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Su-Hyeok had managed to climb back on with the help of Cheong-San before glancing at his friend's arm. "You okay?" He asked. "He twisted your arm with enough force to break it."

Cheong-San listened to the silence pass. "I'm okay. It just hurts like hell. Thanks to Gyeong-Su he wasn't able to bite me so I'm glad about that. "I'll lure the zombies away from you guys. So you can make a run for it." He spoke.

"No." Min-Jung spoke up first. She had known him and On-Jo since they were kids. It wouldn't make things fair if she let him do that.

"I have to. I'm faster and I have a plan. Gwi-Nam won't stop until I'm dead." He spoke. His own eyes teary. Placing his hand over hers. "But you guys can still make it out alive. We need a way out of here and he'll just keep coming back for me."

"No. Not like this." Min-Jung raised her voice a bit. Rejecting his idea completely.

"We don't have another choice or time to think about this." Cheong-San spoke. Glancing at her as he ripped his name tag and gave it to her. "We'll talk about everything later.." He spoke quietly.

Min-Jung listened as she felt his name tag on her palm. Closing her hand around it. "Cheong-San.." She quietly spoke his name.

Cheong-San listened before hugging her and then pecking her cheek lightly. Moving away before hugging On-Jo and soon pulling away. "Take care of them for me Su-Hyeok." He spoke before climbing back into the building.

Su-Hyeok listened as he gave a small nod. Knowing how close the three used to be as he placed a hand on Min-Jung's shoulder.

"Today I am the happiest guy at school!" He yelled loudly to get the attention of every zombie around. "Hey!" He continued to yell as he dodged the zombies and ran up before leading them to the spot he needed them in.

The group waited for the zombies to finish running past the window before making their escape. Not missing a single second and heading towards the woods like how they had originally planned to have done so.

Min-Jung quietly gripped the name tag in her hand as she knew it was the last thing from him that she would hold onto for a while. She didn't want to risk losing it. Following the others as her mother helped her walk with them.


Cheong-San continued to yell back at the construction sight. Leading the zombies down the empty elevator shaft. Watching them fall to their death as his back pressed against the wall of the shaft to avoid being dragged down by them.

He didn't move until every single one of them had gone down. Making his way around and back onto the main floor. Panting as he gathered his breath. That was until he saw Gwi-Nam again. "You just never die, do you?" Cheong-San spoke rhetorically.

"Not until I am finished with you and your pathetic excuse of a group." Gwi-Nam replied anyways as he didn't really care. "I couldn't bite you back there but here? You are alone. You have no one."

The two of them continued their fight from earlier. Only this time Cheong-San had a deadly plan. A plan he wanted to do to end all of it. He planned on taking Gwi-Nam with him if it meant ending the dispute they had with one another.

"You're still a coward. Nothing has changed about you." Cheong-San spoke.

It wasn't long before his scream filled the area they were on when Gwi-Nam's thumb tried to get his eye out just like Cheong-San had done to him in the library before leaving him to die alone. It was the root of Gwi-Nam and his anger. He knew that.

Sung-Hoon had returned back to the spot as Min-Jung had formed a plan that could possible save the teen who was about to sacrifice himself. Running into Gwi-Nam and sending him back.

"Sung-Hoon?" A small cry left him from the fresh wound he now had. Gwi-Nam licking the blood off his fingers. Cheong-San looked at him with his good eye before turning away from him.

"Ah, you always have to ruin my fun Song Sung-Hoon but I'm guessing this is Song Min-Jung's idea. I can't wait to eat her alive."

"Are you done? For a guy who can wapk amongst the dead you're not really the brightest." Sung-Hoon spoke as he stayed with Cheong-San to help him.

Gwi-Nam watched him amused. Unaware of what the teen before him was planning. Mocking him the moment he saw him start crawling away from him. "Look who's a coward now. Scared of me?" He laughed. "Where are you going?" He asked. "I didn't think you'd need your prince charming to save you."

Cheong-San listened as he shook his head at the moment. "I'm not scared of you. Min-Jung knows what she's doing.." He spoke as he focused on getting up at the moment. Feeling woozy and like he wouldn't be able to walk on his own for a bit. Focusing on the small task he had given himself beforehand.

Sung-Hoon immediately kicked Gwi-Nam down the empty shaft before carrying Cheong-San on his back with the very few time they had. Jumping out the window as he landed before running into the woods. Following the scent of the group.

Back at the military base Seon-Mu glanced at the monitors.

"Sir. We have everything done and ready to go." One of the soldiers behind him spoke. Glancing at Seon-Mu. Waiting for any other instructions or orders from his boss.

Seon-Mu took a moment to himself as he was impacted by the decision he had to make but it was the only way out that they had. "Fire." He ordered.

The soldier nodded before pressing the button that set the three bombs down onto the zombies they had gathered into three different piles.

Cheong-San grabbed onto the male since he couldn't do much in his state. He was in pain and the explosion behind them wasn't helping.  Feeling his friend take cover from the debris as he took a moment to breathe. He couldn't believe that he was able to still live another day and not have to deal with Gwi-Nam. It was finally over for now. All they had to do now was survive against the zombies past the school gates.


The explosion sent the rest of the survivors back with its strong wind. The debris from the building falling back down as they took cover. They were all lucky except Dae-Su who had gotten his leg injured.

Min-Jung covered her head and body behind a tree as she waited for everything to end. Her mother kept her arms and head over her head to keep h protected.

Min-Jung moved away from her mother once the whole thing ended and no more debris was falling onto them. Getting up with her help as she had teary eyes due to the smoke around them. Glancing towards the path they had come from. Her hand opening to see the name tag still in her hand.

She knew what being given a name tag meant but she couldn't just let go in case her brother and Cheong-San didn't make it out alive. Wiping her cheek as she closed her eyes tightly and praying it was all a dream. Praying that once her eyes opened she would be back in bed at home. Just getting ready for school. Getting to see all the others being alive and well. Opening her eyes to see the nightmare was still playing in reality.

𝐜𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐬𝐤𝐢𝐞𝐬 ➤ 𝐥𝐞𝐞 𝐬𝐮-𝐡𝐲𝐞𝐨𝐤 Where stories live. Discover now