Chapter 13

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Early in the morning Kook was getting ready for his school while Jimin to go to the company as he have started working in his father's company just a few months back.

Not being on the favourable side he was always treated like other employees unlike his brother who was owner of his own wishes. Though he didn't have any problem with that as he always liked his colleagues and was contended with the work.

"Tae... c'mon wake up!" Jimin called for Tae after getting ready to get up as the both of them would  e leaving soon. Tae being finished with his highschool was now waiting for his college to get started.

"Mm...hyung five more minutes please." Tae whined in his muffled voice as his face was pressed in the pillow. "No, Tae get up...we both will be leaving soon." Jimin retorted back.

Tae not having any choice he lazily got up rubbing his eyes with his fist to get rid of  the sleep. He was then dragged by Jimin to the bathroom to get freshen up.

"Taehyung,what are you planning to do next?" Their father asked while they having their breakfast. " I was thinking a-about studying further with fashion designing." Tae replied in a quiet voice.

Their father looked at him and scoffed. "Heh! Fashion designing! Pathetic!" Tae lowered his head.

His father never supported them with their careers or dreams. Tae always liked designing, it is his dream to go in the fashion industry. While Jimin wanted to be a doctor but his father was against it and he couldn't do anything other than agreeing to his father's decision of studying and joining business world.

"No one asked your opinion though," Jimin's voice boomed through the dining area. "I'm enough to support my brothers with their dreams and careers. They can do whatever they want." Jimin added.

"Pathetic...just like your mother." Junghyun spat with venom in his voice. "Park Junghyun, don't you dare say a word about my mother. Jimin said with raged voice, his fingers curling into fist.

Junghyun didn't say anything further and went out not before glaring at the three and with Taecyeon following behind.

"Hyung, what will I do alone?" Tae asked with a sulking face.

"Why don't you go hang out? In the mean time we will be back." Kook suggested.

But as Tae didn't have that close of a friend with whom he can hang out the whole day he chose to stay back home to laze around and relax. Well not a bad idea! Relaxing at home can be a good thing but spending time with brothers sounds more promising. Well nevermind, his brothers have work and school to go.

Jimin and Kook went to their respective destination whereas Tae just went back to his room. He thought why not try making some designs so that he can pass his time while it will be fruitful too. So he went to the balcony of his room with pencils, sketchbook, colours and other required stuff.

The day was pretty good to relax actually. Warm sunlight with cool breeze.

Tae opened his sketchbook and started with his designing. Moments later a maid came inside his room not before taking permission and asked if he need something, so Tae thought why not have a little snack time. He asked her to bring some snacks along with juice which the maid obeyed and went away.

At Kim Industries,

"Where's that file? We need it in the meeting." Junghyun asked Taecyeon about a file which he was working on and they had an important meeting after the lunch where the file is needed. "I'm sorry Dad, I forgot it back at home." Taecyeon replied in a bored manner.

Junghyun sighed. "Bring the file now or you will represent the meeting with out the file." Junghyun said in slight raged voice. No matter how much he loves Taecyeon, business and money can never compare to that.

Taecyeon having no choice went out of the CEO's cabin and out the building. He sat in his car, ignited the engine and drove towards the mansion cursing under his breath.

At Kim Mansion,

Tae was done with three designs and had his lunch also. Since there was no work left and others will be having lunch at their respective work places, the maids also retired back to the servants quarter which was opposite to the mansion.

Now that he didn't have anything to do he thought of watching a movie and by the time he finishes if not both of his brothers, atleast Kook will be back home. So he went to the living room, settled on the sofa and played a movie of his choice.

Tae looked at the watch, it will be few more hours before Kook comes back from school. He was feeling so bored that he didn't even know when he slept at the sofa itself and the TV was still on.

Taecyeon returned back to the mansion to fetch the file. He straight away went to the study which opposite to the living area. He took the file and came out of the study and was about to go out when his eyes fell on something rather someone sleeping peacefully on the sofa.

He went near the sofa with quiet steps and looked at the person.

Tae was sleeping without a care in the world and as a deep sleeper he never have any grasp of his surroundings while in sleep.

Taecyeon bend down to Tae's level. He eyed the sleeping boy head to toe. Hair falling on his forehead, eyelashes kissing his upper cheeks, pouted plump lips. His t-shirt rode up a bit due to turning around giving a view of petite waist. As he was in the mansion he wore shorts which were slight above his knees and giving a full view of the milky white legs.

Taecyeon's eyes flickered from Tae's face to his waist and trailed off to his sexy looking thighs and legs. He eyed the boy, lust cleary visible in his eyes. He raised his hand and brushed Tae's hair from his forehead. He traced his fingers along the sleeping boy's cheeks, to his lips, then jawline and trailed off to to his neck and exposed collarbones.

Tae squirmed a little in his sleep feeling touches in his skin but went back to his slumber. Taecyeon was tracing his fingers along Tae's arms, exposed waist and his legs without caring about the surroundings.

Feeling weird Tae fluttered open his eyes and it took him time to register what was happening around him. When he finally realised what was happening he jolted up from the sleeping position and sat up. He looked at Taecyeon with utter confusion and a bit fear.

"W-What are you doing?" Tae asked. Though he was scared from inside but didn't show it on his face.

Taecyeon didn't reply to him and just yanked Tae towards himself and pressed his lips on the others. Tae widened his eyes due to the shock. When he recovered from the shock he pushed Taecyeon hard on his chest that he hit the centre table which was at his back.

Taking the opportunity Tae didn't waste any time and ran towards his room and locked the door from inside and sat in the middle of the bed curled upto himself.

On the other side Taecyeon stood up from the floor and smirked looking towards Tae's room upstairs.

"You can't escape from me 'brother'."

To be continued~

Hey guys update is here. Let me know if you enjoyed. Thanks for reading.
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By the way on the last chapter I asked you guys about your bias and any ships if you like but you guys didn't reply. Well if you guys want can you share with me?

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