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It seemed to Min-Jung like time had slowed down for them when she noticed who it was. The sound of the zombies growling and hissing at them was tuned out to background noise for her. Her bow almost slipped from her hands after she took a step back before realizing her guard was dropping as she composed herself and focused.

Gwi-Nam walked up the steps and past the blue tarp they had used to keep the zombies back for as long as they could. Holding a zombified female student by the neck in one hand before throwing her back and out of his way.

Past the roof door was a teen boy who was scared of opening the door them. Kim Cheol-Su was aware that they were out there as he walked to the door and raised his hand hesitantly.

He stopped once the sound of the helicopter behind him caught his attention and turned to it. Feeling a wave of relief before turning to the door as he moved his hand away. Watching the helicopter land. Walking towards the people who came out as he raised his hands.

"Are you okay? Are there anymore survivors?" The man asked.

"N-no.. it's just me. No one else made it." Cheol-Su spoke up over the loud helicopter sounds.

The man nodded before getting him into the helicopter as they took him away and left the school behind. He was feeling conflicted about the whole door incident but tried not to think about it. Leaning back in his seat and waiting to arrive to a safer place.

Back into the staircase, Cheong-San moved back a bit as he saw that Gwi-Nam was in fact still up and about. Especially after having seen him die right before his eyes. He couldn't believe it. Turning to glance at Su-Hyeok. "You were right." He mumbled.

"Told you so." Su-Hyeok mumbled back.

"Not the time." Min-Jung reminded them. "Try to keep pulling at the door until something happens." She added as she raised her bow and aimed at Gwi-Nam

The hambie Gwi-Nam noticed as he tilted his head. Almost insulted by the way she aimed at him. "You still want to kill me? You're bodyguards can't even touch me" He shoved Cheong-San and Su-Hyeok out of the way as an amused scoff left him. "You can't kill me. I am like a god amongst these pathetic ones." He spoke as he sent her back into the wall hearing her groaned.

Min-Jung composed herself as she had to gather her breath from the hit. Reaching for her bow as she closed her eyes tightly when he pressed his foot down onto her hand harshly

"Don't you even dare." He spoke. Reaching down as he held the arrow she had planned to use on him. Glancing at it before glancing at her. "You know, I liked you. I almost don't want to do this but I need to set an example of someone." He spoke as he tilted his head before stabbing the arrow into her leg.

Min-Jung covered her mouth as she muffled her cry of pain. Closing her eyes tightly.

Sung-Hoon didn't hesitate as he immediately punched him away from her.

Su-Hyeok watched in shock before glancing over at the male as he punched the male. Even if it had not too much effect from his force.

Cheong-San moved closer as he attacked him as well. Feeling his arm being grabbed and wincing when he twisted his arm. Trying not to get bit.

Nam-Ra glanced at her injured best friend on the floor and the two trying to fend off Gwi-Nam. Feeling herself shift a bit as her eye changed. Walking off the steps she was on and walking over.

Sung-Hoon own eye changed as he knew that he wouldn't allow his younger twin to be hurt by anyone. Punching the male off Cheong-San. Being more effective in his hits.

Gwi-Nam rubbed his jaw and cheek as he took a moment to calm down before spotting the two of them and felt his collar being grabbed.

Nam-Ra stepped forwards as she had grabbed him by the collar and threw him off the steps and into the group of zombies that had gathered behind the blue tarp.

Su-Hyeok let them deal with Gwi-name as he rushed to Min-Jung who was being watched over by the others. "Everything's going to be fine." He spoke as he held her hand.

Hyo-Ryung was worried about her and the wound that she had in her leg now. Not sure what to do as they didn't have much on them.

"The doors open! Come on!" Joon-Yeong spoke up as he opened it and let the others in already.

Nam-Ra and Sung-Hoon waited for them to all walk in to hold back Gwi-Nam and the zombies that tried to reach them.

Su-Hyeok couldn't wait any longer as he carried his girlfriend and headed up the stairs with the others behind him as he moved away from the door once it was closed and locked. Setting the female down as he removed her bookbag off her.

Cheong-San rushed over as he set her bow aside and tried his best to help but didn't know how to.

Joon-Yeong rushed over as he knelt down beside the wounded leg. "Alright I am going to have to pull it out and wrap it as fast as we can to stop the bleeding. You're going to have to hold her shoulders down. This will hurt.. a lot." He spoke.

Su-Hyeok nodded as he moved to sit above her and pressed her upper arms down into the floor. Trying to remain calm for the two of them as he let out a small shaky breath.

On-Jo and the others watched as they panicked about having an injured group member as it complicated their plans of escaping to a safer spot to begin with.

Min-Jung tried to stay calm as she felt sick to her stomach at the thought of them having to pull the arrow out. Trying her best not to give into panic and took in deep breathes.

Cheong-San wantend to help as he held her legs down into the floor so that she wouldn't have time to kick. He didn't want the wound to worsen or anything.

Joon-Yeong wasn't a doctor as he looked at the two and gave the nod that he was about to begin. Making something for her to bite into to muffle her screams as he let out a shaky breath. Holding the arrow gently before pulling slowly as he felt her squirm and stopped for a moment.

Su-Hyeok glanced away at the sight and leaned closer to her ear. "It's okay. Everything is okay. You will be fine and you will make it past the pain." He spoke softly to calm her down.

Joon-Yeong took a moment before letting out another small breath as he reached for the arrow. Holding it once more before slowly continuing to pull slowly to avoid damaging anything else in her leg.

Min-Jung closed her eyes as they got teary. Her muffled yelling being heard by the group who had to glance away. She couldn't take it any longer as she tried to move away but was held down by them. The burning sensation that spread was nothing she had felt before as she cried out into the piece of her sweater. It took a while until Joon-Yeong had finally managed to get it out and set it aside. She took a moment to calm down. Feeling woozy from the pain as she felt her leg being worked on and patched until she was released. Passing out from the pain.

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