Chapter 17

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That's all Yoongi heard over the earpiece in his ear connected to Jimin over the call.

For a fraction of seconds he could not fathom what was actually going on over there. Minutes later when he came out of the suddenness, "Jimin! Hello? Answer me Jimin!" but he got no response in return.

He was utterly shocked upon hearing the firing sound of the bullet. What could possibly have happened? Was Jimin alright? And many more questions roaming inside his head. So he did what he felt right that moment. Informing Seokjin. If by chance something have happened to Jimin only he can handle the situation calmly. Not like him and the others can't handle the situation but as elder they depend on him in these situations.

"Hyung! J-Jiminie...hyung he..." Yoongi was on the verge of crying. He held himself by this much from breaking down.

"Calm down, then tell me." Jin adviced him. Yoongi took a deep breath and tried calm himself. He narrated the whole thing that happened in the span of these hours. "And now I don't where and how's he." Yoongi ended.

Jin was quiet for few seconds, "Okay I'm going to the location and you inform the others and reach there as quick as possible."
Yoongi nodded as if he was seen by Jin. Without any further delay he took his car keys and most importantly the gun. Precaution is better than cure. Who knows if the rats are still roaming around.

On the other side, with Jimin,

Jimin was going to open the car door when one of the men in black raised his hand slowly and pointed the gun towards him and fired. Before Jimin could even react the bullet pierced his left shoulder near his heart. The last thing he heard was Yoongi calling his name from the other line. But he could not respond, before that everything tuned black infront of his vision and sild down against the car on the road.

Almost ten minutes, Jin reached their and his car came to a hault with a screech sound. He scanned the whole area, when he was sure that everything was okay he got down from the car and went towards Jimin.

He came near Jimin and bend down to his level and saw that he was not in his senses. So he first tried to wake him up but was to no avail. "Jimin?" No response. Then he checked the wound and it was quite deep. He searched for a cloth inside the car. He then tied the cloth around his shoulder and wrapped the wound to resist the flow of the blood. He called for an ambulance and in the meantime the others also arrived.

"Hyung!" Namjoon called. "I called for an ambulance, they must be here in any minute now." Jin said and they all heard the ambulance siren. The paramedics came with stretcher and picked Jimin up going towards the vehicle. The others followed the ambulance from behind. They all reached the hospital and under emergency Jimin was immediately transferred for an OT.

"Hyung should we inform those two? They must be worried." Yoongi asked more like suggested. "Hmm...let it be for now. Once we get to know how Jimin's condition is then we will inform." Jin said. The others nodded in agreement.

Each minute was feeling like an eternity. Yoongi and Namjoon were sitting on the bench and Jin was pacing back and forth infront of the operation theatre's door. Hoseok was gone for checking the security arrangements as Jimin was in a public place.

Two and half hours. The red light above operating theatre door went off. The doctor came out. Jin was the first to notice. "Doctor. How's he?" He could not bear the wait anymore. Anxiety was crawling at the back of his mind now.

"He's alright, we have removed the bullet." They all let out a sigh of relief. "The bullet was inches apart from the heart. He was really lucky. The doctor further informed.

"Can we meet him?" This time it was Yoongi.

"He's out of senses, medicine effects. We will inform you." Jin shook the doctor's hand, "Thanks doctor." Jin said, grateful for saving his brother. "No need Mr Kim, it's our duty. Take care " The doctor gave an assuring smile. By the time Hobi was back.

"We should inform them now." Jin said.He dialed Kook's number.

Kim Mansion, with Taekook,

"Kook I'm getting a bad feeling about this. Hyung never does like this--" Tae could not finish his statement when Kook's phone ringed. "Jin hyung it is." Kook accepted the call.

"Hyung! Where are you all?" Kook immediately questioned. "Put the phone on speaker." Tae whispered while motioning his hand.

Jin then narrated all the story of Jimin getting attacked in the middle of the road. And that they are in the hospital now and that's why they are late and not there.

Both the brothers were in a state of shock. What could have happened if the bullet penetrated his heart? They could have lost their big brother. A shiver ran down their spine even on the thought.

"We are coming to the hospital now hyung." Kook said. He couldn't think of anything. "No don't come right now. He's okay now." Jin informed. "Let us consult with the doctor if he permits we will be coming home tomorrow."

"Alright hyung." Kook disconnected the call and looked towards Tae who was sitting at the couch. His hands limp on the either side of his body. Kook went and sit beside him.

"Baby?" As if it was the cue for Tae, his tears started flowing like river. "K-Kook...h-hyung..." Those were the only words he could stammered out and sobs escaped his lips. With time the crying was loud. Kook too couldn't control himself and a tear drop escaped from his eyes.

He hugged Tae closed to him and ran his hand at his back to soothe him. "Don't cry baby, hyung is okay now. Nothing happened."

Moments later Tae's cries died down and only sniffing sound could be heard. "Kookie, want hyung." Tae breathed, messed up from all the crying. "Baby look at me. See Jin hyung said if doctor permits he will bring hyung home tomorrow and if not then we will visit hyung at the hospital first thing in the morning." Kook assured him.

"Now let's get some rest okay?" Tae nodded his head in small.

To be continued~

Hey guys! I know it's a short chapter but I'll try to update soon again. Thanks for reading.
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