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Kiara and Pragya both of them decided to go and meet Abhi before going to khanna's mansion and make a plan on how to get rhea back.

After reaching to abhi's house in chawl,Kiara became scared to meet him and when Pragya noticed it she immediately hugged her and said "Mumma is here kishmish nothing will happen to you I will not let that man hurt you or our munchkins and also you want to be brave for rhea right."

Kiara nodded her head and wiped her tears nd said let's go.Pragya held Kiara's hand and entered the house.

They saw Abhi breaking all the furniture in the house in anger when he saw them he shouted at Pragya "Why you came back now why r u hurting me you told me you loved me right then why r u not protecting me and protecting that Rhea."

He was bad mouthing about rhea so Pragya shouted angrily at him and slapped him. "how dare you talk about your own blood like that I regret the day I left rhea here with you if I fought back and didn't listen to anyone then my daughter will be happy what did she do to you that you tortured her that much today I want all answers"

Abhi laughed and said "Don't call that bitch as my blood no she is not my daughter when she is 6 years old she was hospitalised and on that day alia did our dna test too in which it showed that she is not my daughter I immediately thought to abandon her but then we got to know that beeji wrote all the properties on Rhea's name and till she turns 21 we can't get them so alia suggested me to keep rhea with us which I did so u should be thankful of us for taking care of ur daughter not shouting at me."

Kiara and Pragya are shocked to listen Abhi talking about rhea like that.They both realised that they will give him proper proof and make him die in guilt of hurting his own daughter.

Kiara said "Listen Mr.Mehra you will regret everything that you did to my sister and I'll make sure of it."

Abhi got emotional on listening to her and asked are you really my Kiara you know I missed you a lot and tried to hug Kiara but she backed away from him and replied sternly "I didn't miss you i was hoping that u didn't mistreat rhea but after listening to you I'm regretting not coming early to protect my sister.You have broken her I'll make sure that you pay back for it."

Pragya and Kiara left from there.They went to an ice cream shop to spend time among themselves and they got to know about how they lived all these years

Pragya got to know how Kiara was saved by Disha and how Disha tried to find her but as she made sure that no one will be able to find her for Prachi's safety couldn't find her and how Disha took care of Kiara.Even though Pragya is angry on Disha for her decision on separating the twins her angry subsided as she got to know how she took care of Kiara but she is aware that both Prachi and rhea will not forgive Disha that easily.

They met police and arranged some men behind alia and Abhi to know their every actions and they left to Khanna mansion to plan about how to get rhea back.

Khanna mansion,
Everyone sat there thinking about ways to make rhea live with them so they can take care of her.

After some time prachi screamed "Idea!!!"
Everyone looked at her expectedly and asked her to continue so Prachi spoke "We will all go and live in farm house with rhea" then aryan spoke "Why will rhea agree to live with us and mostly she don't know anything about her relationship with chachi and you won't she get doubt on us"
Kiara replied "If we all go then she will be suspicious but how about only us I mean sunny me mumma Prachi and rhea"
Prachi got up from her seat "Yes we can bond with riu and she won't suspect anything so let's go and convince her let's go"

Prachi ran and sat in the car everyone chuckled at her and Kiara sunny and Pragya also followed her and left to meet their princess.

Rhea's house:

Rhea and Jack recorded some songs and also ate some food that Palak sent for them.They both are planning on their next step towards Abhi's destruction when someone rang the doorbell rhea and Jack are too lazy to get up and open the door as they thought it is some delivery guy that palak sent to give them desserts so they played rock paper scissors and rhea lost so she stomped her feet and went to open the door with a pout on her face

As soon as she opened the door she was engulfed in a tight hug by Prachi who is now scolding her and checking on her if she is fine.Rhea felt genuinely happy as this is the first time someone cared for her I mean her friends and some of her family members care for her but the way Prachi cared for her is different.

Then she noticed Prachi's mom her brother and bhabhi are also standing there so she asked them all to come inside and even their dessert also came so she took it from the delivery guy and thanked him and closed the door and noticed Prachi glaring at Jack and Jack being scared while looking at her to save him.

Rhea asked "Pikachu why r u looking at Jack like that" Prachi glared at rhea and said "Firstly I'm not a pikachu and why r u working can't u take rest"

Rhea replied "no I won't stop calling you pikachu it's such a cute name and no we're not working he came here to make me eat and we spoke about some important stuff"

Prachi asked "Riu u took your medicines right why r u standing sit down and wait is that ur cheesecake come let's eat."

Rhea sat down and Prachi started feeding rhea and rhea also fed Prachi some of her cheesecake.Jack who saw this said to Prachi that u r lucky she shared her cheesecake with you coz she never shared it with anyone and he left from there after saying goodbye to all.

Rhea looked at everyone and asked "What r u all doing here in my house" to which Kiara replied with fake sadness "Why can't we come to see our sister will u push us out now" Rhea immediately nodded her head as no vigorously everyone bursted out laughing looking at her and she pouted more then Pragya asked carefully "Beta we r here to take you with us on a trip actually ur bhai has a farm house and he want to renovate the house and he needs your help and also there is one hospital which treats children who suffers from cancer and ur di I mean bhabhi is going to perform for those kids and then we all thought it would be great even if u join us.So what do you think about it."

Rhea thought for some time and replied "Who owns the hospital and what is the name of the hospital."

Pragya replied "It's KPRS Hospital and it's owned by me we provide free treatment for kids."

Rhea replied "Oh okay aunty Ig your team is the one that reached out to me to perform there for one of my fan and I'll come with u all too but when are you guys leaving."

Pragya though felt a pang in her heart when her daughter addressed her as some stranger but she made a promise to herself that by the team this trip ends she'll get her daughter back.

Her thoughts broke as Kiara nudged her shoulder and she replied tomorrow afternoon rhea nodded her head.

Then Pragya and Prachi left to their house but sunny and Kiara have some other plans they don't want to miss even one second of time with rhea so they thought to stay with rhea in her house.

Three of them laid down on the bed with rhea between them kiara and sunny hugged her from both the sides and fell asleep.

So that's it for today's update
Pragya and all her kids will be in the same house
Will rhea forget her past and give a chance to them

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