The villians attack

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WARNING: lgbtq2s+, gore/blood, cursing.

Denki POV
I was having fun with shinsou when I felt a sharp pain in my chest, what the hell- 'no, no, no,not now,' I could barely breathe. I heard something, an alarm, the villain alarm. Why didn't they warn me, I can't hold it in.
"Denki, Denki, Denki, are you ok, we have to go, it's a villain attack," I heard Shinsou yell, worried. I got up and grabbed Shinsou's arm, I ran outside the dorm rooms and into the common room, where the rest of the class was yelling. I saw Bakugou yell at the door that led to the hallway.
"Let us out we can help, dammit," he yelled, I guess they locked us in here then. Deku tried to calm him down, but it seemed useless. Shinsou asked the class what was going on, and they answered with a plain, "I don't know," I lost it, my chest started to hurt more and more, I couldn't breathe at all. I screamed in pain, which seemed to get every one's attention.
"Denks, what's wrong?" Asked Mina, as Shinsou hugged me worryingly. I couldn't talk, I could barely think straight.
"S-stay a-away, I-I'll hurt y-you," I managed to mumble. It was happening, my hair turned a black, and thunder bolt turned a light yellow. My class tried to help me, but I refused, I pushed them back as I clenched my shirt. My eyes started bleeding, as my golden eyes turned a dark black. Shinsou tried to help me, but I pushed him back, I couldn't risk hurting him. I stopped. "It's over, all that is left to do, is wait," boomed a voice, I thought it was in my head but, my classmates heard it too...
"What the hell was that voice," yelled Bakugou.
"K-kacchan, w-what do we do?" Asked Deku, as he shivered.
"I don't know," answered Bakugou with a hint of worry, that I could just barely notice. I heard a loud crash from outside the door, "It will happen soon," boomed the voice once more. The class jumped, Mina hugged Kirishima, with a strong grip. I watch my class worry, and I knew that all I could do was watch. I heard another crash, but this time the door smashed open. I saw a tall figure with black hair, sensei? No it was one of the most dangerous villains, Dabi...
"Everyone calm down and stay away from the villain," boomed Iida's loud voice.
"Yes calm down, all I need is him," said the burnt crisp, and before I knew it, I was at his feet. He held me by the neck.
"Let him go!" Held Shinsou as the emotion less Todoroki held him back. I stared at the ones I loved, my 'family', I remembered that this might be the last time I ever see them the same way. I knew what I was getting myself into, but never did I think I would fall in love with the enemy...
"Dunce face!" Yelled Bakugou, even he cares more than him.
"Come on kid, your dad is waiting for you.." said Dabi.
"Wait, what the hell," yelled Bakugou.
"He-he is right, my 'father' is a villain, I'm sorry.." I said waiting for the rejection.
"We don't care Denks, we know you're a good person," yelled Shinsou, I couldn't believe it, a small tear came down my cheek.
"I-I'm sorry, I wish I could be who I want to, but It's not my choice, good fellow classmates," I managed to say before Dabi and I disappeared...
Shinsou POV
I couldn't believe it, Denki just...left..he didn't even explain fully. I found myself shedding tears, the love of my life just left us. And what the hell did he mean by "my father is a villain." I had so many questions, I wanted to save him, but I couldn't. I'm such a bad boyfriend.
Its been two weeks and we still haven't found Denks, I was so mad, I wasn't able to save my own boyfriend.
"Ugh!" I said aloud,
"Shinsou.." Mina used my real name for once, she sounded concerned.
"Yeah..." I answer with a hint of worry.
"Do you think we will find Denki?" She asked me.
"Of course we will, he's strong," boomed Bakugou from behind us.
I found it strange that Bakugou was encouraging us, but i found their confidence fuelling.
"We'll find him. I wont stop trying." I said, meaning it.
*Villain alarm*
"About time, it's time to save my boyfriend."...
Sorry it's short, we ran out of ideas and we really wanted to wanted to end it on a cliffhanger, we will probably make longer chapters the more we go on.
✨🥐759 words yay✨🥐

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