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Karlie woke up at ten o'clock after a relatively peaceful sleep, considering she's in hospital with liquid being pumped into her arm. "Good morning Miss Kloss," the nurse who's been looking after her smiles, "breakfast is over in the corner, help yourself when ever you're ready and we'll take the drip out in an hour."

"Thank you." The reply doesn't only come from Karlie but also Taylor who's just woken up, rubbing her eyes free from sleep and smiling. Grinning back, the nurse disappears leaving the pair. "What do you want for breakfast? I'll get it for you."

"I'm not really hungry." Taylor's light eyes turn serious,

"You need to eat Karlie."

"I need other things," the brunette mumbles. Her teacher raises her eyebrows, knowing perfectly what the younger girl has just said and knowing perfectly well what she means by it too. The older woman had been doing a lot of thinking overnight, watching Karlie sleep peacefully, finally deciding that she'd go wherever Karlie wanted to go.

"And what would they be?" The curtains around the bed are closed, just the two of them in the small space, the blonde sneaking closer to her student slowly.

"You're pretending you don't know," Karlie smirks, "I know you know." Then, without warning, the younger girl leans forwards and places her lips on Taylor's. She doesn't move them, waiting for permission, which Taylor gives her. It's gentle at first, Taylor gently caressing Karlie's lips with her own whilst her hands cup her students face, before the play gets rough. The brunette opens her lips, telling the teacher without a word that she can go further. Taylor does go further, letting her tongue slip into Karlie's mouth.

Four hours later, those four hours full of silence, neither of the pair knowing what to say about what had just happened, Karlie was ready to leave with the instructions to come back in a week for a quick check up, just to make sure she was functioning properly. The two women jump into a school taxi and don't talk for the rest of the drive.

"Thank You Miss," Karlie says awkwardly, nodding to the older girl, who's tongue had hours earlier been in her mouth. Theirs no denying theirs chemistry but neither of them  know what to say. Especially in the place that the brunette feels she doesn't belong.

"You're welcome." Karlie swears at this point she can feel the tension, would be able to slice it with a knife. "Er, come and see me at five... Please." Again, the American teen nods. She feared things may be different: although she enjoyed the kiss, she didn't know what her guidance mentors reaction was. Back at school it all seems so illegal, like it could never happen, whilst the hospital gave them a lease of life where they could make out.

"See ya then." Karlie walks away.

Once back in her room, the spray paint coating the walls reminding her she had yet to get in trouble for that mess, the gangly teen collapses onto the bed. How she longs to sleep properly, last night her sleep was interrupted by odd dreams and beeping from the various machines she had found herself hooked up to. And Miss Swift.


How the name rolls off her tongue nicely. How complicated this situation is. Karlie almost laughs then. Luckily she doesn't as an excited Cara bounds in at that second, exclaiming loudly at the girl lying on her bed before almost jumping on her. "I thought you were dead!" She shouts. "You...do...not...get...to...do...that...to...me!" Whilst say the last sentence, the dirty blonde begins to hit Karlie with a pillow that adorned the girls bed.

"Are you angry?" A laugh almost escapes Karlie's mouth then.

"I'm pissed off. I didn't get a call or anything!"

"Yeah, well I didn't have my phone," Karlie retorts easily, pointing the shards of metal and glass littering the floor under a black dent in the wall. "It got smashed."

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