Guys, I was very happy seeing the votes and comments on the last chapter and couldn't stop myself from updating the new one. Enjoy!
Target for next chapter- 30 votes and 10 comments [Comments are optional but if you drop them, it will make me happy :) ]
After the breakfast, everyone dispersed to their respective rooms. Aadarsh Bhai had asked me to change my clothes because we were going to his hospital since he had a few surgeries lined up. Why did he even agree to spend his day with me when he was going to work all day?
I went upstairs and changed my clothes. It is not like I have a variety of options to choose from. I only wore the clothes that were discarded by Prisha. I changed into a shirt and ripped jeans and went downstairs. There was no one in the living room. I decided to wait for him. After a while, I saw him coming downstairs in a shirt and pants. My brother rocks that outfit.
He noticed me already sitting there and came towards me. "I am so sorry to make you wait Sunshine," he said in an apologetic tone. All the anger that I had in me because he chose to work on the day, he had to spend with me flew away after hearing his nickname. Looks like I wouldn't be able to stay angry with my family for a long time ever.
I said, "No problem, Bhai." He passed me a smile and offered me his hand. I put my hand in his and we went outside together. He led me toward the stairs that went downstairs. I looked towards him and asked, "Do we have a basement too?" He replied mysteriously, "You will see Sunshine."
As soon as we reached downstairs, I was surprised to see a wide range of cars. My jaw dropped. Seeing my expressions, he chuckled. "Choose whatever you want, Sunshine." I looked at him with wide eyes and asked, "Can I really choose whatever I want?" "Of course, Sunshine!" This feels surreal. It feels great when your family respects your choices.
I noticed a car. A really beautiful car. I asked in excitement, "Is that a Ferrari SF90?" He chuckled at my excitement and said, "Sure Sunshine! But the car you chose belongs to Divyank bhai." All my excitement faded. Sure, he was nice to me in the jet but after that, he never tried to interact with me. So, I wasn't sure whether he would agree or not.
Seeing my crestfallen expression, Bhai said, "Don't worry Sunshine. I am sure Bhai would agree. I will make a call to him, okay." I just nodded not keeping any hope in my heart. Bhai made a call and went away. After a minute or so, he returned and said with a smile, "He agreed." I couldn't believe my ears and looked at him with the biggest smile I could muster. We then sat down in that car and took off.
While in the car everything was silent. I was busy admiring the interior of the car. He then tried to initiate a conversation, "So Sunshine, you seem to like cars." "I am not a crazy fan of them, but who doesn't like a great car?"
"Well then tell me some of your hobbies Sunshine." "Are you trying to initiate a conversation Bhai?" "Well, what is wrong if I want to talk to my sister for a while, huh?" I replied chuckling, "Of course, there is nothing wrong with it. Well, my hobbies are writing, singing, reading, and programming." He replied playfully, "Looks like I will have to buy my little sister some new electronics, huh." I just grinned in response.
After a while, I decided to ask him, "What are your hobbies bhai?" He replied playfully, "Well, I like to cut and stitch people" At first, I was horrified but then his words registered in my mind. He is a doctor. Of course, his job requires cutting and stitching the people. I let out a giggle. I am sure now that we will spend 5 enjoyable days together.
Just then the car stopped. "Come on Sunshine, we have reached." He got out of the car and came towards my side. He opened the door and offered me his hand. Bhaiya also did the same. Unlike last time when Bhaiya had offered me his hand, I did not hesitate this time and put my hand in his firmly. We went out of the car and I noticed everyone looking at me and Bhai. Most of the people even greeted him respectfully but he did not acknowledge any of them.
We reached a cabin and Bhai opened it. "Sunshine this is my cabin. Whenever I am busy in a surgery please stay inside the cabin only, okay." We sat down and Bhai took out some files from his drawer and kept them on the table. He then came and sat beside me. He took my hands in his and asked, "So Sunshine, tell me how are you settling with the change?" I suddenly felt overwhelmed with emotions. I was about to pour my heart out to him when the door of the cabin opened and a man entered inside.
He looked the same age as Bhai, so I assumed that he must be his colleague. He looked shocked to see me and exclaimed loudly, "Did you betray me and find a new friend for you, you fucker!" Bhai looked towards him with an exasperated face and grumbled, "Come on, Hriday, for God's sake shut up! And don't use curse words in front of my sister."
Hriday bhai looked shocked at the revelation just made. He then digested the information given to him, composed himself, and said smiling widely, "So you are the Sunshine, huh?" I also smiled at him and said in the same tone, "Yes, I am the Sunshine." He said chuckling, "I like your sister Aadarsh. At least, she is not like you, always grumbling and grumpy." If he is calling Aadarsh Bhai grumpy, then God knows what reaction he will have after meeting other members of my family.
"Bhai, won't you introduce us?" "Ah yes, Sunshine this is my friend Hriday Jaiswal and Hriday this is my one and only sister, Ruhanika Agnihotri."
Bhai suddenly looked at the clock and said, "Well Sunshine, I need to leave as I have surgery right now. Would you be okay here?" Although I don't want to stay here without him but I understand that work is also important. Moreover, my brother can save someone's life, so I won't stop him. "I will be all right Bhai." "Hriday please stay with her by the time I return." "You don't need to ask bro."
After Bhai left, I and Hriday Bhai enjoyed a lot together. After a while, Hriday Bhai left to get some snacks from the canteen and asked me to stay inside the cabin. After a minute or so, the door suddenly opened and a girl entered inside.
She saw me sitting there and said angrily, "Who are you and what are you doing inside Adi's cabin?" I replied calmly, "I am his sister." She laughed and said, "Do you consider me to be a fool? Adi has no sister and even if he had you wouldn't be her. Just look at your clothes. You don't even belong in this hospital." Her words hit me hard. She is right. I don't belong here with them. They are royals while I am just a girl who couldn't even get her mother's love. Tears formed in my eyes.
Just then a voice boomed, "What is happening here?"
To be continued...
I hope the chapter was up to your expectations.
What are your thoughts on the bond that is building between our Ruhi and Aadarsh? I personally adore their bond!
What do you think will happen next?
Today 2 new chapters will be uploaded on Scrollstack at 7:00 p.m.
From now on, chapters will be uploaded on Wattpad whenever the target is completed.
2 new chapters will be uploaded on Scrollstack every Wednesday and Sunday at 7:00 pm.

Chaotic Relations
General FictionRuhanika Senghal hates changes. Even though her life is not the best, she is content with how it is. What will happen when she will have to change her house, her city and move all the way to Jodhpur. Throw in 6 big brothers, a new father and grandpa...