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Rain splashes down the window panes, the blonde teacher sitting in the staff common room for the first time in ages as she has grown used to spending the time she could've been spending here with the runaway girl. The door opens, Miss Aldridge entering with a weary expression on her face. "Well?" Taylor questions, "anything?"

"She took a cab to Heathrow, apart from that they have no idea. The airport are going through all the flight information to find her but there's a lot of flights to check." The worried woman bows her head in acceptance, struggling not to cry with worry.

"Prioritise all the American flights," the teacher then suggests, knowing her students love for New York and the urge to see her family.

"Of course," Miss Aldridge nods. Taylor turns back to the window, another splash echoing around the deserted room. "Taylor, are you okay?"

"I'm fine Lily, honestly."

"That's a lie." A look of defeat spills into the teachers eyes, turning to face her employer and starting to talk,

"I'm just really worried Lily. She's so unstable and she's just disappeared, who knows what she's doing. She could be hurt!" A note of desperateness enters Taylor voice, her heart aching for the brunette that's done a runner. "I thought she trusted me. We'd talked about so much but she fails to mention she's going to run off to an airport."

"She's a big girl Taylor. She'll be fine, I'm sure and you've got the whole of Britain keeping an eye out for her as well as security officials in other countries. Her dad is furious but at least he's trying to find her." The door bangs open again, this time a rushed student appears, breathing heavily as if they've been running.

"The police have information, they're on the phone." The headteacher thanks the boy who disappears as promptly as he arrived, getting to her feet and gesturing for the blonde to follow her.

Across the Atlantic the missing girl wakes, hair mussed from a restless night. The smell of coffee infiltrates her senses, her long legs walking to find this enticing smell. "Morning babe," Gigi smiles, handing her a mug of steaming black coffee. Karlie smiles back, sipping the hot liquid before adding sugar, finding the drink too bitter. "So I've had this great idea. I have no shoots for two weeks so we should go to Ibiza for the week. I know people who'll get us in. It'll be fun!"

"Okay," the brunette grins, the coffee having woken her up, "get dressed and pack. I'll book flights." Her friend gives her an ecstatic nod, leaving the sun filled room to pack whilst the runaway girl books two tickets to Ibiza for a midday flight, spending her Dads money easily before typing her own name into Google.

"Oh my..." The browser is filled with articles, the most recent from the Daily Mail claiming that her flight to her current residence had been tracked. Good thing they're leaving for Ibiza. She reads through a few, hearing her Headteachers view on this whole incident in a mini interview.

"We're gravely worried about Karlie. She's been through a lot and all we want is for her to be safe. If you see this Karlie, please come back." Karlie exits the mini clip after that as the interviewer goes on to explain about her 'breakdown' at her old school and the various wild nights she'd spent in New York, doing the walk of shame back to a friends apartments whilst being papped because she'd slept with another famous guy. Or girl. "Gigi," the brunette calls through the apartment, "hurry up or I'm leaving without you." All she gets is a grunt, not an actual reply so to kill time, the girl checks her new phone, seeing several, what look to be frantic, messages from her British friend.

Wtf Kloss. You said London, not NYC. C xxx

Srsly, why did u do this. U could've told me! Cara x

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