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Next day Kiara woke up first and saw that rhea is hugging her tightly while sleeping in a weird position with lips pouted and looking so peaceful so she carefully took her phone without any disturbance and clicked some photos and carefully seperated herself from rhea who whined as she lost the comfort but sunny was quick to cuddle her and soon she again went back to sleep.

After some time sunny woke up as he had to go to office for some work and at the same time Kiara entered the room freshened up and made some breakfast for them and she asked sunny to have breakfast before going he nodded and gave her a kiss and left from there while she also went back to cuddle with her baby sister as she missed this so much.

They both woke up from their deep slumber because of the continuous ringing of the door bell.Rhea got up angrily as her peaceful sleep got disturbed she is ready to lash out on whoever is at the doorstep.

After she opened the door she saw her pikachu and Shahana standing there and even before she can say something they both walked inside.Rhea also came back and said "Pikachu what is wrong with u,u know ppl sleep and why did u wake me up it better be important or else I'll do something to u."

Prachi ignored her sister's ranting and just replied "It's literally three in the afternoon and u r talking as if I woke you up in the early morning and why r u being like a cranky toddler and where is Kiara di don't tell me u made her lazy like you."

Rhea gasped and said "Wait I slept this long and wt did u mean by saying I'm lazy I'm not okay it's ur boyfriend who is lazy so don't say anything to me."

Prachi gasped and said "How do you know that I and Ranbir are in a relationship I mean we started dating three days back and I didn't say it to anyone."

"Oh hello u didn't say anything to me that doesn't mean Ranbir will not say and also he even asked me ideas to propose you so you better thank me"rhea replied rather proudly.

Shahana and Kiara are shocked that Prachi is dating Ranbir without informing them but also happy that rhea helped her twin even without knowing her relationship with Prachi.

Prachi and rhea are glaring at each other so Kiara interrupted them and told rhea to go and freshen up when rhea tried to protest Kiara gave a stern look so she stomped her feet and went to her room and when Prachi chucked Kiara glared at her.

Kiara Shahana and Prachi arranged the food and r going through news while waiting for rhea to come

Rhea came and when she is about to serve for herself she saw three spoons infront of her mouth and saw all of them looking at her and themselves.

Rhea laughed at their confused faces and ate from everyone's spoon and after they fed one spoon to rhea they ate themselves.Rhea was happy as it's been a long time someone pampered her like this.

After finishing the food prachi and Kiara went to do the dishes whereas Shahana and rhea settled on the couch and decided to watch a random movie

While they r searching for movies Kiara and prachi also returned and when rhea is about to change the channel but Shahana cought hee hand and pointed at the tv.

Everyone looked at the news which is saying that Rudy is married and has a daughter and framing rhea as a home wrecker.All the three r looking at rhea to see her reaction.

Rhea just sipped the coffee Kiara made and called someone on the phone and they heard rhea saying "What is this I told u to send a nice pic why this one idk how you'll change it but I want the pic I asked for fastly."

Rhea then looked at them and sighed and said "Well why r u all looking tensed I mean they didn't call u as a home breaker so chill and I'm not at all affected by the news the only thing I'm concerned is about the picture they r showing I don't like it much."

All gave her a hug and then Kiara while caressing Rhea's hair while rhea laid her head on Kiara's shoulder said "You know this is going to happen right and that's what u and Jack r discussing yesterday I saw some files related to this on the nightstand I'm not prying I accidentally saw it."

Rhea looked at her and said "I mean I guessed that Mr Mehra will do something so me and Jack already planned everything and I don't mind even if u go through those files it'll be out within an hour or so."

Everyone r curious to know what will Rhea's counter attack be.The public response is some r supporting rhea while some r not Abhi who saw the reaction of the public was happy and thought that Rhea will lose and he will win and started partying.

Pragya who is in the office working after seeing the news became furious and made her way towards the car while giving instructions to her assistant.

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