Chapter 12

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Sometimes there are bits and pieces of our memories we really try hard to forget. But at the end of the day when we get to bed those things resurface without our consent leaving a bitter taste.

Memories. They can be pleasant and bitter too. Sometimes people can spend their life with the happy memories contended. And sometimes even a lifetime feels short to forget the bitter ones.

Fifteen minutes past eleven struck in the clock. Tae was tossing and turning on his bed. He was trying to sleep almost for an hour now after the discussion they had earlier. But it seems like sleep is something foreign to him today.

Tired of tossing and turning Tae got up from the bed and went to the balcony and sat on the couch. The cold breeze brushing against his skin which felt somewhat soothing.

His gaze turned up to the sky. The moon was hidden behind the dark and gloomy clouds making the surroundings to turn dark. Just like the way his surroundings felt all gloomy.

The night was somewhat similar to the one years ago when everything changed inside-out for Tae. The moon was nowhere to be seen that night too. Gloomy and quiet all around.

Thinking back of that night a tear slipped from his almond eyes. He leaned back closing his eyes on the head rest of the couch.

"Hyungie!" An excited Tae called out for his Jiminie hyung. It was the last day of his high school and he wanted to go out with his brothers.

"Tae! Why are shouting the moment you came?" Jimin lightly scolded his super excited brother who just shrugged him. "Hyungie, you promised to take me and Kookie out today. I won't hear any excuses today. You always backout at the last moment." Tae said to his hyung sulking with a big pout.

"Tae you know--" Jimin was cut off in the middle by a cute bunny who was jumping over something that he was really excited about.

"Aishh Kook!" Jimin exclaimed.

"Hyung when are we going out?" The super excited bunny blurted out without a care of his hyung's scoldings.

But to their dismay they were interrupted between their little time together by their 'brother'. "Where are you planning to go?" Ok Taecyeon-- Park Taecyeon asked with a smug expression.

The three brothers at first ignored his question as usual.

When their mother came to know about their father having an affair and on top of that he has a child from that it took a toll on her. But she thought to talk it out with her husband. But in the heat of the argument the then Mafia King told her that Taecyeon was that child whom he brought home as a child who was homeless.

Taecyeon was brought back to Kim Mansion at the age of ten. He was a year older than Jimin and Tae and Kook were just child of six and four years. From then on Mrs. Park took care of him just like her own along with her own children.

When Mrs. Park came to know about all these things she could not take it and had a massive heart attack and couldn't survive the sudden toll that her body took.

When their mother died Jimin was barely 16 and Tae and Kook who were just barely thirteen and eleven. They could not even braced themselves from the loss and their father bombarded with the cruel truth of their mother's death. From then on the three brothers took the surname of their mother which was 'Kim' before marrying Park Junghyun.

"I asked you something!" A loud growl brought the three back to the reality from their thoughts. Taecyeon questioned raking his eyes over them.

"None of your business." Tae said harshly and the three of them went out of the house.

Time skip,

Jimin, Tae and Kook went to have lunch outside as promised by Jimin. They had their lunch and went for a movie time. They spend their time together. Their time together was their solace after their mother and the person who was supposed to take care of them never even looked back at them.

"Hyungie! Let's have icecream please!" Tae whined showing his puppy eyes.

"Baby you know it's not good for your health!" Kook warned Tae as he might catch cold. "Ahh bunny! Not today please. Also I hadn't had icecream for a long time now." Tae whined.

It was another thing that changed after their mother that Jimin and Kook became extra careful and protective with Tae because of his health condition.

"Alright. No need to be whinny. You can have icecream but only one not more than that. Okay?" Jimin made peace between the bickering babies.

"Yes hyungie... you're the best." Tae threw himself at Jimin. "Why am I left alone?" A pouty Kook said sulking looking at his brothers hugging leaving him alone.

"Haha...dont sulk pouty bunny, come here." Jimin motioned Kook to join them in their brotherly hug.

They had their icecream while Tae and Kook were bickering about something and Jimin smiling with delight looking at his precious brothers.

They three returned at the evening all smiles. They were so lost in there little world that they didn't notice someone looking at a particular person with eyes something could not be deciphered.

They went to their rooms back and freshened up. Night came sooner and the time when they had to have meal with their so called Dad and brother.

Though they never talk to any of them, they just have their meal and answers shortly when asked anything. If anyone saw them now they would think they are such a perfect family but inside totally broken; far from perfect.

Soon enough their dinner was done and like a routine their father asked about their studies and all. Though it was not because he was interested in his children's life, it was just a formality. For him Taecyeon was the only worthy one for his love and care and no one.

Now it isn't like they care about that. Not at all.

After the little 'asking about life' their father took leave from there and went back. The one who was now asking questions was Taecyeon. Though he didn't get any reply to his questions or more like interrogation, he was constantly checking out someone to be particular. He stood up from the couch and looked at them with a smirk.

Taecyeon was a person who always had his eye on people who he finds attractive. Even in his college days which was around two years back, he had been in relationship with many girls and boys. He just used them for his own pleasure in the name of relationships. Now that he joined his Dad's business, it wasn't something hidden to anyone. Though his father never said anything to him which was like an approval to his actions and wrong doings.

The three of them shared a glance between themselves as they saw Taecyeon's retreating back without any remarks on them which wasn't really an usual thing for them.

In absence of their father Taecyeon would always say them words and call them names which according to him was something they deserved as their father never wanted them.

Not minding to the unusual change they went back to Jimin's room to spend some quality time, ending their day in each other's embrace unaware of the storms lurking behind the peace.

To be continued~

Hey guys! Late update it is. Sorry about it. Nothing much to say. Do let me know about this chapter.
Do comment and vote.

One more thing I wanted to know who's your bias from BTS and any ships if you sail😝let me know.

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