Chapter 5

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Somewhere, around 9:00 am

Scorching heat of the sun was blazing the entire ground. Heavily guarded, men in all black standing in their designated positions. And someone's voice was ringing through out the place.

??: Move fast! I don't have the entire day for you!
??: I'm doing sir...
??: Hoseok is again going hard on him.
??: Don't mention his real name here Suga know the rules.
Suga: Yeah Jonnie no one's hearing.
Joonie: It's RM hyung and J-hope here.
J-hope: I said faster JM!

And with the voice the person named JM who was running with tyres tied to his legs tried to run faster.

J-hope the right hand man of the Mafia King and the most feared, merciless and cold trainer of the Mafia gang. He right now was training or more like punishing JM who's none other than Kim Jimin, the CEO of the Kim Industries for the outer world and the merciless Mafia King for the underworld.

Here JM was getting trained with the other mafia trainees as his punishment received from his Jin hyung. And J-hope can be really merciless even if it's his boss which he's doing right now.

JM: And that's 100. I'm done.

JM said laying on the ground and panting hard.

Early in the morning when Yoongi called Jimin talking about surprise he was really confused. Upon reaching the training ground Jimin realised his Jin hyung arranged Hoseok as his trainer for one week which is parallel to hell.

J-hope: You're not done with your training yet JM. The new trainees are even better than you. Get your ass back or else it'll be more worse!*said mockingly*
JM: 5 mins please sir.
J-hope: I'm your trainer not your brother whom you're requesting for time. Get back to train.

JM sighed and went back to his training, knowing very well it won't end up good.

Kim Mansion, with taekook,

Kook: Tae it's time for your medicines. Come here.
Tae: I don't want that bitter thing Kook.*said making faces*
Kook: Tae it's not that bitter come on take it.

But ase usual, Tae is being stubborn in taking his meds which is like testing Jungkook's patience. Though he's really calm but sometimes it gets out of hand with Tae's tantrums.

Kook: Tae don't make me lose my patience, come and have it.
Tae: I'll take it but you've to promise me to give icecream. Would you?
Kook: You're really getting bratty,huh!? Fine I'll give you icecream.

Tae looked at Kook with wide eyes like he has grown two heads as it's really rare for Kook to agree with Tae's requests for any junk food as it's not good for his health.

Tae: Really Kook? You will?
Kook: What, you dont want? Okay then-
Tae: Aishh...when did I say that? I want. But how did the muscle monster agree today?

Kook shook his head.

Kook: Because you didn't have anything like this for quite a while and will not have for the meantime.
Tae: Whatever we'll see about that.

Kook gave Tae medicine and came with his favourite strawberry icecream and sat down on the living room couch to watch movies as Kook came early in the morning so he had a late day shift. So he thought to spend some time with his "baby".

The afternoon went by uneventful.

Night time,Mistic Oak basement,

(Mistic Oak: JM's mafia gang)

JM: Is everything ready?
J-hope: Yes boss.
JM: Good, let's go.

JM and his gang left for the mission towards the dockyard. After a drive of somewhat half an hour they reached their destination. They went inside and hide behind some boxes.

JM: J-hope you'll be going from the left side, RM will take the right and I'll take the front.
RM/J-hope: Yes boss.

They as planned moved to their respective places with their men divided in three groups. As per their plan Hope attacked from the left and RM from the right. They were engaged in fierce fighting. JM's men attacked from the front.

JM: Suga where's that bastard?
Suga: Boss he's moving towards the place where the deal will be done.
JM: Got it.

JM went towards the place where the leader of the other gang was going to make a deal of diamonds. Actually those diamonds belonged to Mistic Oak gang but the other gang stole the diamonds when they were being shifted from the mine to the basement and now he's making a deal with a foreign party.

*Bang! Bang!*
??: What the hell?
JM: Long time no see Lee!*smirk*
Lee: JM! What are you looking at? Get him!

Lee's man launch at JM. They were fighting.

JM: Hope...are you done there?
Hope: Yes boss. We're coming there. Suga informed us the location.
JM: Good.

They were using martial arts as well as weapons to fight. JM may be alone with all these people surrounding him but he was never outnumbered, afterall he's the Mafia King for a reason.

JM: Lee surrender yourself or else the consequences won't be to your liking.
Lee: Heh! Don't get so full of yourself.

JM was fighting with his men though he got some minor injuries but he was still the merciless King. At the meantime RM and J-hope came there with their men. Lee upon seeing that he was being cornered he tried to flee away.

RM: Boss he's trying run away!
JM: In his dreams.

JM went after Lee.

JM: Lee don't move. You can't escape!*JM pointed his gun towards Lee*

Lee didn't heed to his words and point his gun towards JM and shot towards him. But JM was quick enough to dodge the bullet. JM went towards him and attacked him. They were fighting and JM locked him between his hands ground.

JM: You can't escape from me. Get ready to see the hell!
Lee:*smirk* This wont be that easy JM. It's just the starting.

JM punched him hard on the face which made him cough up blood. Lee was trying to get out of JM's hold.

On the other hand Hope and RM were done with Lee's men and were headed towards the place where JM and Lee were fighting.

RM: I hope he's okay.
Hope: We're talking about boss... nothing can happen to him.

Lee was trying harder get out of his grip and was struggling. But suddenly his he noticed his gun laying on the ground. He silently extended his hand and tried to reach out for the gun which JM didn't notice.

Lee: This will be your last day JM.*laughs maniacally*

RM and J-hope were near the place and suddenly...


To be continued~

Hey guys... I want to say something... I am not really good with the fighting plots so please bare with it😅 and do let me know if you liked the chapter. It's my first time writing so pardon the mistakes and I'll try to improve.
Do comment and vote.

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