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"I wasn't supposed to tell you that," Kendall groans.

"So she was provoked?" The headteacher of Berkshire County High presses on, not particularly caring how the girl in front of her felt. Karlie was in isolation because of the two girls that are supposed to be her friends, and whilst the professional is supposed to feel the same amount of care for all her students, the newest student had her mind all over the place. She's special, everyone knows that.

"Yes, Karlie was provoked," the brunette admits, combing a hand through her hair.

"Why did no one tell me this?"

Seeming to think about to word it best, the older woman has to wait a while for her students reply, "Cara convinced everyone to say she hadn't been provoked. All she had to do was mention a movie night with a non premiered film and everyone was lapping up what she had to say."

"And Miss Hall?"

A shrug, "I dunno, she wasn't around." The room then falls into quiet thought. Kendall is tapping anxiously though, tapping the arm of the chair quicker and quicker before piping up, "don't tell Cara I told you."

This time, the headteacher's turn to look surprised, "of course. She's in a lot of trouble when I find her." A pause- "you can go Kendall."

"Thanks Miss." And without a backward glance, the tall, willowy girl scurries out still searching for something in her bag. Now it's time to get the wronged girl out of isolation. Yes- she'll still be in trouble. She floored someone and that warrants punishment but not isolation, more like a weeks worth of after school detention or something and being made to help on open day next week. So, locking the door after her, Lily goes to get Karlie, texting the blonde teacher at the same time to tell her of the developments.

Inside the isolation room, an unusual scene greets the dark haired Principal. The desk is tipped over: the chair stacked on top of it. But none of it is neat, the girl who is supposed to be working at the desk curled up in a ball on the bed, back wedged into the corner. The brunette is holding her hand as well, the same arm that she broke her wrist, immediately setting worry in the teachers mind. "Karlie, are you okay?" She asks gently, approaching slowly, "what happened?" No reply, just a sniff. "Tell me Karlie, I can't help you if you don't." Again, she's ignored, the teenager being defiant even if she's obviously in a lot of pain. Luckily, another pair of footsteps approach, the recognisable figure of Miss Swift appearing in the doorway. Her eyes take one sweep around the room before she says, almost sarcastically,

"Well what happened here?"

"She won't talk to me," she's quickly informed by the oldest woman.

"Hey Karlie," the twenty two year old then whispers softly, sitting on the bed near the teen and placing an arm on her arm in what she hopes looks to be a comforting manner. "Are you gonna tell me what happened?" It's a horrible time for the two curious teachers as they watch the model lift her head agonisingly slowly, spotting the tears that stain her cheeks immediately. But she still doesn't talk, just stares sullenly at them both. Taylor's heart is breaking inside though as she sees the silent pain her lover is going through, not able to kiss it better in front of higher authority. "Don't cry. We can you help you through whatever this is and..."

She's cut off by a scratchy voice, unlike Karlie's normal tone, "my wrist and my hand," she murmurs quietly, more tears streaking down those high cheekbones like a fast running river. With an unusual deftness, the blonde is usually clumsy, she takes the battered arm gently, pulling it out so she can see it better. One of the fingers is bent sideways, but apart from that, the hand is just covered in severe bruising.

"I'd like to take you to hospital Karlie," the guidance counsellor says, "I think you've broken a finger, but when we get back, I do believe Miss Aldridge has some very good news for you."

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