Chapter 8

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Next morning, at Kim Mansion,

Everyone was up and ready to leave for their respective works. Jin and Jimin were at the dining table waiting for the others to join them.

Jimin: Why are they taking so much time?
Jin: You know how lazy they can get sometimes.

Jimin was about to call everyone but then he saw both Tae and Kook coming down the stairs while bickering with each other.

Tae: You muscle bunny! Don't talk to me.
Kook: Aww my baby is angry with Kookie?
Tae: I'm not your baby. *pouts*
Kook: You are. Right now you are just looking like a cute adorable baby. Aww my baby!

Kook was talking in a baby voice to tease Tae to which he received a glare from his 'baby' which he obviously don't find scary but cute.

Jimin: Why are you both fighting early in the morning?
Tae: Hyungg...look at this bunny like human he always teases me.

Jimin sighed at that. This is their everyday thing.

Jimin: I'm done with both of you. Now sit quietly and have your breakfast.
Kook: By the way hyung where are the others?
Jin: Hobi and Namjoon both had some urgent work to finish so they went out and Yoongi...that lazy cat must be sleeping.
Yoongi: Whom are you calling 'lazy cat'?
Jin: The one who responded?

The three youngers laughed at the comment Jin made.

All of them settle at the chairs and had their breakfast which wasn't so peaceful because of some 'Tom and Jerry' fight.
Tae: Jiminie hyung drop me at the company today please. I don't want drive today.
Jimin: Why me today? You always want Kook drive you?
Tae: I do but kookie would be attending a meeting today and my company total opposite to his hospital and I don't want him to get late.
Kook: Baby you have grown up. You're talking like someone responsible.
Tae: I'm always responsible hmph!
Jimin: Okay, let's go.

Jimin and Tae went in Jimin's car and Jin and Yoongi would be going to their basement. Kook also left for his hospital.

Time skip,

It was around 30 minutes drive to the TH Model Company. Tae went out of the car and waved at Jimin saying bye to him on which Jimin replied with a 'take care' and went towards his own office.

Tae went inside the building, the employees on the way wished him good morning to which he smiled. He went inside the elevator and punched the 10th floor button. Soon the elevator reached at the destination and Tae went out to his personal office room. He opened the door of his office with a smile but soon the smile faltered.

He didn't expect to see what he saw before his eyes.

Tae: You!

Kim Industries, with Jimin,

Jimin went inside his cabin and saw Namjoon there sitting in a chair near his desk. He was looking kinda stressed.

Jimin: everything okay? Didn't you have some work?
Joon: Jimin! You're here...thank God.
Jimin: You're looking distressed hyung. Something happened?

Namjoon was contemplating on how to say why he was here at this time when he was supposed to be at the basement and why he was looking stressed.

Joon: Jimin didn't you notice something on the way here?
Jimin: Oh so you are talking about that. Yeah I did notice that but Tae was with me so I couldn't really do anything.
Joon: Yeah. But the problem here is that we found something about the car which was following you and it doesn't seem like some business rival.

Jimin furrowed his eyebrows at Namjoon words. What does he mean by 'not some business rival'? Was it something related to what he thinks it is?

Jimin: If it isn't some business rival then do you think it is related to the underworld.
Namjoon: Yes and No.
Jimin: What do you mean hyung?
Namjoon: We tracked the car which was following you and upon investigating we found out that it was 'Orion'. Now the problem is why they will be following their business partner as well as knowing your true identity of the Mafia King?
Jimin: Hmm...for now let's just keep an eye on them. If they try to pull something funny we will see them.

Jimin said and there was a smirk playing on his lips.

But Jimin couldn't shake the thought as to why Orion their partner in business in both the world would be following him? They may be powerful then any other mafia groups and in business too but it isn't like that they can go against the Kim Jimin. So what is their motive?

Joon: There is also another thing I want to inform you...The Orion was taken over by their heir but no one knows who he is and where he came from. Because as far as we know the previous CEO didn't have any heir.
Jimin: Mhm this is getting interesting. *smirks* For now just keep an eye on them and increase the security around Tae and Kook. Though they still don't know about Kook but they must have seen Tae today. I don't wanna take any risk with them.
Joon: Okay. And you also should be careful. I've informed other hyungs about this already.

Namjoon went out of Jimin's office. Jimin went towards his desk and sit on his chair. He was lost in his thoughts of the heir of Orion. Who could be this person that the Mystic Oak doesn't have information about?

Jimin thinks of something, takes out his phone and dialled someone's number.

Jimin: Hello...gather every little detail you can find about the heir of Orion. I need it as soon as possible.

Jimin cut the call and a smirk plays on his lips. The aura around him changed to something really dangerous.

I'll see how well can you hide yourself. The game has just begun. You won't be able to escape.

He looked at the photo frame on his desk which was a picture of his two brothers who were smiling at the camera. He traces his fingers on the photo with a sweet smile on his lips.

I'll protect you two no matter what.

To be continued~

Hey guys sorry for the late update. I was busy with some project of my college.
Let me know what you think about this part.
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