Chapter 10

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Sometimes the more we want the past to not bother our present and future, the more dread it spreads. The more we want to keep that locked somewhere far it comes back to us ten folds.

That is what something Tae and Kook were feeling right now. Though Kook has managed to not show that fear from the past but Tae was not able to. Afterall he was the one who faced the worst more.

Kim Mansion, with Taekook,

"Jiminie hyung, where are you?" Kook asked his hyung over the phone. They were currently at their home in the comfort of their cozy bed.

"Hyung please come back fast...we have something to tell you" Tae said. His voice quivering.

Jimin on the other end of the line was confused as to why his brothers are asking him to come home at this hour of the day when they know he is at the office and they too should be at their work place.

"What happened bub? And why are you both home at this hour?" Jimin asked.

"Hyung please come home...we want to tell you something" Kook voiced out. He was trying to maintain his composure, not wanting for the other to break down seeing him. "Alright I'll come home after my meeting... it's urgent I can't leave it."

"Okay hyung, we'll wait."

Kook sighed. "Don't worry baby, everything will be alright. Let's eat something and then you should rest." He was worried for the other one. Kook has always been protective over Tae. He might always teasing and bickering but in times he acts as a big brother for Tae though he is the younger one.

Tae nodded. "I wanna take a shower." "Okay then, I'll prepare something for us to eat till then you take a shower." Kook said and left for the kitchen and Tae went towards his room.

The sound of the shower was muffling Tae's sobs. He closed his eyes standing under the cold shower.

"You good for nothing. I'll show you your real place today." Someone said with venom in his voice. "You pathetic little bitch!" He said and lunged forward to hit the person in front of him with the leather belt in his hand.

The young boy curling into himself in the corner of the dark room whimpered. "Pl-Please let me g-go." He cried out.

A sudden knock on the door of his bathroom pulled him out of his thoughts. "Tae, are you done?" Kook asked from other side of the door, his voice laced with worry. Tae sighed and turned off the shower and dried himself off. He came out of the bathroom wrapped in towel.

"What took you so long? I was calling you." Kook asked. "Nothing...just enjoying the shower." He strode towards the walk-in closet in his room to get his clothes. Kook sighed knowing well he would not talk about it, rather he can't.

"Baby if something is bothering you, you can talk to me. You know that right?" Kook said. "I know Kookie, I can talk to you...but I don't wanna remember those things." He sighed.

"Alright, as long as you are okay..." Kook paused. "But remember we are always there with you."

"I know my dear bunny, now let's eat something. I'm hungry" Tae said, jumping on Kook who caught him effortlessly.

Kook shook his head. "I can never understand your mood. Okay let's go." With that both of them went downstairs to have their lunch.

Kim Industries, with Jimin,

Jimin was in a meeting with the board members of the company, which just ended. Namjoon and Jimin were currently in the elevator going to the parking lot.

"Hyung, are the others coming?" Jimin asked. Namjoon looked at his watch and looked at Jimin again. "I told them, they are coming. Jin hyung might be late he said he have something to do."

"I don't know... I have a bad feeling about this." " What could have happened in this short span of time." Jimin said and walked out of the elevator. They went towards their car and settled inside.

"We'll eventually find out when we go home." Namjoon said while buckling the seat belt. Jimin hummed and started the engine and they were off towards their home.

Jimin and Namjoon reached home. They went inside and settled on the couch in the living room. Maid served them with water. "Where are Tae and Kook?" Jimin asked the maid as he kept glass of water on the tray back. "Both of them are in Taehyung sir's room resting." The maid answered politely. "Hmm...did they have their lunch?" Jimin inquired. "Yes, master." Jimin then dismissed the maid. The maid bowed and left from there.

"These two called us here and are now sleeping. What are they even thinking?" Namjoon mumbled. "Who knows hyung. Those two---" Jimin was interrupted by a worried looking Jin.

"What happened? Why did those two called so urgently?" Jin asked huffing. "Hyung take a breathe and sit here. Those two are sleeping, so we don't know yet." Jimin answered and shifted to for Jin to sit.

"By the way hyung, you said you will get late then how come you're here?" Namjoon asked.

"Oh I was going to but the work was done before time so I came here as soon as possible." Namjoon nodded at Jin. "Where are Yoongi and Hobi?" Jin was answered by Hobi and Yoongi themselves. "We are here hyung."

They all settled on the couch. Jimin was lost on his thoughts. Jin's sudden call tore him out of his chain if thoughts. "Since those two are sleeping, let's eat something first...when they wake up we'll talk."

Everyone agreed to that and went to freshen up.

Jimin came to his room. He was in chain of thoughts, something wasn't sitting right with the situation. But he shrugged and waited for his brothers to talk to him so that he can be there for them. With that thought he walked to his bathroom to freshen up.

To be continued~

Hey guys, thanks for 1k+ reads. Short chapter it is. Let me know if you enjoyed.
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