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A wet Monday morning in the English countryside. A black American car, chauffeur driven crawls slowly, a sulking teenager in the back, ignoring her mothers constant stream of chat choosing music over replying. The girl in the back goes by Karlie, Karlie Kloss, if she's in the mood to talk to the people calling her that. "You'll be fine," Karlie's mother says, more for her own benefit than her daughters, knowing that the tall brunette will be fine- in her own way.

Karlie's way of being fine is not doing as she's told, ignoring everyone, going AWOL for days and doing things that harm her: smoking and drugs. That was one of reasons she was an american teenager in the middle of the english countryside. After being expelled from her high school in the first week of her junior year, the charge being taking drugs and then climbing onto the school roof, her parents suggesting that a completely new start would be the best idea. So here she was, stopping outside a Jacobean Mansion, wondering how she was going to get inside without getting her carefully styled hair wet. "We're here," the driver announces, his heavy american accent feeling out of place all of a sudden. He opens the door, letting Karlie slip out, headphones still in as she continues to ignore everyone. Then, laden down with all the stuff Karlie won't look at but insisted on bringing, they walk slowly into the building.

The grandeur inside doesn't bother Karlie, the only thought being how far up the walls she could get graffiti. "Karlie Kloss," the chauffeur tells the receptionist who immediately tells Karlie and her mother to go into the office and the man who drove them to take the bags to room 131. The tall girl walks confidently into the office, only knocking quietly, leading her mother in like she was scared. "Miss Kloss," the headteacher smiles, her english accent putting the brunette of her already. "I'm Miss Aldridge, your new headteacher." Then she realises the girl still has earbuds in, staring lazily into space from the chairs they'd been offered when they walked in. "Karlie, can you take your headphones out please." This gets Karlie's attention, her eyes snapping up to meet her Headteachers. Still however, she doesn't bother to remove them, only taking one out when she sees the dark haired woman raise her eyebrows. Not bothering to get into an argument on their first meeting but keeping a mental note, Miss Aldridge starts to talk. "Welcome to Berkshire County School."

The meeting is boring as predicted. The general rules are outlined: no drinking, smoking, drugs, sex, damaging property, staying out after curfew (10pm), swearing or disrespect towards teachers or fellow students. All these rules would no doubt be broken by the girl in her first week. The worst thing was she couldn't get herself expelled as the school have said they were going to keep her no matter what, leaving her no option but to make this hell hole as fun as possible. "And to make you feel more at home," Miss Aldridge rounds off the meeting, "we've asked Miss Swift to be your guidance mentor as she's American. She teaches music and is expecting you in half an hour so she can talk to you. Don't be late."

Goodbyes were a muted affair, Karlie's mother feeling the anger radiating off her daughter as she blew her one last kiss and stepped out into the rain. In her hands was a map, all her classrooms highlighted as well as her room and social areas. Huh, like she'd want to socialise with the stuck up kids here. After all the talking, she now only had fifteen minutes until her meeting with Miss Swift, twenty minutes if she was not going to bother with being there on time.

Walking down the corridors, she only saw a few other students, mainly girls seeing as she was in the girls wing, all of them staring unashamedly at her like she was a freak. A few got the finger, others earning sneers, brushing them off easily until she reached room 131.

Room 131 is plain. The walls are white, the bed is white, the cupboards are white. Karlie's suitcase set, Louis Vuitton, is sat in one corner, begging to be unpacked. The girl ignores however, opting for her backpack instead, pulling a slim tube out of it and grinning. Time to liven up this place a bit.

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