Chapter 18

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9:15 in the morning, the warm sun rays are hitting the white walls entering from the large windows of private hospital room.

The Mafia King stirred in his slumber. He slowly opened his eyes adjusting to the bright light. He tried getting up but hissed and fell back on the bed. A surge of pain hit his left shoulder. Just then he felt a hand on his right shoulder,"I'll adjust the bed." It was Jin.

After adjusting the bed he forwarded a glass of water and helped with drinking. "How're you feeling now?" Jin asked raking his eyes on the bandaged shoulder under the blue hospital gown.

"Much better." Jimin sighed. "Wanna go home hyung."

Jin sighed. He knew once he's up he'll be adamant on going home. And it's futile to even try to pursue him in staying at the hospital. Back whenever he got injured he never had stayed a night at the hospital. He just hates staying inside these white four walls.

"Alright...I'll arrange for your discharge." Jin went out of the room. He before hand consulted with the doctor if he could be discharged after he gain his senses. The doctor then suggested a regular checkup and if everything goes well he can go home.

As in the meantime Jimin was checked by the doctor and he was quite well to be discharged. It's just the wound needed care other than that everything was well and good.

"Hyung, I want that bastard's name by hook or by crook." Jimin said in a blank tone. They were in the car heading towards the Kim Mansion. He highly doubts it's a new fish in the lake. It isn't like he can't have new enemies who'll try to harm him. But knowing his status someone new would directly try to kill him, it isn't really possible.

Nevertheless, he sighed and thought not to think about these for the time being, and focus on the tiger and the bunny back at home who would bursting at him the moment he steps in. He have to handle those brats. Oops! Lovely brothers~

The door bell of the Kim Mansion rang and a maid opened the door.

"Welcome home Master." The maid bowed, and in response Jimin nodded. "Where are those two?" Jimin asked going inside.

The maid looked here and there then replied, "Master Taehyung and Master Jungkook are in your room. They have been there since the morning and haven't come out, not even for breakfast." She finished in one breathe.

Jimin at first was confused but then shrugged thinking they must have slept late were sleeping till now. So he dismissed the maid not before ordering her to send breakfast for them in the room. The maid bowed and left for the kitchen. Jimin too went towards his room.

He slowly opened the door and saw both the angry tiger and bunny sitting on his bed. He just sighed thinking of ways to calm the raging creatures infront of him.

"How many times--" he was just cut off in the middle.

"How many times we have told you to take bodyguards with you whenever you're out." Both in unison said. Tae got up from the bed and walked towards Jimin. "Tell me, why were you alone that time?" He asked.

"You know that--" again. This time it was Kook.

"We know you don't like having bodyguards around you, but it is for your protection you should know that." Kook said. It has been always like this. Jimin never allowed his bodyguards around him except for the time when he deals with the underworld business.

"We personally will be appointing your bodyguards and we don't want to hear any 'NO' from you. Kook said stressing on the word 'no'.

Jimin raised his hands in the air showing that he surrendered. "Alright. Do whatever you want but the bodyguards should be from our team no one from outside." He said reminding them. "We know the rules hyungie." Tae said.

"Why didn't you both have breakfast? And Tae you have your medicines to take then why not?" This time they were cornered.

Both of them smiled sheepishly at him and scratched the back of their neck while thinking of excuses to escape. Jimin will never compromise with any of their health no matter what happens.

He raised his eyebrows at the antics of his brothers. "We were...waiting for you. Yeah!" Kook made an excuse thinking it should work. "And what if I wasn't discharged?" Counter question.

Tae and Kook looked at each other then said, "we knew you won't be staying at hospital for even a day. What's new in this?" Jimin shook his head. Sometimes knowing each other this well doesn't really help. They just escaped from him. He decided to give them a earful for skipping their breakfast but now he can't even say anything.

"Okay I get it. Let get changed we will have breakfast together." Jimin said walking towards the closet to take a pair of grey sweatpants and a black t-shirt. He went inside the washroom while the other two were sitting on the couch opposite to the bed waiting for their hyung.

They heard a knock on the room door, "Master, your breakfast." The maid said asking for permission to enter. When she heard a 'come in' from Tae she entered the room and placed the tray of food on the coffee table. "We will serve you can go." Kook dismissed her.

In the meantime came out from the washroom and went towards the couch to sit with them. "Let's eat now." They served each other and started to eat. "Hyungie, did you get to know who it was?" Asked Tae his voice blank of any emotion. The other two shares a look.

"Not yet. But we will find out soon." Tae looked at him for a second and nodded. Back when he heard about Jimin being shot he thought it must be Taecyeon going after them. But now that Jimin says he doesn't yet know who it was he have mixed emotions about it. He's happy that its wasn't Taecyeon and afraid too if not Taecyeon then who is this new enemy of them. Who's trying hurt Jimin. He was lost in his thoughts.

"Tae, don't think much nothing will happen." Tae just nodded.

"Alright! Since hyungie won't be going office let's have some fun at home as we can't go out with hyungie's this condition." Kook suggested to lighten up the mood.

"Agreed." Both Jimin and Tae said ath same time.

To be continued~

Yo guys! Update's here. Took a long time to update. Was busy this week. Let me know if you liked the chapter. And also can you suggest how should I turn the story from here?
Do comment and vote.

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