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Waking up to an incessant banging through the wall was not the way Karlie wished to wake up, a loud and ugly groan escaping her lips as she rolled back over. She could feel the alcohol on her breath, closing her mouth in disgust at the way it tasted, swearing it tasted better last night. Today was supposed to be the first day she went to classes yet she had no intention of going, her only plans for today being to brush her straight teeth and fall back asleep.

Sleep she did until some gentle hands shook her awake, a soft voice laced with amusement telling her she needs to wake up. "Karlie c'mon. It's eleven o'clock already." The voice sounded familiar, American like her own and Karlie's lids fluttered, the memories of waking up earlier flooding back to her. "Shit. What time is it?" She asks, opening her eyes to find her guidance counsellor in front of her, a fitted top being a nice wake up call to the teen.

"It's eleven Kloss, like I just said. And watch the language."

"Wait what. Why're you here?" The realisation that her secret mini crush was sitting on her bed, having a confused conversation with her hit Karlie hard, her hands immediately reaching to check her hair as Miss Swift watched in bemusement. "Come and find me in half an hour. I'll be in my office." Not waiting for a reply, the blonde gets up and leaves a weirded out Karlie to get dressed.

35 minutes later, five minutes late as usual, Karlie stumbles into Miss Swift's office, now looking marginally better, the bed head gone, fully clothed. "Hello Karlie." The girl nods at her, slumping into a chair in front of her. "I took the liberty of getting all you work here for you so you don't have to face your first lessons hungover." The teen doesn't reply to this, closing her eyes momentarily.

"K. Fine, whatever," she then sighs.

"Why were you drunk Karlie?" Miss Swift then proceeds to ask, her eyebrows knitting in concern. She knew Karlie was bad but not drink on my first night bad.

"It was just to get rid of everything and have some fun," the defiant girl mutters, her reclusive green eyes not meeting that of her teachers.

"There are other ways to have fun." She's cut off with a deathly look, one that could kill from Karlie, stopping her from suggesting that she join some extra curricular classes or clubs. "I'm going to have to record this." Karlie shrugs again. Doesn't everyone realise that she doesn't care?

An hour later, the hour filled with work that Karlie should've been doing surrounded by hard working students in classrooms but instead lounging on Miss Swift's couch, who checked on her every fifteen minutes when she had to teach, a manic face belonging to none other than the girl she got drunk with last night runs in. Her green eyes take in the empty room and Karlie's long body draped across the squashy sofa before she wraps the girl in a tight embrace, mumbling something into her ear which she doesn't quite catch. "Where have you been?" Cara demands, "I thought you'd gone." The American merely shakes her head 'no' and places the pen onto the table.

"I've been tortured by a certain blonde haired music teacher instead." This elicits a tiny laugh from the Brit as she jumps onto the sofa opposite Karlie, seemingly full of life and without a hangover.

"What did you do to end up here all morning?"

A groan comes from Karlie and she straightens up. "I over slept. Miss found me asleep at eleven o'clock and knew I was hungover." This explanation surprises Cara, her thick eyebrows rising an inch. "What?" Karlie asks.

"She's never done that to me. And trust me, I've done it many times." A smirk takes over the blondes lips and she leans back, "she likes you!"

"No. I'm sure she doesn't. I've caused nothing but trouble since I got here, I'm sure it's the complete opposite."

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