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Not proofread so ignore the mistakes

Rhea sued Abhi for spreading misinformation about her and also she leaked a video of how Abhi's properties are all sold out and Rhea's lawyer asked Abhi to pay 25 lakhs for spreading misinformation and for ruining Rhea's reputation if he don't pay the fine to rhea in a week then he will be arrested.

The public who were supporting Abhi an hour back are humiliating him badly and some started sharing videos of how he is living in chawl.

Abhi who didn't expect all this is shocked and now he don't know how he will get the respect back from people he swore that he will take revenge from rhea.As he should pay money and he don't have any asset on his name he sighed and called someone knowing he has to ask for her help to ruin Pragya and her daughter.

Pragya who is on her way to Abhi's place after seeing the news smirked and called her lawyer to file a case against all the people who supported Abhi and spoke bad about her daughter.She decided to go back to her daughters on her way she saw an old lady selling kheer she stopped the car and bought some kheer for Prachi and Shahana.Then she stopped at a bakery and bought some cupcakes for Kiara and rhea and went home.

After reaching home she rang the doorbell of Rhea's house and a giggling rhea opened the door she smiled at Pragya and asked her to come in the moment she entered the house she is shocked to see the state of the room and she then noticed her daughters who r laughing and covered in flour and what not.

She furrowed her eyebrows when she saw how rhea and Prachi r talking to each other with eyes before she can react anything rhea and Prachi throw atta on her face and they high fived each other and all four of them burst into laughter seeing them happy made Pragya also happy.

Then Kiara explained why the house is filled with flour
After the news is out all four laughed out loud on seeing the misery of Abhi.Then Prachi said she is hungry so Kiara got up and went into kitchen to make something Prachi and Shahana also went to kitchen to help Kiara,rhea is laying on the couch while watching a movie with a bowl of popcorn not really bothered abt anything.

When Kiara opened the drawers in the kitchen counter she didn't find anything it's all empty she started searching other drawers along with Shahana.Prachi opened the fridge and got suprised seeing so many water bottles and beer then she closed the fridge and went near the other two.

Shahana opened a drawer which is filled with snacks and the next one with instant noodles and while searching the entire kitchen they found a packet of flour which is expired by seeing all this three of them got angry and made their way to living room just to see rhea chilling while eating popcorn Prachi took some flour in her hand and went threw it on rhea who screamed at Prachi and threw her popcorn on Prachi.

Kiara and Shahana also started the fight rhea can tell they r angry but why they r throwing atta at her she thought for a while she just shrugged and started throwing her popcorn on them soon all four started running in the living room while laughing and having fun and their flour fight got disturbed by the doorbell.

Flashback ends
Pragya sighed when she heard the reason for the mess but smiled while looking at Rhea's face who just realised why they started the fight.

They all together cleaned the room and freshened up and then Pragya gave them the Kheer and cupcakes she bought they all ate happily.

After that Pragya asked them if they packed their bags for the trip everyone nodded except rhea so Prachi and Shahana decided to help rhea so they all went inside the room.

Pragya and Kiara spoke sometime and after sometime they went inside to see what the girls are doing they saw that three are sleeping while cuddling each other and the luggage is packed so they also left from the room to let them take rest peacefully.

I'm having exams so I couldn't update regularly

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