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Next day everyone got ready and as it's a 6 hours long car ride Pragya and Kiara packed some food to eat on the way.After lot of arguments they decided to go in Pragya's car.

Rhea after seeing limbo squealed and asked pragya "Aunty OMG it's my fav car can I pls drive pls pls pls" she pleaded Pragya while showing her famous puppy eyes but shahana wanted to tease her a bit so she said "NO u can't drive u just got dischar...

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Rhea after seeing limbo squealed and asked pragya "Aunty OMG it's my fav car can I pls drive pls pls pls" she pleaded Pragya while showing her famous puppy eyes but shahana wanted to tease her a bit so she said "NO u can't drive u just got discharged from hospital so u should take rest" Prachi also said "Yes what if u faint while driving so a big no and I don't trust ur driving skills"

All r controlling their laughter seeing how rhea is sulking in front of them they felt a bit happy that rhea is being herself infront of them.

Kiara is the first one to laugh out loud as she can't control her laughter anymore soon all others laughed out loud and rhea got angry on them for laughing at her she snatched the car keys from pragya's hand and sat in the driver seat and closed the car door with a thud to show them she is angry on them.

After controlling their laughter they all got inside the car pragya in the passenger seat beside rhea all three girls sat in the back and rhea without speaking to them started driving to the farm house.

Prachi tried to talk to rhea but rhea ignored them and continued driving to prove them she is angry on them she connected her phone to Bluetooth and played loud edm party music which Prachi pragya hates so much.

She internally smiled seeing how Prachi's face is changing with every beat the journey is going smoothly in peace with rhea and Shahana vibing to music,pragya doing some office work on laptop,Prachi reading a book while Kiara is taking a nap.

Pragya noticed a black car is following them from the rear view mirror she immediately messaged her staff the car number and asked to get info abt that car.

After 2 hours pragya asked rhea to park the car near a restaurant and said let's have some food here rhea nodded and parked the car.

All of them got down and went to restaurant ordered food and apologisied to rhea, Rhea also accepted their apology as she saw them feeling bad about it.But rhea couldn't eat more food which made all of them sad and in meanwhile pragya got information about who is following them.

After that pragya sat in the driver's seat and rhea sat next to her and pragya gave rhea the sandwich she made in the morning and surprisingly rhea ate full sandwich without any difficulty everyone felt happy.

Pragya saw that her bodyguards are following them too from behind so she sped the car and stopped the car at an empty street and the black car people came out while carrying some knives and guns.

Pragya asked everyone to not remove the seatbelt and got down from the car.Those blackmailers saw pragya coming out and said to each other "Woah we came for rhea but we got great businesswoman pragya too is this what winning lottery feels like" and they started laughing but someone from behind attacked them.

All the men are now laying down and the leader is shievering due to fear then rhea came out of the car and slapped him and asked "How many times will your boss likes to lose from us can't he give up and isn't this your 5th time getting beaten up by us"

Pragya then saw that her bodyguards arrived now she is confused who r the one's that protected them.

She know that person who is following them is from Black panther mafia who r famous for doing bad things like smuggling drugs,killing people she didn't knew why they r following her but now she wants to know how her younger daughter knows about mafia stuff.

Then she saw that the men who protected them are from Black swan one of the most powerful mafia group in whole world they r always known for helping police catch the culprits and they r not involved in any bad stuff but they r quiet dangerous.She got to know that the boss of black swan became mafia to protect world.

She saw every black swan member bowing to rhea and two men came from the car and hugged rhea tightly and while one  started checking for any injuries on rhea the other one is beating the boss of the goons.

Pragya and all the other three who r still in car are watching all of this with open mouths..

Who wants a double update

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