Chapter 6

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Midnight,at dockyard,

The sound of the bullet firing left the two running man shocked.

J-hope: Oh no!

RM and J-hope hastily towards the place from where the sound came. When they reached the sight on front of them made their eyes go wide in shock.

JM was lying on the ground on his back with blood oozing from his stomach. They went towards him and crouched down to his level.


RM pats his cheek lightly to gain his attention. He was half concious.

J-hope: Are you okay? What happened here?
JM: I'm o-okay. That bastard tried to shoot me but I shot before he could and the bullet just passed by my side.

J-hope then checks for Lee and he was breathing but slowly. They then called their men to take him for treatment as they need information from him about the deal.

J-hope: Let's get you to hospital.
JM: No...not hospital. I wanna go home.
J-hope: But you wound--
JM: No big deal. Just call Jin hyung he'll treat it.

J-hope sighs and told RM to pick him up and they went towards their home.

Time skip,

The door bell of the Kim Mansion rings. The two of them waiting for the door to open with Jimin in their arms.
On the other hand Kook was sleeping peacefully with Tae by his side. He heard the door bell ring. He groaned in his sleep and opened his eyes to see the time and it was 2 am.

Kook: Ughh... Who's it at this time?

He went up from the bed and went towards the main hall to entrance. He opened the door.

Kook: Who's i- Hyung! What happened?
RM: We'll tell you later. First let us go inside.

Kook moved aside for them to come inside. They took Jimin to his room and layed him on the bed. Meanwhile Jin also came and went straight to Jimin's room.

Jin: What happened?
J-hope: We will tell you later but please first check him.

Jin slowly pulled Jimin's hoody upwards to check the wound. Luckily the bullet only pierced his skin, though the wound was deep and he lost quite a bit blood but it wasn't that bad. Jin then started with cleaning the wound. He then put medicine and bandaged the wound property. Jimin was then given two shots-- one was painkiller and another for tetanus who's now sleeping.

Kook: How did this happened?

Namjoon and Hoseok sighed at that. They then explained everything to them.

Jin: Where's Tae?
Kook: He's sleeping in my room.
Jin: Good thing...or he would cried his eyes out.
Hoseok: We will be going now then.
Jin: No need. Rest here for the night. Yoongi is there to handle the things.
Namjoon/ Hoseok: Okay hyung.
Jin: Kook you too...go to your room and sleep.
Kook: No hyung I'll sleep here with Jimin hyung.
Jin: I'm here with him, you go and sleep.
Kook: Okay *said with a pout*

Kook left the room along with Namjoon and Hobi. Jin then came and sat beside Jimin on the bed and looked at him with sad eyes.

Jin: What should I do with you? What if something happened?

Next morning,

The sunlight hit on the face of a sleeping Jimin. He flutter open his eyes adjusting to the bright light. He tried to get up but a sharp pain shoot on his stomach and he groaned. He slowly got up and sit on the bed.

Jin entered the room with a tray full of food for Jimin. He cane inside and saw Jimin sitting on the bed. He went close and put the tray on the nightstand.

Jin: How are you feeling now?
Jimin: I'm okay...just a little bit of pain.

Jin hummed as a response.

Jimin: Umm...hyung does Kook and Tae know abou this?
Jin: Kook knows about this but Tae still don't know as he was asleep at the night.

Jimin nodded.

Jimin: Did he say something?
Jin: No.

Jimin sighed.

Jin: Alright...get freshen up and I brought your breakfast here. And no office today.
Jimin: But hyung I've a lot of pending work.
Jin: I don't wanna hear anything. And Tae will be home with you as he don't have any work today so I'll be going to the hospital for sometime as I have meeting.
Jimin: Hyung why do you have to leave me alone with him in this situation?
Jin: That's yours to deal with.
Jimin: Hyung you know very well how he reacts when he sees me like this.

Jin just shrugged Jimin and went out of his room. Jimin sighed and walked to the bathroom to freshen up.

Jimin: I have to deal with this angry tiger now. Ughh! Why this always happens with me?

Meanwhile,at Kook's room,

Tae came inside Kook's room. Kook was on his study table reading files. Seeing Kook still in his casual outfit Tae furrowed his eyebrows.

Tae: Kookie?
Kook: Yes?
Tae: Why aren't you ready yet? Won't you go hospital today?
Kook: No I'm taking a leave.

Tae got confused as to why his workaholic doctor brother took a leave from his work.

Tae: Why? Did something happened?

Kook sighed and turned to fully face this time.

Kook: Jimin hyung got hurt last night.

Tae widened his eyes.

Tae: Hyung got hurt? How? And why didn't you tell me?
Kook: He went on a mission yesterday but a bullet passed by his stomach. You were asleep so we didn't wake you up.
Tae: You guys always do that. You never tell me when you get hurt or in pain. Am I not worthy enough to know about you?

Tae look at Kook with hurt eyes. It's always like this whenever Jimin or Jungkook would get hurt or get sick they never let Tae know thinking that he'll stress about it which won't be good for him. But they are mistaken here, Tae as their brother is always worried about them and wants to take care of them when they are not well.

Tae: I don't want to talk with you guys. You never think that I can also be reliable. I also worry about you.

Tae's voice cracked at the last words. He without sparing another glance at Kook left his room and straight went to his room and locked the door.

Kook sighed went out to go to Jimin's room. Jimin is the only one who can coax him right now.

Jungkook went to Jimin's room and knocked at the door. He went inside after hearing a come in.

Jimin: Oh kook. Come.
Kook: Hyung...he knows about you getting hurt and now locked himself inside his room.

Jimin sighed knowing what will happen next.

Jimin: Got it... I'll talk to him but not alone you have to come with me.
Kook: I will come with you...but I don't think it will be easy this time.

Jimin frowned to why Kook is saying that. He knows Tae is not easy to coax in this matter but he always listens to Jimin when he explains things.

Jimin: Why are you saying like that?
Kook: He was looking very hurt you know and it felt like he won't let go easily this time.
Jimin: Okay... let's go and see him.

Both the brothers went towards their another brother's room.

To be continued~

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