Chapter 15

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Dark room filled with screams and cries. Filled with looming dark aura, exuding something that is only rage.

Jimin and his bodyguards are surrounding Taecyeon who's tied with chains from one hand. As promised Jimin took him to the basement and tied him here for almost a day without food and water. Taecyeon was now weak from the lack of food in his system.

"How dare you touch my brother!?" Jimin shouted at the top of his lungs. His fingers curled into tight fists. Nose flaring, eyes and ears red from the burning rage. His whole demeanor screaming rage and dominance.

Jimin harshly gripped his jaw almost cracking the bones. The once roaring Taecyeon was now sitting on the ground lifeless when it did not even start yet. The daring stunt he pulled a few hours back on Jimin's precious baby brother, of course he had to bare the consequences after that.

"Did you think no one will catch you, huh!?" Jimin's voice once again boomed in the basement room. He uttered through gritted teeth.

Jimin was continuously beating him, not minding anything. According to him whatever he is doing is far from equal to what Taecyeon has done to his brother.

He hold the beaten boy's face in between his fingers and pressed hard in his jawline. "L-Leave me." Taecyeon breathed out.

His eyes barely open, blood dripping from the corner of his lower lip due to a hard punch from Jimin, whole body filled with cuts and bruise. Blood and sweat mixing with each other and cascading down his body.

Jimin took a chain and whipped it in the back of Taecyeon earning a ear piercing scream from the latter. "Be grateful you're still alive and not 6 feet under the ground just because of my so called father." Jimin boomed.

On the other side Park Junghyun was trying each and everything to locate Jimin but was unable to. "Fuck with your sorry! I want his location." Junghyun threw his phone across the room shattering it into pieces.

"Sir! We got Master Jimin's location." Junghyun's right hand man and secretary said barging in the room. "Prepare the cars immediately, I'm coming." Junghyun ordered. The secretary bowed and left to get done with the work.

At the basement,

Jimin was not stopping, rather he doesn't want to. The anger, frustration inside him was coming out on the beast Taecyeon was. Everytime he looks at the latter Tae's broken eyes, quivering voice flash infront of his eyes.

"Jimin your father is here." Hoseok, one of Jimin's friend informed him. Jimin with a harsh jerk left the almost lifeless boy. "Fucker!" And Jimin went out of the room to 'welcome' his so called father.

"So...what are you here for?" Jimin asked sitting on a nearby chair.

Junghyun looked at Jimin then at Hoseok who was beside Jimin. "I want to talk to you alone." Junghyun said. Jimin scoffed hearing that. "No need. Everyone here knows about your good son's doing. You can say whatever you want."

Junghyun sighed.

"Fine. I'll come straight to the point." Junghyun voiced out. Jimin looked at him from top to bottom like he had seen a man with two heads. Because his father has never been this submitting towards anyone specially them three.

Junghyun forwarded some papers and said,"I'll give you my property just leave Taecyeon and I'll also sent him abroad. He won't show his face infront of you."

Once again Jimin scoffed at his father. "What do you think your money and property is worth forgetting what he did to my brother?" His voice an octave lower. "Do you think it is worth it?" Jimin's voice boomed.

"Then tell me what do you want?" Jimin smiled or more like smirked. "Anything I want?" Jimin asked. "Anything." Junghyun assured.

Jimin smiled. "Then along with your property I want the Mafia king's and CEO's position. Also we want our mother's name and not yours, in future you won't come to us with your rights as a father. And most importantly you can't give even a penny to that bastard and will leave with him and never show your fucking faces." Jimin deadpanned.

Junghyun at first was quite shocked at what Jimin said but upon thinking nonetheless agreed with him. Now don't take the poor boy wrong, he just want a secure life for his brothers and away from his father and this bastard of a brother.

"I'll send the papers and once they are signed I'll leave that bastard for you to take." Jimin said. This time he is relieved to know from here on he and his brothers can live peacefully  away from these fake people. Though what happened with them specially Tae will always leave a scar behind but atleast the future can be better.

After three days Junghyun signed the papers and Jimin as promised left Taecyeon for his father to take him away. Tae was not normal from the incident happened but is much better than before. And Jimin as planned took over the position of Kim Industries' CEO and the underworld's Mafia king after completing his training. And then on they really were living peacefully together.

Tae was sitting in the same position tears falling from his eyes. He opened his eyes when he felt a hand on his shoulder. "You didn't sleep yet hyung?" Tae asked, eyes still closed.

"How could I, when I know my baby crying here." Jimin sat beside Tae and wipe the tears from his cheeks. "Why did he come back hyung? I still can feel those touches and feel like I'm dirty." Tae said, tears again rolling down.

"Tae! Don't you dare to say that word again." Jimin warned him though his voice soft. He can't see his brother like this. That time when the incident happened,Jimin still remembers that night Tae scrubbed his body that harshly that it almost bled but still the said he was feeling dirty.

"Hyung, promise me he won't come here again. I can't even breathe the same air as him. It disgusts me." Tae said, voice filled with disgust and fear. Jimin could not take it and hide him in his warm embrace. Tae snuggled more in Jimin's hold. "I promise Tae  he won't be able to touch even a single hair of your body." His voice full of determination.

"And this time your Kookie is also here baby. No one will come near you." Both the brothers looked back at the owner of the voice. "Kook" Jimin gestured him to come closer. Kook came and sat beside Tae on the other side and engulfed him in a warm hug.

"Don't worry baby." Kook said and wiped the remaining tears.

Jimin also joined the hug with Tae in between them with a firm resolution in his heart to protect his brother this time and to not let any harm to come in his way.

"Come let's sleep now, it's already late." Jimin said and got up from the balcony couch. "We will sleep together like before. It's been a while now." Kook suggested. They all went inside the room and lay on the bed with Tae in the middle and the two on either side of him. Jimin pulled the blanket on them and they hugged each other tight and drifted to their dreamland hoping that the morning would also bring light in their now dark world.

"Don't worry baby, hyung will protect you no matter what."

To be continued~

Hey guys early update 'cause I won't be able to update for the coming week as I have my exams coming. Let me know how you liked the chapter.
Do comment and vote.

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