Chapter 14

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Fear. Something when inflicted in our mind can never get out of it's labyrinth.

Tae was sitting in the middle of the bed and time to time looking at the locked door which was the only barrier between him and his only fear now.

Taecyeon on the other side of the door was only this close to breaking the door. His mind only focused on the boy behind the doors. The lust taking over him.

"I said open the door!" Taecyeon shouts and with forceful thrust with his shoulder he got what he wanted. The then closed door being the only barrier was now open.

On the other the loud door breaking sound made Tae flinch hard on his place. He lifted his gaze and saw the monster standing a few meters away from him.

Taecyeon with a smug look took slow steps towards the bed where Tae was. With each step of his Tae was backing away. Tears falling with out stop. "Pl-Please do not come n-near me." Tae cried, his voice barely above whisper.

Taecyeon was now on the edge of the bed. His one leg bended on the bed and another on the ground. Tae was a few inches reach from his hands. "You can't escape from me baby." Taecyeon uttered making Tae feel utterly disgusted.

Without a second to waste, Taecyeon lunged towards Tae and hover above the small figure caging him between the mattress and him.

"No one can stop me from having you today." Taecyeon licked his lips looking at the boy underneath him. Taecyeon directly dived towards Tae's neck and licked there. He sucked the soft flesh there leaving a red patch. Tae thrashed in his hold to free himself while screaming for help.

Taecyeon hold Tae's both hands in his one and pinned them above his head while he slid the other one inside Tae's shirt roaming his hand over his tummy and waist. "You feel so good. It's making me more excited." Taecyeon said with sinister smirk.

Tae was now not able to think what he can do to save him other than praying that someone to come and rescue him.

"Hyung...please save me." Tae's only thought at the moment.

Kim Industries, with Jimin,

"Tae!" Jimin suddenly whispered out. He was on his cabin working on an upcoming project. But suddenly Tae's face flashed infront of his eyes. Somewhere he felt like Tae was calling him. Without wasting a second he took his car keys and went towards his car.

An ugly feeling settling at the pit of his stomach. Jimin dialed Tae's number while driving towards the mansion.

"Please baby, please be okay." Jimin murmured.

He was few minutes away. The whole ride he was calling Tae but he wasn't picking up the call making Jimin more desperate.

He reached the mansion and parked the car and hurriedly went inside the mansion. He looked around the living room but did not spot anyone there. He was about to go towards backyard where generally Tae spend time while sketching. But a sudden scream pulled his attention.

It was Tae. And it came from his room.

Jimin ran towards Tae's room and the sight infront raged him. He was seeing everything red.

Taecyeon was hovering over Tae while Tae was half naked by now and  struggling to free himself from the bruising grip. Taecyeon was leaving marks all over his body and was about tug his pants down while hard punch on his jaw made him loose his balance and he fell from the bed.

Jimin looked at his baby brother who was hiding his body with his hands and was crying mess by now. Jimin did not waste a second and pulled Tae and hide him in his embrace. Tae was crying loudly in his hyung's chest.

Jimin took out his phone and called his personal guards inside. Few moment later two of Jimin's guards came inside Tae's room and taking in the scenario they immediately held their gazes down.

"Take that bastard to the basement and tie him." Jimin's voice dangerously low that it even send shivers down the guards spine. They held Taecyeon and took him out of the room and to the basement.

At Kook's school,

"What happened Jungkook?" Kook's friend asked him. "Don't know. Not feeling good." Kook replied.

"Then why don't you go home? We don't have any class today, it's just basketball practice." Kook's friend suggested. Kook thought for sometime and decided to go back home after taking permission from his teacher.

"Sir, may I go home toady? I'm not feeling well." Kook asked his teacher. They were in the basketball court. " Okay, you may but remember Jungkook you have to practice hard tomorrow." His teacher gave him permission. "Thank you sir." His teacher dismissed him with a nod.

Kook packed his bag and called his bodyguard to bring the car so that he can reach the mansion soon.

At Kim Mansion,

"Don't cry baby. You will get sick." Jimin said to a hysterically crying Tae in his hold. His eyes were also moist.

After sending Taecyeon Jimin tried to make Tae calm down but he was crying and hiccuping. And who won't after experiencing something like this. Tae didn't let Jimin go for a second, moreover held him more closely and tightly if possible.

"Baby please don't cry. See hyung is here, nothing will happen." Jimin said his voice cracking. Tae hearing his hyung's wavering voice peeked from his hyung's chest and sniffled. His cries subsided a bit.

"Hyung, w-wanna take s-shower." Tae whispered. Jimin without saying hold him and took him towards the bathroom.

Tae went inside and opened the shower, cold water running through his body. He took the shower gel and scrubbed his body feeling utterly disgusting as if the unwanted touches are still lingering in his skin. Almost 25 minutes Tae came out. Jimin went near him and guided him to the bed and took a towel to dry his hair. Jimin layed him in the bed and himself laying beside him covering them duvet and pat his head. Tae slept in his hyung's warm embrace.

Meanwhile Kook came back from school and frowned seeing the main door opened. He slowly came inside and roamed his eyes in the living room. But no one's here. Atleast his 'baby' should be here.

Frowning he took the stairs and was about to go towards his room but stopped seeing Jimin and Tae in the bed in the latter's room. He went inside and saw Tae sleeping snuggled up in Jimin and Jimin patting his head comfortingly.

"Hyung." Kook slowly called Jimin. Jimin slightly startled looked back.

"Why are you here Kook at this time?" Jimin asked confused. "Wasn't feeling well so came home." Kook answered. "What happened hyung why are you home and what happened to Tae? Is he sick?" Kook asked equally confused about reason of hyung's presence.

Jimin sighed. He looked at Tae then at Kook and told him everything.

"I won't leave that fucker!" Kook said while gritting teeth. He looked towards Tae, his eyes softened. He got closer to him and ran his fingers through the other's hair and pecked his forehead.

"I promise baby, that bastard will get back ten folds of what he have done." Kook vowed and looked towards Jimin who nodded assuring him.

From here on a new journey, a new fight will unfold.

To be continued~

Hey guys! Let me know about the chapter and what do you think what will Jimin and Kook will do to Taecyeon?
Do comment and vote.

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