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In the week that passed after that, Karlie had attended four counselling sessions, only one of which did she have to be restrained from hitting the smug counsellor who enjoys scrutinising her private life, a life which stays private, and angering the teen who then spent an hour crying in Miss Swift's classroom, an infuriated Taylor ready to slap the counsellor that had upset her secret lover. Calvin was charming, their was no doubt about it, everyone loved him apart from the American teen, also Taylor when she found a sobbing Karlie outside her door but not in his presence, brainwashed by his long words and 'sympathetic' tone.

Everyone is packing, Cara included in everyone, all of them shouting and playing ignorant music that makes the teen want to rip her hair out. Most girls are only taking one suitcase, the spoilt ones dragging the hunky football players in to drag their luggage sets out to their chauffeurs. The boys are also packing in another building, the unbothered ones throwing rugby balls in the quad amongst the cars and shouting meaningless banter between each other that would offend normal people but they just took in their strides, shorter strides than Karlie's. The brunette sits with her own bag at her feet, packed with necessities for a week in New York. It's designer, another attempt to keep her away that had arrived that morning while her and Cara ate breakfast in the courtyard near the Aquatic centre.

Yes, the school has an aquatics centre to boast among its other five star facilities.

The bag, Louis Vuitton monogram print, is a perfect size for a week away, the only annoying thing being the teen would have to buy most of her toiletries in New York as she's only taking hand luggage.

Planned with precision, the trip is all Karlie has been able to think about for the last week, booking tickets for the flights late at night when it's unlikely someone will catch her in the midst of it and deciding what time to leave carefully.

She'd decided 5pm. It gave the other snobs time to pack and say goodbyes, hopefully meaning that five o'clock would be the busiest period. Asking around it seems that most of the girls are expecting their parents at around that time slot, the boys are a mystery as Karlie avoids them as if they're contagious: she's either hit on or called a slut if she goes near them. The flight is at 7:30, giving the American time to get to Heathrow and through security without a major rush as the airport is only a short drive away.

"Bye babe!" With a huge crash, Cara burst through the door, suitcase abandoned outside the now open door, rushing for the teen without stopping, "see you in like nine days!"

"I'll text you or something," the brunette says vaguely in reply, not wanting to be held down.

"Cool." The dirty blonde doesn't seem fussed, walking away, whilst Karlie picks up her bag and follows her.

"I'll walk down with you." Cara's eyes narrow as she sees the bag in Karlie's grip, stopping before starting to wheel her suitcase and talk,

"I thought you were staying?" She challenges.

"Change of plan, my parents are meeting me in London so I'm catching a taxi." The new girl tries to seem happy, like she's actually going to be seeing her family, hoping the act works on Cara. It apparently does, the blonder girl turning back to normal conversation and then goodbyes. The sleek Mercedes Cara is going home in drives away, Karlie heading out of the gates to the nearest taxi rank, clambering in and ordering the guy to Heathrow Terminal four.

Navigating airports is a skill that comes easily to the American, skipping through security without problems and buying magazines and junk food in the duty free and then sitting in the lounge, courtesy of her dad, not that he knows.

"Ma'am would you be interested in a drink?" A polite english man comes over to Karlie, holding a menu, also interrupting her from her celeb gossip magazine.

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