Chapter 16

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That's what Jimin was feeling right now. Bunch of files piled up on his desk, ready to take all his precious time he wanted to spend with his brothers.

He groaned for the nth time by now from the time he entered his office cabin. He looked up from the file he was going through as he heard a knock on the door. "Come in" he gave permission to enter whoever was there at the entrance.

"Jiminah!" Hoseok chimed out. The usual brightening smile on his lips. "Hobi hyung!?" Jimin furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

"Yes! Let's go somewhere together. We will eat out and have some fun together." Hoseok proposed.

Jimin found the idea quite amusing as it's been awhile they went out together and also with the current situation going on it will be good distraction. So with out any further do he nodded his head with smile but the next his smile dropped. He sighed yet again looking at the piled of files.

He looked at Hoseok and then at the files, "Can't go hyung, have to finish these files." Jimin mumbled.

"You'll never get time from these." Hoseok shook his head in disappointment.

"Umm...alright, let's do this... I'll complete only those which are needed urgently." Jimin suggested more to himself than Hoseok. Hoseok's eyes beamed at the idea. He just can't wait to go out with his brother like friends.

"Okay then I'll tell everyone." Hoseok said and took out his phone to contact the others to inform about the little get together they planned. "Ah, hyung let Tae and Kook also know." Jimin asked and concentrated on his files.

Kim Mansion, with Taekook,

"Baby just eat this for today, I promise tomorrow I'll make you whatever you want." Kook requested his brother to eat his food which was according to his diet, but Tae as always denied. He wanted something good.

"You always say that!" Tae huffed, his lips jutted out which is making him look like a cute sulky baby.

Kook just sighed. He was this close to loosing his temper but he controlled himself knowing Tae didn't eat properly from last night and he can't let him be like this, he may fall sick. Without getting any option he thought to make him some noodles which he can have for now.

He was about to move from the kitchen counter towards the fridge to get the ingredients, his phone ringed out flashing Hoseok's name. He picked the call and said, "Hello hyung?"

"Kook-ah, we decided to go out together in the evening, so be ready." Hoseok informed. "Umm...where exactly, if I may ask?" Kook questioned. "We will go to eat out and will have movie night or something." Hoseok said letting him know about their plan. "Oh okay we'll be ready then." Kook agreed with his bunny smile on display.

"Tae, eat this for now, we will go out to eat at evening with hyungs." Kook informed. While Tae practically jumped over the sofa upon hearing about the outing. "Yay!"

Kook shook his head chuckling at the childish behaviour of his brother.

It is not like that they are not stressed about what to do with Taecyeon or what might that bastard could do. They are just trying to distract themselves not to think about that and stress themselves out. They will just enjoy their time and watch out and will wait for a wrong move by their enemy to finish them.

Time rolled out quick, Kook and Tae both were ready to go out and were currently waiting for Jimin as he told them that he will pick them up. While waiting it's been quite some time that Tae and Kook both were now a bit tensed as it was already past the time he was supposed to be here.

Kook took out his phone and dialed Jimin's number but it was switched off. He tried to contact others to get a hold of them. But to his dismay none of them could be reached. And it was making both anxious and worried for their hyung.

As other than Taecyeon Jimin doesn't have any less enemies to see him totally destroyed and gone from the picture. Those are some of cons of being the King of underworld.

"It isn't going through." Kook said, voice tinged with pure worry.

Tae was at the entrance of the door waiting for Jimin or any of his hyung who can give a picture of the situation. "What should we do then!? I have a bad feeling about this."

On the other side a few hours back-- "Yes hyung I'm already done and leaving already." He said to Jin over the phone call.

8 P.M. and Jimin was done with work on time and was on his way to pick his baby brothers. He was on the parking area moving towards his car when he felt a presence behind him suddenly but when he turned around he found nothing. He stopped for a moment to take a look but the shrugged after finding nothing. He went to his car and made his way out of the building.

Jimin was on the road which was a bit deserted, not a single vehicle could be seen. He thought it was unusual as at this time there should be fair amount of vehicles but soon shrugged. He might be overthinking. Can't say.

Suddenly, bang!

He looked upwards in the rear view mirror of the car and noticed a black SUV and what was more amusing to him was the small logo that he could not recognise. He took out his earpiece and fit in his ear and dialed Yoongi's number, "hyung, someone's following me,also fired once." Jimin informed about the situation.

"On it." Yoongi replied shortly from the other end.

By the time Yoongi could inform him something a bullet was pierced in left tyre at the back side. He controlled the car somehow with sudden jerk inches apart from colliding with the electric pole. He looked back and saw a few men in black, gun in hand and much to his unwill he got down from the car. Two guns in both hands.

He went to the other side of the car so that he can shield himself from the incoming bullets. He carefully assessed the situation and pinpoint the opposition.

In a spar of the moment the air was filled with the sound of bullet firing and screamings. "Hyung can't tackle them for long, guess need backup." Jimin mumbled counting the bullets in the guns. He looked at his enemies, in total seven of them are left and the bullets he's left with is only two. Quite unfair. But wait that's Jimin we are talking about, the Mafia King.

'Gotta do something~' he thought to himself. With the guns in his both hands he took a risk and came out of the shielding, he straight walked towards them. The men in opposite were confused to see him, they looked at them and not being sure two of them came out from the hiding from two sides pointing gun towards him. Before they could fire, Jimin already shot them.

Not getting anything the remaining five came out and started firing nonstop. Jimin with his agility saved himself from shot and beat the shit out of them.

At one point he pointed their gun at one of them and next second the other man in black was drop dead on the ground.

"Tsk! Weak fella!" He snickered enjoying the sight of his victory.

He turned around walking towards his car. "Hyung, done with the fun already. Just clear the mess please." Jimin said over the earpiece. Before he could get any response from the other side--


To be continued~

Hey guys! Thanks for patiently waiting and sorry for late update. Hope you enjoy and let me know how you liked. And thanks for 5k+ reads.
Oh btw one of the readers said they are Jimin biased so I kinda went with that.
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