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In Rhea's house:

After great difficulty Rhea made every one go home and now it's only Prachi rhea and Shahana.As Shahana was a bit drunk Prachi with the help of rhea took her home.Prachi thanked rhea and after nodding her head rhea left to her house after cleaning the mess they made she freshened up and saw missed calls from Mr Mehra she switched off her phone and did her night routine.As she is alone she started crying because all the memories of being in Mehra mansion flashed in front of her eyes.She let herself be vulnerable in her house where the only noise that can be heard is her crying and hiccuping but still somewhere in the corner of her mind she is craving for someone to come and hug her and take away all the pain.

After crying for some time she took a bottle of whiskey and started drinking it the burning sensation in her throat is not giving her the pain that her heart is facing now

She don't remember when she fell asleep on the cold floor of her living room.

Some where in Mumbai,

We can see a lady in a huge office working on files when her assistant came and turned on the tv when she saw the news about the mehra's she became happy and told her assistant to purchase every property that Mr.mehra owns and said I want him on the streets by tomorrow morning and also give me details about their family and call our pilot to be ready we will be going to Delhi now.

In flight her assistant is working on the files whereas she is reading the file that her assistant gave her she got teary eyed when she read how they all behaved with the kids she just hoped that it is not the person she is thinking but her hope shattered when she saw a video of a 10 yrs old girl who had bruises on her body and crying for help but no one came to help her.She was heartbroken and felt guilty for not being there for her and promised herself that she'll make all the people who made the little girl cry will suffer more and she'll show them hell for making the little girl cry and she'll take revenge on them

In Delhi,

Disha,Kiara and sunny reached Delhi.They are all mobbed by Kiara's fans with the help of bodyguards they made their way to the car and they all went to Sarla maa's house

Sarla maa welcomed all three with Aarti and asked them to freshen up so they can have breakfast.She started feeding sunny and Kiara aloo paratha and after eating breakfast she said kishmish i met your younger sister who lives with Abhi she used to come here to meet me with Baljeet dadi and she also told how rhea was treated in Mehra mansion

All were crying on how rhea is treated in Mehra mansion and Kiara's anger on Abhi increased more she asked Sarla maa while crying can you pls show me a picture of her to which Sarla maa nodded with teary eyes and showed them pictures of rhea after seeing Rhea's face every one is shocked Kiara is the first one to come out of shock and said Tay is my sister maybe that's the reason why I always felt like protecting her Disha also nodded her head and said we spent a month with our munchkin without knowing that it's her.Sunny hugged both of them and said now we know who our munchkin is right so we will meet her and make her happy and if you both cry like this then who will take care of our munchkin.Kiara and Disha immediately wiped their faces and told Sarla maa how they met rhea as Tay in US.

Prachi and Shahana woke up and got ready for college and Prachi decided to make an easy breakfast for them so she quickly made three bread toasts and coffee as it is getting late she packed the breakfast and went to Rhea's house to call her too

Rhea who woke up with a headache just ignored it and got ready to go out but someone was ringing her doorbell with a frown on her face she opened the door and saw Prachi standing there with a huge smile on her face she didn't know what to say so she also gave a small smile and she is about to ask Prachi why she is here but before that Prachi asked are u ready to which rhea nodded Prachi smiled at her and dragged her out of the house locked it and dragged her to car and made her sit in the passenger seat and went to driver's seat after Shahana came and sat she started driving to college and rhea is just processing what is happening and when she realised it she is already been dragged to the class by Prachi.

In class rhea asked Prachi why u brought me here I'm supposed to go to studio for recording Prachi just smiled sheepishly and said u r the only one I know in this class and u rarely come to college so I wanted you to atleast pass university I know you are singer but I want you to be a graduate so now without arguing listen to class

In Rhea's whole life anyone  never treated her like this she don't know what she is feeling she liked how Prachi talks with her even though she doesn't talk much how Prachi cares for her and scolds her for her mistakes

While she is leaving from class she asked Prachi if she would like to come to studio with her Prachi nodded happily and left with rhea

Who's the woman and what's her relation with the little girl
Kiara is back and knows about rhea
Thanks for reading
Who wants a double update 👀

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