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In Delhi
After the woman reached Delhi she made her way to where Abhishek is when she saw him getting drunk in the daylight in a shop she went near him and when Abhi saw her he was surprised and said What are u doing here oh did you finally come to take that manoos with you,you should come sooner because of that bitch I lost everything.The lady slapped him hard on his face and asked him to show pictures of the girl as alia didn't let anyone know who the girl is Abhi showed the lady picture

The lady slapped him hard on his face and asked him to show pictures of the girl as alia didn't let anyone know who the girl is Abhi showed the lady picture

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And told I don't have pictures of bad omen in my phone I have only this one in my wallet .The lady's anger increased more and smashed his phone on the ground and asked her driver to beat him and left from there

In car she was caressing Rhea's picture and apologising while crying continuously she said in a broken tone my baby I'm sorry you suffered this much without me.mumma will come and take away all the pain,will u listen to mumma's side and forgive me.Even if u don't forgive me I'll not leave you again I promise you baby she caressed the photo and cried hard

The lady is none other than Pragya.

At hospital,
Rhea just woke up and when she saw she is in hospital she tried to remember what happened and when she saw Prachi glaring at her while wiping her tears she laughed at her face and sat on the bed.
Prachi came and said Are you mad who asked you to sit can't you sleep the doctor told you didn't sleep enough why r u always like this do u think the world will stop if u don't work can't you take care of yourself and do you always think that I'll be with you whenever you faint and I'll be carrying your huge body that's when Aryan,Ranbir,Shahana,Adil and Akhil came while Prachi was ranting about Rhea's carelessness.
Rhea said oh huge body so I should eat less right and smirked at Prachi but soon received a smack on her head Rhea shouted how can you hit me I'm the patient here said while rubbing the place where Prachi hit her and you know what right now you look like a pikachu.Prachi shouted I'm not a pikachu.No you are looking like a pikachu and from now on I'll be calling you as pikachu rhea said proudly.
And also I slept enough and I didn't had breakfast today maybe that's why I fainted and also it's you who came to my house and dragged me to college if you could stop at palak's cafe I would have eaten a cheesecake and coffee rhea said
Prachi scoffed and said cheesecake is not eaten for breakfast and what about the sandwich I made I asked you to eat that right but what you said I'll have it later and then fainted after singing one song
Hey you never saw me recording,today is not a good day that's why I recorded only one song and about sandwich I don't like to eat it and also u brought coffee with you but u didn't offer it to me
Ranbir,Aryan,Shahana,Adil and Akhil all sat on the sofa and are watching the drama without making any noise and even if they made noise Prachi and rhea can't hear them.Then they saw some other people coming in aryan went and hugged Purab and dadi and asked them to come and sit and watch the drama.Purab was about to ask what drama but  before he can ask anything he is interrupted by Rhea's voice

Okay now if you give me coffee I'll eat that sandwich you made and we will leave this hospital before someone comes okay.Prachi replied no way you have to eat this sandwich and no u will not drink coffee r u crazy yesterday u drank full bottle of whiskey and still u r asking for coffee r u a coffee monster or what.Did you just call me a monster hawww and how do you know I drank whiskey last night
Oh that Prachi smirked at rhea while rhea is blinking her eyes Prachi played a video in which rhea is sleep talking saying "Whiskey I love you so much I'm sorry I drank one bottle of you yesterday but u r yummy and I want coffee coffee coffee" rhea tried to drag Prachi's phone but Prachi is quick enough to hide it.Rhea said listen I'll eat that grass sandwich you made but delete that video now.Prachi said no why will i delete this video if u don't eat your food I'll post this on social media and Tay your fans will grow crazy.Rhea showing her puppy eyes said you won't involve my fans in this right they will be scared if they see me in hospital.Prachi replied I don't know but if you obey to what I say then I won't post this what say deal.
Rhea asked what you want me to do  Prachi replied you will have breakfast lunch and dinner with me and you will drink coffee only once a day and you will have alcohol when I'm with you or else you won't drink it okay
R u crazy by what u r saying u will be around me almost every day Prachi asked why do you have a problem if so I'll post this video
Rhea gritted her teeth and said okay fine deal accepted pikachu give me the sandwich I'll eat.Prachi smiled and kept the sandwich near her mouth rhea just raised her eyebrow and about to ask something but Prachi just put the sandwich in Rhea's mouth rhea took a bite while glaring at Prachi.Prachi just replied you know no matter how much I love to listen you talk doesn't mean I love to argue with you and why can't you accept it simply without arguing with me if you have fun arguing with me then let's do it somewhere else not in hospital okay.Rhea nodded her head and opened her mouth to be fed
Every other person in the room are thinking that they are invisible because from the past 15 mins they are not noticed by rhea and Prachi who seems to be in an other world.Ranbir is clearing his throat from the past 5 mins to gain their attention but it all went into vain.

After having half of the sandwich rhea said she can't eat more Prachi didn't argue as she saw rhea ate food with a lot of difficulty she thought to ask Rhea's doctor after making rhea drink some water she laid rhea down on the bed rhea is about to say something but Prachi just glared at rhea and rhea just pouted at her

Their bubble is broken by the door opening with a thud and Sarla maa along with Disha,sunny and Kiara entered the room all are teary eyed.Prachi and rhea looked at each other and when rhea saw other people in the room she screamed and Prachi even without knowing what happened started screaming

Shahana asked do we look like ghosts to you or what rhea why did you scream when you saw us that's when Prachi noticed all of her friends are also in the room. Rhea just replied since when you guys are here and why didn't you make any noise u guys are standing there like ghosts so obviously I'll be scared to which dadi replied puttar u r so busy arguing with your pikachu that you didn't see us

Rhea just looked down not knowing what to say as she realised all of them heard the video and she don't wanna make herself a fool again

At that time doctor came and greeted Sarala dadi and beeji she ignored Rhea's pleading puppy eyes even though all the friends wanted to stay with her but since Rhea's family is here they all went out.Prachi didn't want to go but she left from there thinking everyone will be uncomfortable but she is shocked to see The Lana in the room she thought she saw Sarla maa somewhere but she can't tell where she saw her with these thoughts she left the room

The doctor told them that rhea fainted because she is not eating food properly,overworking herself,not getting enough sleep and she lacks basic vitamins so I gave her an injection and she should take vitamin supplements every day and also should not consume too much alcohol and without looking at Rhea's face she told that this is not the first time she is admitted because of these reasons she gets admitted weekly once and that's the reason why she took a break from the tour and she left from there

Now everyone are looking at rhea for an explanation and rhea is starting at her lap as if it is the most interesting thing in the world and not to forget the big pout on her face everyone cooed at her cuteness

Purab spoke after some time princess you told me you are eating food regularly why did you lie to me
Rhea stared at him with puppy eyes and everyone is facing a hard time to put up a stern face but aryan said rhea I think it'll be better if you say the truth to them and everyone's attention is back on rhea again

Noticing her hesitation Sarla maa came and hugged her and said won't my baby tell to Nani what happened rhea looked at her and started crying loudly while hugging her tightly

So Pragya is in Delhi what will she do
Next chapter dishrub will meet
Will Prachi remember Sarla maa and connect the dots
Tell me your favourite scene in this chapter
See you guys soon

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