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At hospital,
Prachi after speaking with doctor about Rhea's condition tried to remember where she saw Sarla she opened the gallery in her phone and searched for pictures as she is scrolling through she saw a picture of Sarla with her maa

At hospital,Prachi after speaking with doctor about Rhea's condition tried to remember where she saw Sarla she opened the gallery in her phone and searched for pictures as she is scrolling through she saw a picture of Sarla with her maa

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Shahana who is next to her said wait is that our Nani Prachi said I think so too as Prachi heard Rhea's loud cries went inside the room with worry written all over her face.

Shahana thought to inform Pragya about Sarla nani so she called her maa are u busy Pragya replied no beta wt happened Shahana told maa we saw nani Pragya asked really where I'll come there Shahana said maa r u in Delhi Pragya replied yes so Shahana said actually we have a friend named rhea she is hospitalised and we saw nani here Pragya panicked and asked is rhea fine now which hospital r u guys are in I'm coming there Shahana told the hospital name and ended the call

Inside the hospital room,
Rhea is crying nonstop every one in the room are all devastated to see her cry like this.Purab said princess it's okay don't cry and is it okay  if Aryan tell us the truth instead of you rhea just nodded her head and when she saw Kiara sitting next to her patting her head she don't know who she is or why she is here but she loved the warmth that Kiara is giving her so she snuggled closer to Kiara and wrapped her hands around Kiara's waist and cuddled with her.Kiara didn't waste a second to hug her back and keep her safe in her embrace she started brushing her hair to calm her down.Prachi who saw this is burning with jealousy so she also went and sat next to sarla.After making sure rhea is fine aryan started telling them what happened in the past

From childhood rhea and Aryan are treated badly by alia.Purab used to always save them but when they turned 12 Alia sent both Aryan and Rhea to a boarding school. They made so many friends there and they were happy there whenever they used to get a chance to call their parents they used to call to Purab but always alia used to pick up the phone and scold them so after some days they stopped calling them. When Alia got to know that rhea is happy in boarding school she gave money to some students and teachers to bully her which broke her completely aryan and their friends tried to save rhea from bullying but whenever they got involved it became worse to ease her pain she started writing songs and releasing them even she didn't know how she became a famous artist when Alia got to know about this she stole Rhea's songs and all the money rhea used to get.By the time they finished boarding school rhea became more quite and reserved person.On Rhea's 18th birthday when dadi is sick only Abhi,alia are there at the party on that day they mixed something in Rhea's food due to which she is hospitalised.Aryan wanted to call and inform this to dadi but rhea said not to inform you all.Doctor told us that someone poisoned Rhea's food and when we both went to mansion next day we heard alia saying that she poisoned Rhea's food but she survived it.Rhea got so scared after that incident she left to USA there she became popular did shows and concerts but she is scared to eat anyone's food even if she try to eat forcefully she'll be vomiting the food immediately so she only eats instantly made food or if we taste the food in front of her then she'll eat her food and she fell sick because of it after she returned home she tried to eat food just for dadi's sake and that's the reason why she drinks that much coffee because that's the only thing she can take without any fear.

Aryan finished saying and everyone in the room are feeling different emotions one is feeling regret one is upset one is feeling angry but one thing that's common in all is they will make sure rhea enjoys eating food like she used to do

Purab went to rhea and hugged her tightly and apologised her saying chucks is a bad person he didn't realise that all of this is happening with you I'm so sorry princess and he also hugged Aryan and apologised him.

Disha for the first time that day spoke to Purab asking even if alia answered your calls why didn't you call them or why didn't u go and visit them.Purab while looking into disha's eyes replied whenever I used to call them the school authorities used to say kids are playing or sleeping they never let me talk to them when I went to their boarding school they used to show me cctv footage of our kids playing and having fun with other kids and when I asked them to call them to meet me they used to come with excuses.After that alia used to always trouble sarala maa so I became busy helping her and since kids are also not at home I used to go on business trips and only visit mehra's for dadi

Disha asked with a pained expression then why did you marry alia before Purab could reply aryan and rhea said at the same time U R MARRIED TO ALIA they looked at each other and replied again BUT U SAID U R MARRIED TO A FAIRY AND WE ALSO HAVE A BIG BROTHER WHO'LL COME AND PROTECT US R U LYING TO US DAD/CHUCKS they said in union they are about to say more but before that Purab shouted and said NO I'M NOT LYING IF U WANT I'LL INTRODUCE U TO THE FAIRY AND YOUR BROTHER they both jumped on the bed screaming YES everyone chuckled at their behaviour and showed Disha and sunny to them.

Rhea and Aryan without wasting a second ran and hugged sunny tightly who is taken aback by the sudden hug but hugged them back then they also hugged Disha who kissed on their foreheads then aryan asked u r our fairy so u should come and beat that alia witch to which Disha smiled and hugged him.

Then rhea pointed her finger towards Kiara and asked sunny who she is he wanted to reply as your sister but when Kiara nodded her head as no he said she is my wife.Both Aryan and rhea went and hugged Kiara and said so u r our sister in law she nodded her head and rhea said but I'll call u Bhabhs okay to which Kiara kissed her cheek and said okay

While everyone is busy talking among themselves Prachi showed the picture to sarala maa and asked her r u really my nani.Sarala maa asked Prachi r u really my Pragya's daughter when Prachi nodded her head she hugged her and beeji also hugged her and said they all miss her a lot.Purab Disha who heard them also hugged Prachi they are so happy to see all Pragya's kids in the same room.They only wished Pragya to be there so the whole family reunion can take place.

Prachi asked dadi if rhea is her twin when dadi said yes she became so happy also sad that she is not there to spend time with her and protect her.

Rhea who noticed Prachi calling Sarla nani as nani asked them if they are related to each other before Prachi could say that they r twins beeji replied that Prachi is ur Nani's grand daughter.Rhea nodded her head and asked in a hurt tone why didn't u tell me u have another granddaughter Sarla maa went and hugged rhea and said even I'm meeting her after 20 years rhea asked innocently why but nobody in the room knows the answer to that question.

Rhea soon felt sleepy and Kiara,Prachi both noticed how she is trying hard to stay awake.Kiara made rhea lay down and kept her head on her lap rhea denied saying she is not sleepy Kiara just made her lay down and started patting her back and soon rhea went into dreamland.

Pragya who is seeing everything from the outside once she saw rhea sleeping came inside the room everyone is happy to see her Kiara with teary eyes called her maa not loud enough to wake rhea.Prachi was shocked and Pragya went towards Kiara and asked r u really my kishmish when Kiara nodded she hugged her tightly and started crying loudly but when she heard rhea whining in sleep she calmed down and kissed Kiara all over her face and also placed a kiss on Rhea's forehead.

Prachi is about to ask something but someone entered the room and started throwing things due to which rhea woke up from her sleep and she got scared seeing that person.

If there are any mistakes ignore them
Who do u think came inside the room
Why did Sarla not introduce Prachi to rhea as her sister

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