Chapter 4

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At Kim Industries,

??: What are you both talking about?
Jimin: H-hyung you here?
??: What? Shouldn't I be here? *raises an eyebrow*
Jimin: It's not like that Jin hyung.
Jin: Is it? Mind telling me what have you done over the past month.

Jimin gulps hard hearing Jin. He was thinking how to escape from this but nothing was coming to his mind.

Jimin: Nothing hyung...what would I do?
Jin: Oh really? Do you think I don't know anything?
Joon: Hyu- *cut off*
Jin: Don't try to save him. You always do that this time it won't work. So better keep it close.
Joon: Sorry hyung.
Jin: So mind telling me now?

Jin was waiting for Jimin to answer him. He was looking at Jimin with his cold eyes. He walked towards him took a seat across him on the couch.

Jin: I'm waiting.
Jimin: Hyung that...I was...
Jin: You were out on a risky mission which could've cost you your life. You didn't think about anything else and just left and on top of that you didn't let anyone come with you. Though I forbade you to go on missions alone since our enemies are eyeing for a chance to kill you but still...then it's not the end you went there and came with bullet shot and many injuries and you just recovered a week ago and here you are in your office.
Jimin: Hyung I'm s-sorry about that... I know I made a mistake not listening to you but it was important.
Jin: Even if it was important you should've let Joon, Yoongi or Hobi to accompany you. Why did you go alone?
Jimin: I'm sorry hyung.

Jimin look down. He knows he's wrong but knowing about the risk in the mission he didn't want others to get hurt. Though he's a mafia king he respects Jin and the others as his own brothers though they are cousins and his friends. Jin has always been like the safe place for the three brothers.

Jin: Your sorries won't help if something happened. You'll be training with other trainees as your punishment for one week and I don't want to hear anything about that, understood?
Jimin: Yes hyung I'll.
Jin: And also I don't want this things to repeat again.
*Jimin nodded*
Jin: Words!
Jimin: Yes hyung.
Jin: Hmm... Did you have your lunch?
Both shook their head indicating denial.
Jin: Alright then let's go for treat.
Jimin/Joon: Yaay!

Jin shook his head mumbling "still childish". They went out of the office to have their lunch together.

At evening with Kook,at Hospital,

JK: Alright, your reports are fine. Keep going with the medicine and do a check up next month.
Patient: Thank you doctor.
Kook gave small smile with a nod.
*Knock knock*
Nurse: Sir there's an emergency... an accident happened in the xxx road and there are many injured patients. Please come quick.
JK: Alright I'm coming.

Kook left after taking his coat and stethoscope. He was headed to the ER of the hospital. As he entered the view in front of him made him panic but soon calmed down. He started checking the patients and tending their needs.
But in all this chaos he forgot the time and also hus phone that was ringing continuously in his cabin. It was Jimin who was calling him and being worried about him as it was already late at the night.

At Kim Mansion,

Jimin: Why isn't picking up the phone!? Come on Kook pick up the call...where are you?
Tae: Hyung what happened? Why are you awake till now?
Tae came downstairs to drink water. Jimin was on the living on the couch waiting for Kook.
Jimin: Oh Tae! What happened? Why're you here? Come here.
Tae went towards Jimin to the couch.
Tae: I was going to the kitchen to drink water. But why are you here?
Jimin: Ah...Kookie didn't come home till now so I was waiting for him here.
Tae: Oh...but why is he late today... it's already 11:30. He didn't inform there was any emergency did he?
Jimin: Nope... that's why I'm getting worried now, he isn't even picking the calls.
Tae: Hyung should we call Sehun hyung, he might know about Kook.
Jimin: Good idea. Let me call him.
Tae: I always give good ideas. *said in a sassy tone*
Jimin shook his head.
Jimin: Hello hyung.
Sehun: Yes Jimin. Why are you calling me?
Jimin: Hyung is Jungkook still in the hospital?
Sehun: Yeah he's here... there's an emergency so the hospital is busy right now.
Jimin: Ok okay... I was calling him but he didn't pick up...sorry for distributing and can you please tell him to call me back?
Sehun: No need to be sorry I'll tell Jungkook to call you back.
Jimin: Okay hyung. Bye.
Tae: What happened hyung? Is he there?
Jimin: Yeah there was an emergency so he's busy there. I asked hyung to tell him to call me back.
Tae made an "O" shape lips.
Jimin: Alright let's go and sleep... I don't think he'll be coming anytime soon. Let's go.
Tae: Hyung...cuddles.
Jimin: Aww my fierce tiger turned into a baby tiger huh? Okay let's go we'll cuddle and sleep.

Next day,at 7:00 in the morning,

Kook came almost in the morning and straight went to his room to get some rest.
Jimin woke up from the sound of alarm clock. Him and Tae slept in his room. He opened his eyes and his eyes fell on Tae who was looking like a baby in his sleep with cute pout on his lips.
Jimin: Tae get up. Don't you have work today?
Tae: *whine* hyung lemme sleep. I got a day off after long.
Jimin chuckles hearing Tae's whine.
Jimin: Okay sleep some more but don't be late and skip you breakfast. Got it?
Tae hummed in his sleep. Jimin shook his head and peck on his head and went for his morning routine.

Few moments later,

Jimin came downstairs for breakfast. He took his seat and asked to serve the breakfast.
Jimin: Where's Kook?
Maid: Master Jungkook sir came in the morning and left to his room to rest. I asked him to serve breakfast but he said he'll eat later.
Jimin: Hmm... When both Tae and Kook wake up serve them breakfast.
Maid: Yes master.
Jimin did his breakfast and now was in his room arranging files for the meeting and to leave for his office. Suddenly Jimin's phone rang, it was Yoongi.
Jimin: Morning hyung.
Yoongi: Morning. Are you ready?
Jimin: Ready? For what?
Jimin: For training or more like punishment *teasing Jimin*
Jimin: Do I've to start training today itself.
Yoongi: Yes Jin hyung told me to start today.
Jimin: Okay I'm coming.
Yoongi: Right! Namjoon will be handling the office work. And also there's a surprise waiting for you in the training ground. Look forward to it.
Yoongi immediately cut the call after saying that without waiting for a reply.Well not that he'll tell even if Jimin asks him to tell.Jimin here on the other hand was thinking what could be the surprise. He left the mansion to go for the training ground while thinking about the surprise.

To be continued~

Hi guys, hope you'll like the chapter. Something interesting is coming in the next parts. Stay tuned for more. Do let me know where to improve.
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