then I was happy.
We ate dinner, I was happy. We hadn't been on a date in a long while, but they were always the best. I'd missed doing this stuff. Shinsou looked happy, he was smiling, but he still acted kind of strange.
"Hey uhm..Denks.." he started to say. My heart beat fast, he sounded nervous now. "Come with me, I want to show you something."
"Ok—" I started to say but he then pulled me to a bridge. It had gorgeous cherry blossom trees on both sides, the birds sang and danced in shine of the moon.
"It's so pretty.." I murmured,
"So uh.." I looked up at Shinsou, "I've wanted to pop this question for a while.."
"What is it?" I was trying not to show that I was anxious.
Shinsou pulled something out of his pocket and bent down, My heart raced realizing what happened..
"Denki Kaminari...will you marry me?"

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