Guess who's back!

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Shinsous POV:
It's been one week since denki woke up, I still haven't shown him the necklace that I fixed. He was really tired lately, but I couldn't blame him, his dad's  an ass.
"Shin, can you get me water, please?" I heard Denki ask.
"Sure," I got up to get him a glass of cold water.
I came back only to see Eri, who had probably escaped from Nejire.
"Mr. Pikachu!" I heard her yell, she was giving him a huge hug.
"Hey, Little Miss, how are you today," I laughed at the adorable sight.
"I'm good, when can you come play?"
"I am getting let out of the hospital in 2 days," Denki smiled.
"Yay," I loved seeing how happy Denks made Eri.
"Shinsou, visiting hour is over, Kaminari needs to rest," the nurse had came in to see me leave. I didn't want to leave, but I knew that Denks needs rest. I grabbed Eri's hand,
"C'mon Eri, Denks needs to rest."
"Okay! Bye, bye Mr.Pikachu." Eri waved, we left. I saw Denks face turn from a smile to a tired frown. I felt bad that Denks had to stay here, I know how much he likes going out.


1 day, 1 more day, and Denks can finally get out of the hospital. I was excited, so were Mina, Eri, dad and papa, pretty much everyone was happy.
"Are you excited Shin-bae?" Mina teased me,
"I am." I said while smiling.
We were in papa's english class when dad came into the class, he said that he had a surprise for us.  I was confused on what dad could have possibly have gotten us.
"You can come in now," I couldn't understand who he was talking to, but then I saw him, Denks was back.
"Kamibae!" I heard Min yell, while jumping out of her seat and hugging the small boy.(anyone remember that?)
"Hey Mina," I could tell that Kami was happy to see her. I contemplated going up there and giving him a kiss, but I would be in front of the whole class. Oh screw it. I walked up to Denks and gave him a small kiss on his lips, he was surprised at first but he then gave in.
I could hear the squeals from the girls, and the whispers from the boys.
"Oi, get your hands of Dunce face," I could hear Bakugou yell from the back of the class.
"No," I said feeling confident,(we're reusing so many things 😭).
"Diee," he yelled in Response.
"K-kacchan, stop yelling,"
"Shut up nerd,"
Denki's POV

  I had been let out of the hospital a day early, I was super nervous to see how the class would react, what if they were enjoying the peace and quiet? Well Mr.Aizawa didn't really care, he had told the class that he had a 'surprise,' I guess that surprise is me. Mina almost immediately jumped out of her seat, giving me a giant 'Mina hug,' those are my second favourite kind of hugs, Shinsou's hugs were the best.

  Speaking of Shinsou, he looked hesitant, but he then came to the front of the class—where I was— he pulled me into a kiss. I was super surprised, but of course, Bakugou had to ruin the moment, and started yelling at Shinsou, but I was too stunned about the kiss to even care.


Aizawa was kind enough not to make me do any of my missing assignments, thank god. I also didn't have to do anything but sit in the back of the class and do absolutely nothing.(I fucking wish). I stared at Present Mic's long ass banana hair, I couldn't help but laugh, thinking of Banana Republic(not a sponsor), a store I hated. I guess I laughed a little too loud, and everyone turned to me and laughed, my face flushed with embarrassment.

Shinsou POV:

Denki makes this class way more fun, especially when he started making fun of papa, calling him a banana from banana republic(still not a sponsor)is hilarious. I could see the shame come from papa after what Denki said, I couldn't help but chuckle slightly.
"You really are something, Kaminari." Papa laughed,
"He really is.." I spoke aloud accidentally.
Everyone stared at me, including Denks, who was blushing. I was confused until I realized what I had said,
"Awwww!!" Mina clasped her hands together,
"I said that out loud, didn't I?" I blushed and sighed.
"Shit up Mina!" Denki blushed,
"D-don't you mean 'shut up'?" Deku asked,
"Yeah! What he said." Denki dismissed his error.
"Mr.Pikachu!" Eri ran up to Denki and gave him a hug.
Denki rubbed her head, "How've you been Little Miss?"
I smiled as Eri recounted her day to Denki. Seeing my little sister grin so big at my boyfriend was the sweetest thing I'd ever seen. I wish this could last forever...

Bye, Bye gays, also sorry for the delay, writers block really got to us. 😭
835 words

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