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At hospital,

"Since when did you know that I'm behind Rudy and I'm glad you found out" said Abhi in the phone

Rhea laughed and said "Mr.Mehra you thought I'm dumb like you or what.I knew that Rudy works for you and Aliya even before we dated."

"No aliya is not aware of Rudy it's me who sent him to make you fall in love and then get my properties back from you" Abhi shouted

Rhea replied "Why r u asking me how ur sister is involved in this you should be asking Rudy who u trust more than anyone ask him if he didn't get paid from both of you."

"Rudy tell me she is lying you only work for me and not for aliya tell me"Abhi asked.Rudy nervously answered "Sir I-I-that- I'm so sorry sir aliya ma'am paid more money than you so I did what both of you asked me to do"

Abhi's face colour drained listening to Rudy as he trusted him more than anything.Rhea's laughter brought him back to reality and he cleared his throat and realised if he scream at Rudy rhea will win so he didn't say anything to Rudy.

Rhea said "You and your sister really thought I'm in love with him right let me tell you I never really loved him I know it's you who sent  him to me on that day.Do you really think I won't get a doubt when he suddenly came and helped me when my car broke down he dropped me infront of Mehra mansion but I didn't tell him address and I saw him lurking around me for one week straight after that incident.Its too true to be a coincidence So I hired someone to know the truth and I got to know about your plan and I also acted along with you for the past 5 years and you idiots thought that I really love him."

This time Rudy spoke "If you know it then why didn't you breakup with me.Why you always did what I no I mean what Mehra sir and ma'am asked you to do you could have not given them any money or royalties of your songs.Aliya ma'am also couldn't steal your songs right."

Rhea replied "you are right but to get all the properties beeji wrote down in the will I should turn 21 so I let everyone in the world think we love each other and moreover if I broke up with you or blackmail you they'll hire another person I seriously didn't have that much energy to do all the bullshit again so I let you be by my side."

Abhi replied "You're aware that I can't do anything to u till you turn 21 is that the reason you got aliya arrested and got me to  the streets."

Rhea replied "Yes beeji informed me earlier itself she knows you people will plan something and about sending aliya to jail yes that's me but I didn't know who bought your properties whoever that person is I'll be greatful because they made it easier for me."

"Wait so it's not you who got Mehra sir on street if it's not you then is it your rea boyfriend"Rudy asked

"No he don't know anything that's happening here nor do those people know so I really don't know who did this to your sir"Rhea replied

"I think I know who is doing all of this" Abhi said

Rhea,Rudy,Pragya,Prachi,Kiara,sunny,beeji,Sarla nani,Aryan,Purab,Disha are all curious to know who is Abhi thinking as the culprit

Abhi spoke "Today morning your mother came to meet me and asked about your pics and how u r doing after these many years and she also asked her men to beat me so if she is back in Delhi then I think it's your mother who is doing this to me."

Everyone outside the hospital room are shocked and are looking towards Pragya for an explanation she just nodded her head and said but it's only beginning I'll make sure he suffers more than my daughter did she replied to all.

But Prachi,Kiara,Aryan and sunny are thinking about Rhea's real boyfriend who is he and Aryan is feeling hurt that Riya didn't tell anything about that person to him.

But Rhea's answer broke down everyone and Pragya started crying listening to her daughter talk

Here is the next update
Thanks for reading

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