- Chapter 16: In another world -

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Alastor teleported himself back into his room, leaving embarrassed Lucifer alone in his embarrassed thoughts. Alastor found Lucifer's reaction to what he did hilarious, although, he could help but like that sound coming from Lucifer. He had no idea why, but decide to ignore it. He looked at his hand which was filled with angels blood and licked it off. 

A: "Mmm... Still as sweet and ever!~"

Once Alastor licked off all of the blood off his hand he changed into his silk pajama's, ready to call it a day. He looked over at his desk, which had a picture of him and his mother when they were both well and alive. Oh how much he missed his mother. He would do anything to see her again. He though that she was most likely in Heaven enjoying her afterlife, so unless he tried and redeemed himself, which was not going to happen, then there was no other possible way to search for her and maybe know if she doesn't hate him for all the wrong he has done.

Alastor sighed, as he left the picture be. He went over to his bed and got under the sheets. He decided to call it a day, canceling today's daily broadcast. Maybe tomorrow he could ask Lucifer to be in his broadcast. For now, he really needed some rest.

Lucifer on the other hand, was fighting with himself, he hadn't eaten well these few days, he hasn't gotten any sleep this past week, and still had so much work to do. His thoughts did not help one bit. Most of them were negative, saying he didn't deserve rest, not until he proved to Charlie he was a good father, other thoughts were about that ridiculous moan he did earlier when Alastor bit his neck, and questions about why he liked it. This went on all night, while he was working, that he didn't notice it was already morning. Another night without sleep for the infamous king of Hell.


Sr. P: "Emily wait up!"

Sir Pentious and Emily were up in Heaven, going around all of Heaven. Emily made herself in charge of showing Sir Pentious around Heaven, introduce him to the people up there, and help him make friends. Sir Pentious already had somewhere to stay, and two great friends, Molly, who reminded him of Angel Dust in someway, only less dirtier... and Emily, who reminded him a lot of Charlie. He would sometimes talk with Sera and St. Peter, and he found them really nice, but they didn't know each other well, due to both of them having very important jobs to attend everyday.

Sir Pentious loved being in Heaven. Everyone was so nice, no one pushed you around, no one forced you to do stuff, and no one would hurt anyone, truly the "perfect after life". But their was something Sir Pentious missed more then anything, and that was the Hazbin Hotel in hell, and it's members. He missed Charlie, the sweet little girl who help him with Cherry, he missed Angel Dust who in the end, got along with him. There was also Vaggie, Husk, Nifty, Razzle and Keekee, who he did not talk to very often, but still missed seeing them, Alastor on the other hand, not much. And then there was Cherry, he missed her the most. He had barely just kissed her, confessing his love for her, and soon after he dies. He later found out Dazzle had died while fighting, because right after he went to Heaven, Dazzle also had arrived to Heaven. He did wish that his egg boys would have arrived to Heaven too, but since they were hell born, they couldn't get redeemed, although, he does wish to see them all redeemed soon.

Sir Pentious was running after Emily, lost in his thoughts, when he suddenly bumped into someone. They both fell on the floor, and when Sir Pentious opened his eyes, he saw that in was an woman who looked like a sheep. He quickly got up and offered a hand, helping her up.

Sr. P: "I'm ssso sssorry missss! I wasss not looking where I wasss going!"

Am: "Oh It's fine deary! Thank you for the help! My name is Amiyah!"

Sr. P: "Mine isss Pentiousss!"

Am: "And what a lovely name that is! Pleasure to meet you!"

Sir Pentious smiled at the woman who gave him a bright smile. Somehow, the woman reminded him of Alastor. She had the same skin and nose as him, and the words she chooses to speak with were very similar with the ones Alastor uses. His thoughts were cut of when he heard Emily calling out for him.

E: "Sir Pentious! There you are! Sera is looking for us, we need to go now- Oh! Hello there miss Amiyah! How has your day been?"

Am: "Wonderful! I just meet the famous redeemed winner! He seems lovely!"

E: "Oh he is! we were just on our way to Sera! Say, any luck with finding your long lost son?"

Am: "I'm afraid not dearly. I miss him so much, every day.."

E: "Oh... I hope you can find him soon!"

A: "Me too..."

Sr. P: "Maybe I could help you find your ssson one day! Sssir Pentious lovesss helping othersss out!"

Am: "That would be wonderful deary!"

E: "I would love for you two to keep getting to know each other, but i am afraid we have to get going. Don't want Sera all mad.."

A : "It's fine deary, I understand perfectly! It was nice to meet you Pentious!"

Sr. P: "Sssame to you!"

Sir Pentious bowed a bit before him and Emily flying off to find Sera. Sir Pentious felt like that woman was somehow related to Alastor, but shrugged it off for now.

Small chapter which let's you guys know about Pentious and a bit of Dazzle! Hope you liked it!

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