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Double update:

Prachi's pov:
Me and Shahana got scholarship to study in top most university of Delhi so we convinced our mother to move to Delhi and live with us.At first maa is against the idea of us going to Delhi but later she agreed that she'll come after a week so me and Shahana arrived early.

This place is so much different,everyone are rude and arrogant. In this week of college I have seen so many people getting bullied by maya.

In this one week me and Shahana made two friends Ranbir and Aryan. They always talk about someone named as Rhea I want to meet too she is Aryan's cousin but in this whole week I haven't seen her in college.

Today Maya bullied Shahana and asked her to write their notes. I'm so angry at her for bullying my sister so when I saw her coming inside canteen I started walking towards her fastly but my leg slipped and I poured the coffee on me and someone else.Maya is laughing looking at us now I just want to kill this Maya.

End of Prachi's pov

Rhea is just staring at the girl who bumped into her and is not apologising to her then she heard someone laughing at her this made her more angry.So when she saw Akhil and Adil coming with their coffee cups she took one from them and poured on the girl who was laughing at her and when she heard giggles from the girl who bumped into her she poured the other cup is coffee on her and left from there.

Prachi who was still processing how someone dared to bully Maya didn't get time to react when cold coffee hit her face again. She's angry at this person whoever it is who poured coffee on her sobshe also left from there to nearby washroom.

When Prachi came to washroom she saw rhea there so she went and apologised to her.To which rhea just replied I thought u will not accept your mistake and will apologise to me and that's the reason I splashed coffee on you coz if a person is not apologising for their mistake and expect me to be all cool about it then they are wrong so now no need to apologise and yeah it'll be good if we don't meet much

Prachi also after cleaning her clothes went to class and she saw Rhea coming in as there r no places left she came and sat beside her.Through out the class Prachi listened attentively and Rhea drew some pics wrote some lyrics and then slept.

When the classes are over and it's time for lunch break she saw Shahana,Aryan,Ranbir the two boys who gave coffee to this girl and they all r talking among themselves

Rhea also woke up from her nap and when she is about to leave the class Prachi stopped her and introduced "Hi I'm Prachi Arora" rhea who just woke up from her sleep is looking at the extended hand and at Prachi back to back as is she saw an alien after some time she also extended her hand for the handshake and said "Rhea" and left from there

Do u guys want this to be abhigya or someone else
Do let me know

Next chapter:


Hehe that's it and see you tomorrow

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