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It's Monday again, Monday 8th of December. Monday only means one thing to Karlie now: Double English and a free fifth period which she spends with a blonde teacher whilst she teaches. It's just English she dreads having silently decided not to like Jess as she spends too much time touching Taylor flirtatiously. They haven't had many run ins, the homework Taylor mentioned being one of only three she hadn't bothered to hand in: the other incidents are mainly sassy replies, the blonde teacher cracking up at them as soon as Jess left. "Coke for breakfast?" Kendall questions doubtfully, seeing the diet drink in the brunettes hand and eyeing it suspiciously.

"I'm tired," Karlie explains unhelpfully. She is tired, tired of all the unnecessary rivalry as well as the fact her and Cara are no longer talking. At all. Not even snarky comments the two usually love to pass. They got called passive aggressive so many times by the know it alls that they shared classes with as they'd walk in and immediately start passing comment on those around them, banter, not that many saw it like that. Now everyone's is safe from their viscous tongues as they no longer wag. It's mainly Kendall that she spends time with who's still in Cara's bad books for continuing to talk to the American teen.

"Maybe you won't be blatantly rude to Miss Hall then," the dark haired girl quips. She, along with everyone, finds Karlie's constant stream of comebacks amusing but also feels that her friend can go too far, getting far too rude seeing as the English teacher has been nothing but nice to the seventeen year old.

"She leaves herself open," the runaway says, yawning quickly in succession which only brings a smile to the shorter American. The new teacher wasn't exactly sure how to deal with kids like Karlie, that's for sure, saying the wrong things which often leads to sexual comments leaving the models mouth and prompting a crimson blush on the teachers cheeks.

"Fair enough." They both sit down, a comfortable silence consuming them. It's not their usual table because they don't have one but its getting colder and neither of the pair can be bothered to trek back to the dorms to sit in the comfort of their own rooms and going outside isn't an option as pretty much every surface is covered by thick crystals of ice, casting a white glow into the cafeteria. This table is near a huge radiator though, a lovely perk. Then a group of voices get louder behind them, including a familiar clipped British one. "Someone's at our table," the voice almost sneers refusing to address them.

"I don't believe this table has your name on Cara," the already moody brunette snaps, twisting to face the dirty blonde she'd been friends with: still wishing they were having the same banter.

"She speaks," Cara says drily.

Anger flares inside Karlie but she suppresses it- for now. That's uncalled for, especially when the green eyed Brit was the one ignoring her in the first place. "You were the one ignoring me, and subsequently Ken."

"You ran off."

"Cos you tried to kiss me. That was only my reactions kicking in." Defending herself now, the brunette finishes her coke and throws into the nearest bin, swooping her bag up and standing. "I was just leaving anyway- I wouldn't want to be in the same room as you for a second." All of the group stare, Martha's mouth dropping slightly as the tallest of the group stalks out, leaving Kendall with her group of friendship- if that's what they call themselves. "I...er... I should probably...," she gestures vaguely after the retreating figure of Karlie, half wanting to run after her and get out of the awkward situation but not wanting to seem cowardly.

"Don't worry about her love," Cara tells her, sitting down opposite the stranded girl. "I guess I just wanted to say sorry. I've been an arsehole."

Although shocked, the chocolate haired girl strings a reply to the girl offering an olive branch, "shouldn't Karlie be here too?"

A laugh forms on Cara's lips, "I'm apologising to you silly, not her." Disdain enters the Brits voice as she says replies. Now Kendall is torn: if she accepts Cara's olive branch, she'll basically have to stop talking to Karlie or her and the dirty blonde won't get along, leaving the St Louis native with no friends. But on the other hand, this is her best friend for three years offering to make up and she can't refuse that. They've been through too much. "You like her too much don't you?" Cara accuses suddenly as Kendall fails to reply.

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