The Little Hero...

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Denki POV:
Ever since my dad took me back, I haven't felt like myself anymore, I wasn't myself anymore. My father had some kind of poison, or whatever you call it, that seemed to mess with my brain. I couldn't think straight, all I could do was what my father told me too. 
  If my father told me to kill someone, my body would do it, even if I didn't want to. But then, we were attacking my school, for some reason, and I saw something, well more like someone, who I seemed to recognize, and that's when it hit me it was Shinsou, my boyfriend. I saw him yell at my father, calling him names like old hag and ugly man, which I loved. I then saw a woman, with pink skin, and beautiful hair, but she seemed to turn me off, I was back to doing what my father told me to.
  I had broke something, a necklace, and my heart. I remembered this necklace, it was my favourite, Shinsou gave it to me on a date, our first date... then I heard yelling from a man, 'sensei,' I thought, he was more a father then he ever was. What was he yelling at, a girl a girl with blue long hair, a horn, and a worried expression on her face. I remembered her, Shinsou's little sister, Eri...
  She seemed so broken when she saw me, like I meant something to her.
She yelled something "Mr. Pikachu," it was so sad.
  I then remembered something, a nickname I had given her when I first met her, 'little miss,' and that's exactly what had woken me up. I was free, Eri had saved me, her and her beautiful smile. I saw hers and Shinsou's face light up, like they had just seen her their biggest dream come true.
  My father was clearly upset, and confused, with what they had just said, he looked like an angry toddler who had just lost his favourite toy. I saw the shock on Mina's face, I caught a small tear flow down her pink cheeks. I also saw sensei sigh a big sigh of relief. I wanted to cry, I wanted to hug everyone, but I couldn't, what I could do though, was kick my father in the shins.
"What fuck-," He yelled once I kicked him. I heard a small chuckle come from Shinsou, I smiled at the sight, but my father was not happy... He grabbed me by my collar, chocking me, I tried to scream, but nothing came out of my mouth. I saw Shinsou tense up at the sight.
"Let him go," I heard him yell.
"No," My father responded, like a stubborn child.
I could see Mina's eyes widen, sweat came down her forehead. Mr. Aizawa's hair started to float, his eyes turned a mad red. I stared at my friends and my teachers, I was ready to give up, but I knew I couldn't...
Shinsou POV
Eri brought him lovely little sister saved Denks, well, for now...
"Denki, attack them!" The ugly rat barked,
"I..I don't want to..."
I was so proud of Denks for trying to defy his father's orders. Mostly i was proud of Eri, i pulled her close and gave her a hug.
"W-will Mr.Pikachu be okay..?" Eri asked,
I wanted to reassure her, but I couldn't..
"I..I don't know.." I tried to say something encouraging but that's all that came out of my mouth.
"Eri come here," Dad pulled her towards him,
"I'm proud of you, angel. Next time be careful." Papa said to Eri. I saw denki's face scrunch up, he looked mad, like he was going to punch someone, and believe it or not, he did. He completely uppercut his dad, right in the chin.
"What the f*ck," his father yelled as he fell to the ground. I heard an amused chuckle from behind me, it was the angry Pomeranian, Bakugou.
"I am done listening to you, father," he said that last word with a bitter tone. I gasped slightly, he did it, he finally said no to someone, I was glad he was my boyfriend.
"What did you just say to me young man," his dad looked pissed.
"I said NO," Denki yelled, he then shot him down with a strike of raw electricity. His father was out cold, I couldn't even tell if he was breathing. Denki then collapsed, I trued to catch him but Bakugou beat me to it, I guess Bakuhoe really does care about us.
"Oi, eyebags, come hold your boyfriend," he yelled, I wanted to argue, but I didn't have the energy. I ran up to him and picked up Denks, I then picked up the necklace his father broke and the box.
'I'm going to fix it'
✨🥐bonjour everyone, sorry this chapter took so long, we are currently working on a second story, and we have faced a bit of writers block, but pls keep reading this fanfic.✨🥐
✨🥐809 words yay✨🥐

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