Chapter 9

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TH Modelling Company,

"You!" Taehyung whispers out but the surroundings were so quiet that the other person on the vicinity hears him. That man looks at Tae and smiles at him. If anyone looks at the man he will find him sweet but Tae does know that smile is of a maniac.

Tae takes a few steps back. "W-What are you doing here?" The man smirks at him. He steps towards Tae making him to jump at his place a little. "What do you think I'm here for? Baby?"

Tae made a disgusting face on the name he used to call him just now. "Don't use that name to address me. You disgust me."

The man laughs an evil laugh.

"You feel disgusted? Then why don't you feel disgusted when your 'Kookie' calls you the same? After all him and I are no different, isn't it brother?"

"No! No,no,no I'm not your brother--- you are nothing to me."

Tae pants heavily, his breathing uneven. His hands were trembling which he was fisting tight to stop them from trembling. His eyes red, stinging with tears of frustration and anger which were threatening to fall.

That man took a few steps further caging Tae between the wall and him. His one hand on the wall at the side of other's head and the other on Tae's waist.

"I'm here just to remind you that the game that started years ago hasn't ended yet. I'm going to take what's mine." He sweetly smiles at Tae as if what he said was not enough to scare him. With the words sinking in Tae's mind flashbacks from the past and dread spreads through his chest. He then back away from the other and looks at him. His eyes showing a glint of satisfaction looking at the horror in Tae's eyes.

"I'll come back."

With that he walks out of the office room and out of Tae's sight. But sometimes things that aren't in our sight are more scary than the things which are visible to us. Which is something Tae can feel right now.

The model feels like he would collapse any moment now. He somehow gathered the remaining strength and dragged himself towards the couch of his office room and plopped on it.

His hands shaking visibly. He takes his phone out and dialed Jimin's number. After trying for sometime he couldn't get through the line. Without having any option he dialed Kook's number. Tae didn't want to disturb Kook as he was attending an important meeting.

After a few rings Kook answered his call.

"Hello, baby?" "K-Kokie, I want to t-tell you something." Tae somehow stuttered out.

"What happened baby? Why are you sounding so troubled?" Kook asks. He can feel the distress in his brother's voice.

"Can y-you come to me?" He was having trouble voicing his words out. "Don't worry Tae, I'm coming. My meeting is almost over I'll there in few. Hang in there for a while, okay?"

"I'll---I'll be waiting Kook."

Tae's breathe was heavy, he was shaking quite badly now. Tears brimming at the corner of his eyes. He was trying shake the incidents playing at the back of his mind from the past but the flashbacks were constantly coming back to him. He couldn't shake the feeling of fear and disgust. Disgust on his pathetic self that can't do anything other than crying.

Time skip,

"Tae!" Kook's eyes widen at the scene in front of him. He wasn't expecting this. Tae was at the verge of having anxiety attack. He ran towards his brother and sit on the couch besides him. He took Tae in his embrace securely, rubbing soothing circles on the others back and whispering comforting words to calm the other down.

"You're okay baby...see your Kookie is here." Kook whispers in the ears of his brother wanting to comfort him somehow.

After trying for a while Kook was able to calm Tae down a bit. His cries died down in the others hold. "Tae" Kook softly called him. The said boy looked up to his brother and hums signalling him to continue. "Baby, can you tell me how did this happen?"

Tae pulled a little away from the others embrace and looked at Kook. "Kookie, h-he is back." Tears once again streamed down his eyes as he said those words.

"B-baby who's back? Whom are you talking a-about?" Kook stuttered out. He was scared what he is thinking, was it what Tae is talking about?

"Th-That man Kookie...what should I do now? He said he was back to take w-what belongs to him...he will come back. What should I Kookie? Should I rum away from here to somewhere far where he can't find me---find us. Tae was ranting all the things while Kook was looking at him with sad eyes for the condition of his brother. Unable to take the others condition he pulled Tae again in his embrace.

"Shh baby... don't worry nothing will happen to you--- to us. Everything is gonna be alright." Kook says. Although he himself don't know if everything will be okay or not. Though he hopes that whatever happened in the past doesn't haunt them again in the same way.

He pulls the other a little to look at him, "Baby let's go home could take a rest and then we will have dinner. Also I'll ask hyung to come early today so that we can spend time together."

Tae just nodded lost in his thoughts. Kook helped him to get and collected his things and went out of the office. They went in the parking area and went inside the car. Tae settled at the passenger seat and kook slided behind the steering wheel but Kook's eyebrows creased together. He found a sticky note at the wheel, he took the note to read...

I'll come back Kim brothers... I'll take back what's mine. You won't be able to do anything. Just wait and watch.

Kook and Tae look at each other as if they have seen a ghost. Both of their faces were white as sheet.

"W-What will happen now Kookie?" Tae asks his brother, horror in his eyes. "Don't worry Tae, everything will be alright. We will talk to hyung about this once we reach home."

Both the brothers not dwelling on the matter more drove towards their safe place---to their home, their hyung.

To be continued~

Nothing much to say guys. You guys just read and never comment. Atleast let me know if you enjoyed my writing or not or where to improve. Thank you though for your time.
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