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I've been so excited to share this with you for a while xx

Two weeks later, Karlie wakes up to her phone vibrating so much it's moving, about to fall off the bedside locker. It's Saturday once more: what an earth could be happening that is so exciting that she's getting what looks to be hundreds of notifications, the teen wonders, picking up the device and scrutinising the notifs. Thousands of capital letters and swear words. Something is happening in the fandom. Unlocking the phone, the brunette immediately finds her favourite app: Instgram, not even having to scroll down her feed to find what so exciting.

It's what looks to be a promotional poster. For an album.


The seventeen year old reads. What's so important about this. She gets her answer, green eyes sliding to the writing underneath. The fourth studio album from Taylor Swift. "Holy fucking shit," Karlie breathes, not caring about the fact she's still in shorts, a vest top and no bra, dashing out into the quiet corridor and speeding towards her lovers office. She doesn't pass many people, only a few younger students who actually bother to get out of bed before midday, a cocky thirteen year old boy whistling as she jogs past. Flipping him the finger, she carries on, meeting no obstacles until she reaches the room where the older girl should be. "Good morning Karlie," a familiar but unwanted voice says, stopping her in her tracks- literally, as she was about to collide with her headmistress.

"Oh hey miss," Karlie greets more casually that she feels, "I need to talk to Miss Swift."

Not batting an eyelid, the oldest woman replies, "she's busy. Come back in an hour."

"Are you for fucking real?"

An eyebrow gets raised at this but the brunette teacher doesn't give in, standing in the way and not loosing her cool. Yet. "Look Karlie, Miss Swift is busy. You can't see her."

"But this is important," the American whines. "This is the most important thing in the literal universe. Like nothing could be more important and I need to see her."

"I'm not letting you in." Lily had to give it to the younger girl, she's determined. Something huge must have happened. She knows what's happening today but she doesn't know that the student in front of her is a huge Swiftie. The brunette lets out a grunt of frustration,

"I'll fight you." A laugh splutters from the superiors woman's mouth then, struggling to keep a straight face even though one of her students has just threatened to fight her. They stand silently, almost a face off, in the corridor, the youngest waiting for the teacher to give in as she wasn't. "You can't fight me," the older woman points out a few minutes later.

"Wanna bet?" Karlie laughs skeptically, bringing up her fists. Okay- now Lily can see she's desperate, not wanting the student to fight her otherwise she'd have to put her in isolation for almost a week just because of that deal she'd made with the spoilt girl's parents when she'd first came here. Luckily, the door opens, a familiar blonde woman appearing.

"I thought I heard shouting," she laughs, her face dropping when she sees the teens fists raised and her employer and old friend looking wary. "Kloss, inside now." She opens the door properly, letting the tallest girl in. The youngest American has to admit, the blonde calling her by her last name is a turn on but she knows she's in trouble. "I'm sorry," she grimaces to the headteacher, "I think I know what this about, I'll have a word with her though."

"Good." The dark haired woman can't help but feel scared by the youngest girls behaviour, also bitter that she's probably getting away with it because of her 'issues'.

Obviously reading her thoughts, Taylor places a reassuring hand on her friends arm, "she won't get away with it, threatening staff, and my friend, is extremely out of line." Lily nods, their eyes meeting and sharing an understanding that no one else could possibly have apart from maybe the student and blonde. "Now go," Taylor instructs, "I have an excited teenager to deal with." The principal walks off, leaving the blonde to close her door and face the model lounging over the sofa in her room, looking more relaxed now. "Seriously Karlie," she then cries, "what the hell was so important that you were going to fist fight you're teacher to get to me."

"Look." Shoving the glowing screen towards her fellow American, the brunette waits for a reply seeing an unreadable look pass through the teachers eyes. It's almost pride but also confusement.

"You were willing to fight Miss Aldridge to show me this?" Happily the teenager nods, admiring the album promotion once more. Then the blue eyed woman has an evil idea. "I'm checking this on the Internet." It's hasn't been confirmed by her team yet, she knows that but she needs a cover story for what she's about to do. Instead of clicking the safari app, she opens an app she hasn't used in a while.

To be continued...

She writes on a new tweet, a nervous bubble forming in her stomach. This is it, if she sends this out, it's all happening- theirs no going back, and frankly, that scares her. But she also knows this is what she wants. Pressing tweet, she breathes out, quickly closing off the app and waiting for a reaction. A buzz vibrates around the room: Karlie's phone. "As I thought," the blonde then hurries to add, remembering 'why' she'd gone on her phone, "it hasn't been confirmed." It doesn't seem the student has heard as she is breathing hard, staring at the screen hard, a falcon grip on the sleek piece of metal. "Karls," the twenty year old says, not expecting such a reaction.

"Holy fuck. We have Twitter activity. She's just tweeted. I can't..." With this, she collapses into sobs, racking her body. Karlie obviously doesn't care she's being watched for once. "You don't know how long I've been waiting for this day," the teen gasps, still struggling for breath. More sobs and the tall girl is soon in her lovers arms because the older girl can't bare to see her this way, not that she's sure if the fangirl is sad or happy about this development.

"Babe, are you okay?" The teacher questions. Managing a nod, the brunette wipes her eyes and sighs,

"I'm hopeless, sorry."

An hour later, Karlie's phone rings, a Taylor song obviously and she's about to decline when the blonde who's draped around her stops her, pressing accept and bringing the phone to her students ear. "Hello Karlie, it's David," the crisp voice of someone she'd been talking to a lot recently says.

"Oh David hey," she half smiles, still feeling weak with surprise earlier.

"I've rang with good news. A shoot, for you on December 14th with Loreal Paris." Wow, so this day is to be one with lots of up and downs and it's not even midday.

"Okay," Karlie accepts even though December 14th is never a good day for her.

"Great," he replies, seeing to smile down the phone, "I'll text you the details within the next week. Congrats Klossy." Finally smiling properly, the teen hangs up, thinking of her nickname. He called her it once when they first spoke on the mobile and it's just kind of stuck. She places the phone down gently, sitting up and informing the older girl of her successes. Taylor seems pleased but gets up to her laptop, sitting behind her desk with the younger girl facing it.

"That's fab Karls but we need to talk about earlier and your grades." She pauses, seemingly opening a new tab, "first of all, your English has dropped to a B and apparently you're struggling in Fashion as well. Dance is the only thing you're holding you're A* in."

"God, why did I choose to fuck a teacher?" Karlie groans, placing her head in her hands, a laugh eliciting from the blonde although the youngest girls statement was extremely racy.

"You know you love me," Taylor smirks, "but you also know you have to work harder."

Rolling her eyes, but obliging Karlie replies with a curt yes. "Anyway, my English only went down because Jess is being mean to me."

"I'm pretty sure she said you didn't hand in homework." This time Karlie bangs her fist on the sofa arm,

"Yeah because whatever she says goes." Emotions are running high today and the American can't stop herself from getting angry. "I'm going to get food, I'll see you around."

"Karls," the blue eyed woman calls, standing up to follow the student, "just come back after or you'll regret it." However, the twenty two year old can't help but feel good. Today has gone well. Everything is back on track.

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