Chapter 7

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Kim Mansion, outside Tae's room,

Jimin and Kook were outside Tae's room asking him to open the door. But Tae being stubborn and hurt he didn't want to.

Jimin: Baby please open the door. Look hyung wants to talk with you.
Tae: No, I don't want to talk to you. *sniff*
Kook: Tae don't test my patience and open the door.

Kook said being frustrated. But to his dismay Tae now was crying harder. Kook and Jimin both of them felt a tug in their throats listening to Tae's cries. Tae was feeling like he can't be reliable and useful to his brothers. He just is a burden to them.

Jimin: Tae please atleast open the door and let me see don't have to talk to me.

After not getting a reply from Tae, Jimin sighed and was about to leave when a click sound of the door restrained his actions. He then was met with a Tae who's eyes were puffy, red nose from crying but he was looking like adorable baby. Jimin cooed at the sight of his brother. Tae moved aside to let Jimin and Kook inside the room.

Jimin: Baby listen to hyung once. It's not like what you are thinking.
Tae: Don't talk to me. *sob* I know I can't do things on my own and I always need you both there with me. But am I atleast not even worthy to be knowing about my brothers well being. *sob*

Jimin's heart clenched hearing his baby brother. Though Kook is the youngest but for Jimin the feeling of being a brother for the first time was given by Tae and it was and will be always special.

Jimin could not control himself and hugged Tae tight  and Tae broke down in Jimin's embrace. Though for people it might seem a small matter but for them it was not.
Kook also joined them in the hug. They stayed in their embrace for sometime. After that they parted from the hug and Jimin wiped Tae's tears.

Jimin: Tae I'm sorry. I promise this won't happen again. I won't hide anything from you from now on. Please forgive hyung.
Tae: No you always say that but do the same things all over again. You guys never think how will I feel knowing that my brothers are hurt but they didn't even feel like telling me.
Jimin: I'm sorry baby. Please forgive hyung.
Tae: No why should I when I know you'll do the same thing again? And that muscle bunny he's younger than me but acts as if he's my hyung. Even he doesn't feel like telling me anything.
Kook: Yaah! Why are you dragging me in this.
Jimin: Alright baby I promise from now on Kook and I'll let you know about everything. Please don't cry now... you'll get sick like this.
Tae: I'll but only in one condition.
Jimin: And what would be that?
Tae: Tell this muscle bunny to not call me 'baby' I'm his elder brother.
Kook: That won't be happening baby.
Tae: Hyunggg *whines*

Jimin chuckled at his two brothers.

Jimin: Alright now let's go outside today. We haven't gone outside together for a while.
Tae/Kook: NO!
Kook: No hyung. No outing today... you'll rest at home.
Tae: Yes and if we want to have fun and spend time together we don't need to go outside.
Kook: Yeah...umm... let's watch a movie and then we will do barbecue in the backyard. What's say?
Jimin: Okay done. Let's go to the theatre room and watch some movies and then we will do barbecue.
Tae: Hyung let's call others would be fun.
Jimin: Okay let me call Jin hyung.

Jimin called Jin and told about their plan and asked to tell the others to come to their place so they could enjoy their day off together. Jin agreed to the plan as they haven't relaxed for quite a while now so it would be good time for them.

Time skip,

Jin and the others came to the Kim Mansion and was currently in the theatre room choosing what movie they can watch.

Tae: Let's watch love and leashes.
Kook: But that's not a new release.
Tae: Have you all watched it?

Everyone shook their head in denial.

Tae: See no one watched it so let's just watch it.

They started the movie and it was good. They were enjoying their time together. Later when the movie progressesed and the kiss scene popped up in the screen, everyone looked at ecah other and then away. They were all having a pink tint on their cheeks.

Yoongi: Ahem! I guess we should start preparing for the barbecue or else it'll be late for dinner.
Joon: Yeah! Let's go.
Kook: Okay I'll ask someone to bring the things in the backyard and we can do the barbecue.

At the backyard,

Jin: Yeah Namjoon-ah it's not like it properly.
Joon: Hyung I'm trying...
Hobi: *laughing* Joon cooking isn't your thing.
Joon: Yaah! Don't laugh Hobi.
Yoongi: These are not for you...let it be I'll help Jin hyung.
Kook: Let's sing something... I'll bring my guitar.

Kook went back inside and came with his guitar.

Kook: Okay let's start.

Twinkling starlight
building with blinking lights
we are shining
In each room, in each star
What light is ambition
some light wanders
people's lights
all precious one
Dark night (don't be lonely)
Like the stars (we shine)
Don't disappear
Because it's a big thing
Let us shine
Let us shine
How is it that this night’s expression is so beautiful?
Oh, it's probably because of us, not those stars or lights.
You got me
You got me
I dream about you
I got you
I got you
In the pitch black nights
The light we both saw
We were saying the same thing
The starlight shines brighter in the deepest night
The deeper the night, the brighter the starlight
One history per person
one star per person
Shining with 7 billion lights
7 billion worlds
7 billion lives, the night view of the city
Maybe just another city night
Each of our dreams let us shine
You shine brighter than anyone else

Jin: Alright guys the barbecues are ready. Let's eat.
Tae: YAY! Let's eatt!
Jimin: Hyper kid!

Tae stickout his tongue and everyone laughed. Jimin shook his head at his baby brother's behaviour. They then had their food and went back inside the house.

Jimin: Hyung let's have sleepover and it's late also just stay here today.
Hobi: Okay then sleepover it is

They all went to sleep after having a peaceful day after quite a while and spending time with each other was the highlight. They talked with eachother about the things going on with themselves and slept.

To be continued~

Hey guys, short chapter today it is. Let me know how you liked the chapter. Thanks for reading.
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