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The next day is Karlie's isolation, the subdued teenager making her way to the front office to see Miss Aldridge and find out what's going to be happening. She hasn't slept much, evidence of that showing in her stooped demeanour and makeup-less face as well as the scraped back hair, unwashed but still not too greasy. As well as looking awful, the brunette feels awful, feeling the rejection from Kendall and Cara, taking it hard as she and the dark haired American had become close, finding they enjoy the same things as well as having a common annoyance: Cara. That seems to have changed however, as the troubled girl had seen the pair walking arm in arm as she makes her way out of the sleeping block and to her destination, skipping breakfast. Hovering in the office, where she'd been told to, the teen waits for instruction, which should come in the from of her principal. "Karlie," Miss Aldridge calls, as if on cue, appearing from behind the student. She gestures for the taller girl to follow, leading her down an unseen before corridor which seems to have a lot of cubicles lining it. "This is your isolation unit," she informs her, opening a panelled oak door to reveal a small room with a bed, desk and small cupboard. "You'll be in here until lights out, at which point you can go back to your room. We'll bring you your work and food and Miss Swift will also be around at some point to talk to you as things aren't working out, are they."

Shaking her head, Karlie replies softly, "No." Walking into the room, she runs her hand along the desk before slumping onto the bed, almost defeated. The older woman can see something is still wrong but she knows that getting information out of the teenager will be like getting blood out of a stone so, deciding to leave the brunette to Miss Swift, she closes the door behind her, not locking it as she trusts the model for some reason.

An hour later, Karlie is still in her miserable state, lying on the bed with nothing to occupy her as she's already completed the English work- easily, she might add, taking ten minutes to do what was expected of them in an hour. All she can think about is how Cara obviously forced the class to lie, just to get her thrown in here: a tad extreme, one might think though the Brit obviously didn't. Kendall also flits across her mind, the friendship she thought was true not meaning a thing as she hadn't even bothered to defend the rebel from being Cara's victim, clearly not bothered by how she now has no friends. It's almost like a heavy cloud casting a huge fuzzy shadow over her world, messing it all up when everything was starting to go well again. How she wishes Kendall would just have guts and tell the truth, even doing it anonymously would be fine by the brunette, as long as she did it, instead of leaving Karlie with a huge blot on her record that would never be erased. The door clicks then, the brunette only glancing up quickly to see who it is before resuming to fiddle with her fingers, not wanting to talk to the person who's just entered. "Hey Karls," the familiar voice says quietly, as if not to scare her, the recognisable figure sitting next to the lying girl and placing a hand on her back. The model remains mute, trying not to weaken as she always does with the blonde beside her. "Babe, what's up?" Taylor then tries to find out, rubbing her students back in an attempt to comfort her, "you're never like this?"

"I'm fed up with no one believing me: of always being weak!" Karlie then says quickly, the teachers soft touch softening her cold exterior quickly.

"Karls, you aren't weak- you're one of the strongest people I know," the blonde starts, continuing, "why do you think people don't believe you?"

A dubious look, the teen gestures to the room, "I wouldn't be here if people believed me! I'd never hurt someone unless I was provoked and no one seems to believe that!" Covering her face with her hands, the usually emotionless girl appears to be hiding her emotion, not wanting anyone to see the moist drops rolling down her cheeks. The older girl tries to prize her girlfriends hands away, eventually succeeding and pulling her in for a loving cuddle before tenderly kissing her lips. This seems to perk the brunette up, her tongue wanting entry it seems as she pushes through the blonde's lips and succeeds, shivering at the older girls hands that have found their way to her inner thighs. "This is so wrong," the guidance counsellor whispers as she rubs the inside of the younger girls thighs, playing with the denim hot pants the model decided to wear even though it's December.

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