Will you marry me?

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Shinsou POV:
"I-I..." Denki stuttered,
"You know, marriage never really crossed my mind. In fact, the aspect of love was never really in the picture until you came into my life."
"When I first came into 1-A I planned on just sitting there and never making friends, but instead, I met you. And I'm glad I did."
"Y-yes..Yes I will marry you!"
A smile came onto my face, Denki was smiling as well. He bent down, a few tears in his eyes.
"Don't cry Denks—"
"I guess Mina can't call me kami anymore!" He laughed in between his tears.
I took his hands and slid the ring on his finger.
He smiled with a twinkle in his eye. "It's beautiful but, T-Toshi how expensive was this?"
"Don't worry about it." I whispered to him.
It was actually 10k. Yeah, I know it's expensive. I can afford it though.
"Oh I am worrying about it!"
"Listen Denks, you and I both know I can afford it either way!"
"Hitoshi!!!" He cried, "Tell me how much it was!!"
"Why does it matter?"
"B-because.." he began, "I don't want you to spend a lot of money on me.."
I laughed a little and kissed him on the lips. "Oh Denks, money doesn't matter to me, you do."
He looked flustered, but he smiled. "I love you Toshi."
"I love you too."
Mina bombarded me with questions the next day, everyone else was asking things as well. They seemed to have noticed me and Denks's bright mood.
"Did he say yes!?" Mina asked, "Did he, did he!?"
"You tell me." I smirked a little.
"He did!!" Mina jumped up and down.
"I knew he would. You worried for nothing!" Added in Kirishima.
"You were worried I would say no!?" Laughed Denki from our bed, he had been listening to this whole conversation?
"I mean.." I'd forgotten he was in the room. "Yeah."
"You're so silly." Was all Denki replied, he was smiling.
"Yeah you are!" Bakugo chimed in at teasing me.
"All of you shut up! He's not that dumb!"
"Tinky Winky (the purple telletubbie lmao) is not dumb." Eri said, I cringed silently at my nickname.
"Those nick names you have are du—" I covered Bakugo's mouth. He wasn't going to say shit to my little sister.
"Shut. The. Fuck. Up. BakuHOE." I said with a clenched smile.
"Over-protective much." I heard someone mutter.
"Who was that?" I glanced around sharply. Everyone pointed at Mina.
"Mr.Pikachu! Mr. Pikachu!" Eri ran over to Denks. "Can you do my hair?"
Denki grinned brightly, "Of course, Little Miss."
I stopped my argument with Mina and Bakugou to see my now fiancé doing my little sister's hair. My forced smile softened. They looked so cute.
"Of course he's happy now." Mina sighed,
"I'm not done with you yet Mina!"
"You'd better run." Denki called to her.
"Who should run?" Eri asked,
"No one, candy apple." I smiled innocently, "Denki's right Mina. Run bitch."
"Sh-shinsou calm down please!!" Mina cried,
"Pray for your wife, Kirishima."
(Mina planned them an engagement party :3)
Denki POV:
"Geez Mina when can I take this blindfold off?" I heard Shinsou's voice say. Mina had blindfolded me too, 'for a surprise'.
"Toshi?" I asked aloud,
"Denks?" He answered, "Mina can I please take this off now?"
"Okay!!!" She exclaimed, taking off me and Shinsou's  blindfolds.
"Mina why'd you make me wear this?" I blushed at the sight of Shinsou wearing a suit, the wedding wasn't till 2 weeks, why was he so dressed up?
"Why not Shin-bae~" I then remembered that I had been wearing my new dress that I had bought with Mina last week. I saw Shinsou turn red when he looked at me, I was going to show him the dress today at dinner but, oh well.
"So~ I had decided to plan you guys an engagement party!" Mina grinned maliciously.
Shinsou sighed, "Remember I ain't done with you since yesterday. This isn't gonna make me forget." He laughed.
I found myself blushing yet again, the reality of the day-before-yesterday was still setting in. I mean, an engagement party so soon..I didn't really feel any difference in the relationship. Shinsou was still the same loving, sweet, and funny boyfriend-or I guess fiance now...
"Denks?" I snapped away from my thoughts, "You okay?" Shinsou asked, a worried expression on his face.
"Yeah, I am." I smiled. I didn't want to worry him,
"Okay, then quit standing there and LETS GO!" Mina pushed me forward.
The engagement party was fun, I have to admit. Even Toshi's dad was smiling the whole time, and Eri was so cute.
"Little Miss!" I picked her up and spun her around, she was adorable, to say the least.
I could see Shinsou smiling warmly at me and Eri.
"Oh my days, Hitoshi, stop staring at Kamin—mean—SHIT!" Aizawa sensei started to say mockingly, but he can't call me Kaminari anymore. I smirked,
"Remember dad, he's not Kaminari anymore."
"I know that dumbass! I just forgot!"
"I remember, this was the same reaction that came from your father, Shota!" Sensei Mic had told us enthusiastically.
"That was, what? 11 years ago!" Aizawa Sensei yelled.
"Wait, if you're married why do you and Present Mic have different last names?"
"I have Hizashi's last name, I just don't use it at school."
Everyone laughed, even Aizawa sensei. I was so happy since the-day-before yesterday.

Hello my autistic children!! How are all of you, we are sad to say that our book is almost finished! Thank you for your support and we are sad that we must bring this to an end soon, but we hope you keep reading all our other books.

973 words

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