Chapter 1

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Morning at 8 a.m.,Kim Mansion

A boy was sleeping looking cute with a pout on his face.Sunlight hitting hitting his skin looking like honey is dripping making him looking ethereal.
But someone was looking at him pissed as that person was trying to wake him up from past 20 minutes but he won't even budge.

??: Wake up Tae! It's 8 in the morning and you're still sleeping.

Tae just rolled on the other side snuggling into the comforter more.

??: Tae I'm saying for the last time get up!

Tae: Ughhh! What is it Kookie? Let me sleep! (Said a little whining)

JK: No...get up and freshen up. Hyung is waiting for breakfast in the dining table. And you also have to go for shoot.

Tae: Hmm...going.

Tae went to get freshen up half asleep. After sometime both Tae and Kookie came downstairs and went to the dining area.

??: You came?

Tae/Kookie: Yes hyung. Good morning.

??: Good morning. Come and have breakfast both of you and Tae after your shoot you also have to go gor checkup.

Tae: Jiminie hyung, don't wanna...

Jimin: I won't listen to any of your whining. Kookie will take you for the checkup,alright?

Tae: Yes hyung.

They all had their breakfast and after finishing Jimin left for office.Tae went with his manager for the shoot and Kookie to the hospital.

Time skip,in Tae's shooting area

Photographer: Yes...Tae you're doing good...great. One last to go.

Tae: Okay.

Tae poses for the camera for the photo. After some clicks the shoot was done and the photographer and all the staff praised Tae and wrapped the shoot.

Tae' manager: Sir you have a meeting after this with the LV's. It's an urgent meeting.

Tae: But wasn't it two days later then how come the meeting is today.

TM: Sir they changed the date in the last minute as their director will be out of the country and this meeting was important so couldn't postpone it.

Tae: I'm already tired...ahh okay I'll go...get the car ready I'm coming after changing.

The manager nodded and left to do his work. And Tae left to change.

With Jimin,in Kim Industries

Jimin: What the hell is this!?

Jimin was shouting at one of the employees who was standing there hanging his head low 'cause the file he needed for the meeting was not completed yet and he had the meeting was lined for today evening.

Jimin: Now go complete it! I want it within 2 hours. Leave!

The employee mumbled a sorry and bowed at his boss who was looking hella angry and left the cabin. In the meantime...


Jimin: Come in.

??: Jimin-ah I've something to discuss...

Jimin: Oh...Namjoon hyung. What's it hyung?

Namjoon: Yeah! You know that deal which was supposed to be done two days back but was snatched from us...we got that deal back.

Jimin on hearing that gave a smirk.

Jimin: Now this is something good to hear. Good. Let's just wait and see now.

With Jungkook,in Hospital

JK: Alright done.

Kookie said dressing the wounds of his patients. The patient smiled and said thanks to Jungkook and bowed toh him and left his cabin.

??: Jungkook are you done with the patients?

Jungkook's senior asked him.

Kookie: Yes hyung... I'm done with the patients and some files of patients are left to check.

Sehun: Okay.

JK: Hyung I'll be bringing Tae for his regular checkup today.

Sehun: Yeah I was about to ask you. Alright bring him after you're done here... I'll be here.

JK: okay hyung.

Kookie started doing his work. After almost an hour...

Evening,5 pm,with Tae

Taehyung was in meeting with the LV's director and others along with his manager in his company. The meeting was going on for past one and a half hour but wasn't coming to an end. On the other hand Tae was frustrated and bored at the same time. But being the professional he is keeping his composure.

LV's director: But we want to do something more different. It's all outdated. We need something new.

Tae: But what you're saying doesn't go with the theme. Then how can we just go with this?

LV's: Then suggest something.

Tae: That's what we're doing from past one and a half hour but nothing is to your liking. And what you're trying to say isn't going with the style and the vibe doesn't match and I can't work work like that.

At the same time Tae's phone rings. On seeing Kookie's name on the caller id he understood what it is about. But as he was in the meeting he cut the call and put the phone on silent.

On the other hand Kookie was trying to call Tae to see where he was so he can go and pick him up. But to his surprise Tae just cut his call.

Kookie: Tae pick up the phone. What's he doing? C'mon.

Sehun: What happened?

Kookie: Tae isn't picking up my calls.

Sehun: He must be busy that's why.

Kookie: No hyung...his shoot was over hours ago... I'm getting worried now. He never does that.

Sehun: Calm down kookie. Why don't you call his manager.

Kookie: Oh right!

Kookie then tried calling Tae's manager but he also wasn't picking up and now he was getting worried more. So he just decided to go to Tae's company to find him.

To be continued ~

Hey guys I know it's a small chapter and not that much interesting but I'll try to make it more interesting till then do read it and let me know if I need to improve.
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