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Prachi and Shahana r surprised to see Rhea's friends adil nd akhil here. They all study in the same college but they never saw these boys in any class they r always around rhea in college.

Rhea broke the hug and said bhai nothing happened to me I'm super fine and what r u guys doing here and why is this man still alive I  thought he will be died after what happened last time she said pouting.

Seeing rhea pout Adil immediately said princess ur wish will be fulfilled with that all blackswan members surrounded around them in such a way that the girls can't see Adil or the attacker.

They all heard a gunshot,Shahana nd Prachi hugged Kiara tightly while rhea ran towards Adil they all noticed that only he is there the guards cleared the body immediately.Rhea hugged Adil and said even I wanted to see him dead why u didn't let me u r bad she started punching him.

After some time they all calmed down and decided to go to any nearby cafe to sit and talk as all of them have so many questions.

After settling themselves at a nearby cafe(which is emptied so no one can disturb their talk) Pragya first asked rhea how she knows mafia people and is she involved in mafia.Rhea just said I know you all must be shocked about everything that happened today but black swan mafia people don't harm anyone and it's really a huge story of how o know them so I'll share it when we r more close Ig.

Then Shahana asked Adil and Akhil what they were doing at college if they are mafias they replied we were there to look after rhea and we r not there to study so u guys never saw us in any class.

Shahana nodded then Adil asked rhea Shahana and Prachi to wait for them outside they'll come after talking with Pragya.Rhea gave a cute glare which looked nothing scary to the mafias and said they were really nice to me so don't be mean to them and she left from there.

Akhil said "We know you ppl r Rhea's real family not only us even our boss knows and he told me to convey that if rhea got hurt because of you ppl then he will make sure that you guys will never meet her."

Pragya got angry listening to him and replied "I know I wasn't there with my daughter but that doesn't mean I'll hurt her if u and your boss have noticed rhea can't eat outside food but she just ate the food that I made without feeling any pain."

Adil replied "We know ma'am but we were just trying to be careful and we will help you to reunite with rhea but you should realise that it's not easy for her to accept everything suddenly 20 years she lived under an illusion that her mother doesn't love her and alia not only harmed her physically she also mentally tortured her so you guys r not really aware of everything that rhea went through and Abhi and alia are not totally out of Rhea's life as you guys know so it will be hard to win Rhea's trust."

Kiara and Pragya wants to ask much about what alia did to rhea but they know that they should be with rhea and gain her trust.So they nodded their head and went outside cafe to see Prachi shahana and Rhea are playing catch catch with mafia members.They were happy to see how they r so happy.

After some time they continued their journey but this time rhea answering some of mafia related questions that shahana and Prachi have.

I'm so sorry for the late update I got into a small accident now I'm a bit better so I updated.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18 ⏰

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